In the News – Zionism
How many Jewish people have you met who have not been affected by this feeling of being hated?…
How many Jewish people have you met who have not been affected by this feeling of being hated?…
Between Exodus 32 to 34, the name of Moses is repeated 45 times… it is as if the Spirit of God found peace and comfort pronouncing his name…
This word can be traced back to yehudi, which means “praise,” a fitting name for a people called to work closely with God.
The Targum says that when the Jews who were in Persia and in Diaspora read the words from the Esther account, they began to weep. Why?…
Not only are more facets of His character and nature disclosed but we will also see some amazing theophanies…
This word can be traced back to yehudi, which means “praise,” a fitting name for a people called to work closely with God.
Sensing the danger, Moses begins to plead for Israel. His prayer for the nation, all based on biblical facts, is so successful that the Lord changed His mind…
Sensing the danger, Moses begins to plead for Israel. His prayer for the nation, all based on biblical facts, is so successful that the Lord changed His mind…
Our prayers are with the families of those hostages who have lost their lives…
Many of you enjoy reading our weekly outreach reports, especially that we are brought right into many of the conversations and invited to experience…
There are yet many specific and clear prophecies concerning Gaza in the Bible that need to be fulfilled before or around the time of the Second Coming of Yeshua…
However, God never left and there were so many signs around them indicating His presence…
God had given laws to Israel to respect the growth, production and enjoyment of the fruits from the trees…
The word Gaza itself is mentioned some 21 times in the Bible, seven of which are prophecies concerning the end times, prophecies given by Jeremiah, Amos, Zephaniah, and Zechariah…
The whole history of Yeshua is contained in the Tabernacle, and what we find so beautiful is this closing section, a culmination of sorts, which appears to be speaking about a wedding…
The significance of the altar of incense is that it symbolizes prayer. We see a great a connection made in Psalm 141:2 …
We have often noticed the increasing frequency and intensity of these predicted occurrences, as Yeshua said it would be in His own prophecies of the end times (the Olivet discourse)…
Didn’t Jesus say that there will be a great tribulation, such as has not occurred since the beginning of the world until now…
As the Bible gives us a tour of the Tabernacle, the third item that is presented is what we can call the mysterious menorah…
As the Bible gives us a tour of the Tabernacle, the third item that is presented is what we can call the mysterious menorah…
Didn’t Jesus say that there will be a great tribulation, such as has not occurred since the beginning of the world until now…
The wood represents the humanity of the Messiah and the gold, His divinity. The same is true for the Altar of Incense…
As we are starting the New Year, let us begin with some good news. First about the Bible itself…
Notice the word for contribution: the Hebrew word is תְּרוּמָה (tĕrûmâ) from the word רוּם (rûm) meaning to rise up, to lift very high…
This tribulation will not only be for the Jews, but for the whole world. This is a global conflict…
This prayer is spoken out loud, so that those then as well as we today, may be privy to the words of this communion between the Messiah and the Father…
This year Christmas and Hanukkah fall on the same calendar day, December 25th. This helps to emphasize, and remind us that historically and biblically, there are strong connections between these two events…
This tribulation will not only be for the Jews, but for the whole world. This is a global conflict…
It is the word ordinances, mishpat (from the word sapat meaning to govern or to judge) which speaks of the practical outworking of the law…
This tribulation will not only be for the Jews, but for the whole world. This is a global conflict…
It is the word ordinances, mishpat (from the word sapat meaning to govern or to judge) which speaks of the practical outworking of the law…
All these things are an example of a growing tendency which reminds us more and more of the pre-WW2 conditions where Jews were being accused of the world’s problems…
Regardless of the social status, nationality or physical appearance, we are equal in God’s eyes. That is the message of the Scriptures…
According to the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, this year’s Doomsday clock was set at 90 seconds to midnight…
Moving away or watering down the first commandment resulted in tragedy throughout the history of Israel, that is, every time they disrespected it.
In life, there are two invitations given, to two very different banquets, and the consequence of that choice has an eternal effect on our soul…
While at Sinai, the LORD came down with fire and much noise, it was at Pentecost when His Spirit came over the people…
The Abraham Accords, may be the beginning of the deceptive false Peace Treaty which Bible prophecies speak of before the final wars…
Moses did his best, but we are told that he, like all of Israel, was trembling (Heb. 12:21) at the sound and sight of His coming. You cannot have a fearful mediator, and this is when the question arises; since I cannot approach the Lord, who will be my perfect Mediator or am I lost forever?…
Just as we see the trees preparing themselves for winter’s soon approach, we see world events heading towards the fulfillment of many prophecies given thousands of years ago…
The word sukkah itself is from the word suk סׄךְ; it means to protect, to cover, to defend and the sukkah itself speaks of a pavilion of protection.
The word sukkah itself is from the word suk סׄךְ; it means to protect, to cover, to defend and the sukkah itself speaks of a pavilion of protection.
The word sukkah itself is from the word suk סׄךְ; it means to protect, to cover, to defend and the sukkah itself speaks of a pavilion of protection.
The problem is that in the majority of translations, the word Azazel is rendered into English as scapegoat, but Azazel is no goat at all. What the Bible says is that the goat went to meet, or perhaps confront Azazel…
Tired or not, he needed to be ready for the day of Yom Kippur itself, for on this day, the High Priest had to undergo five changes of clothing along with five complete immersions, and ten acts of washing of the hands and feet…
There is an aura of mystery covering this feast (…) It is indeed an enigma for no reasons are given for the zicharon, for the t’ruah, or for the calling of a holy convocation. All this makes the study of this feast fascinating…
“… But all these things are merely the beginning of birth pangs”. Matthew 24:7 This is what we are witnessing today, however, these birth pangs, or the pangs of the Messiah as the Talmud also calls them, will grow in intensity and it seems to be climbing steadily toward its apex these days…
These then were stages of training, stops of sanctification before they reached the Promised Land. Just like it is with the believer in his own journey to our promised land, which is eternity in heaven…
Now, take a deep breath, for here we are entering this other world, a real one that is waiting for all who trusted their eternity to Yeshua. Let us read from Revelation 21:1-2. This passage brings us to the moment a new world is created when heaven itself is coming down onto a brand-new earth…
The first mention of or allusion to the Sabbath is given in vs.5 when it says, “On the sixth day, when they prepare what they bring in, it will be twice as much as they gather daily.” This is given without any prior explanation. It simply says, on the sixth day; but why mention six days?
This is not about politics or parties or personal persuasions. This is about the spiritual battle against the Jewish nation where Satan’s desire is to take our minds off of the center of God’s focus and will.
So if you are asked why you support Israel what would you answer? …
Israel’s complaint began with bitter waters but how it ends up with an abundance of spring water and of fruit trees. This is the outcome, the result of believing the message of the Tree which, as we have seen, directs us right to the death and resurrection of Yeshua, the One who gave His life on another tree which brought sweet results into people’s lives…
This is a song of thanksgiving but also one that is prophetic and timeless like the Ner Tamid, that eternal flame that was lit, in the Menorah, at the Temple. This flame still burns through the Word of God…
Birds of the same feather flock together. These three, Satan, the Antichrist and Pharaoh, are of the same seed. If this event is related to the Tribulation times as we read in Revelation 15, then Pharaoh is very much a type of the antichrist, the man who will attempt to do the same thing to Israel in the end…
But now, how can we come to this level of accepting such persecution in the name of love? Just keep your eyes on Yeshua. He was slapped, and yet He did not open His mouth…
So many things are happening in the world, and it seems that week after week we are getting closer to the fulfillment of the prophecies of the end times. The birth pangs that Yeshua mentioned in His predictions of the end are getting stronger…
This powerful passage reveals the heart of God who does cry with us when we weep concerning the conditions of this world. Have we come to this great level of maturity and intimacy with God to likewise mourn for the sins around us?
For if you believed Moses, you would believe Me; for he wrote about Me. This means that if they knew the Torah they would believe in Jesus; this statement shows another great difference between rabbinical Judaism and biblical Judaism.
More profound than the splitting of the sea itself were all of God’s actions before, during and after it…
Throughout this account, the Israelites were told three times to tell, to remind their children of this great story (12:26, 13:8, 13:14). And to their daily reminder was added a yearly seven-day celebration of Unleavened Bread….
This past week’s parasha brings us to a very special place in the Scriptures. Again, the parasha is that weekly portion of the five books…
From Genesis 12 where the promise of a new nation was given to Abraham, we now reach Exodus 12 where the birth of this nation is now taking place. The word adat finds its root in the word ad (עֵד) which means witness and this is descriptive of Israel’s calling as it points to her being chosen to be a witness of God, as a light to the nations: This was part of her task…
In the very first chapter of Genesis, we read, In the beginning God created. The word God, Elohim, is in the plural while the verb created, is in singular. Here we can see the plurality of the divinity, right at the threshold of the Scriptures.
In the very first chapter of Genesis, we read, In the beginning God created. The word God, Elohim, is in the plural while the verb created, is in singular. Here we can see the plurality of the divinity, right at the threshold of the Scriptures.
This is a small excerpt of the larger-than-life events of Ariel Ministries’ founder, Dr. A. G. Fruchtenbaum. He is a much sought after and respected international bible teacher. His testimony will encourage you!
One major reason for the 10 plagues is to point out the manner of salvation. While each plague and its judgment is a demonstration of God’s power over the other gods or foreign religions, the purpose is directed towards the salvation of man.
One major reason for the 10 plagues is to point out the manner of salvation. While each plague and its judgment is a demonstration of God’s power over the other gods or foreign religions, the purpose is directed towards the salvation of man.
Consider the words tongues of fire which marked the event. How would a Jew understand this? They were already familiar with associating the shape of tongues with the act of redemption and deliverance. For instance, this must have reminded them of a ceremony which was done every year during the Day of Repentance, Yom Kippur…
Pharaoh is asking for a miracle, but then again, he is asking for much (…) the word here is mophet, which describes a marvelous and supernatural event, and Pharaoh is going to be well served, in fact 11 times over. We have the 10 plagues plus this coming one with the “tanin” (sea monster or dragon). So, fasten your seat belt, the spectacle is just beginning…
The name He uses is Yaweh; Yud, Hei, Vav, Hei. This is His proper name associated with His promises and covenants.Something He never forgets… This is one reason why He acts and will act these days and very soon, for His promises are as sure as His name, as He says in Psalm 138.
So, according to the words of this man, since this new messianic movement has survived until today, it must mean it is from God, for no one was able nor is able to undermine its growth and power. And Gamaliel even adds that whoever fights it, fights God.
We also feel anxious and fear even though the Lord repeatedly tells us that He will never leave us or forsake us. Like Moses, we often turn away from the great source of protection and lose out on some great blessings because we avoid opportunity…
We also feel anxious and fear even though the Lord repeatedly tells us that He will never leave us or forsake us. Like Moses, we often turn away from the great source of protection and lose out on some great blessings because we avoid opportunity…
Who was in that bush? The Lord who is also called the Angel of the Lord, a manifestation which greatly impacted Moses. Let us see what now happens once the Lord tells Moses to go, confront Pharaoh and bring the Jewish people to freedom. Here is where we encounter Moses’ four objections…
Here Yeshua starts the Passover meal with the Kiddush. It was the first cup, but also a cup of wine that He would not drink. Here He says that the next time He will drink the Kiddush will be in heaven, with the believers, with us, when we meet Him…
The Hebrew term malach, or angel is from the root word lehach, meaning to delegate. It is one through whom a work is executed. If the work of God is to save and to redeem the world, only He can do that and so the Messenger can only be Himself…
“… But all these things are merely the beginning of birth pangs”. Matthew 24:7 This is what we are witnessing today, however, these birth pangs, or the pangs of the Messiah as the Talmud also calls them, will grow in intensity and it seems to be climbing steadily toward its apex these days…
While they (the Nicaean Council in 325 A.D.) did a good job in defining the divinity of the Messiah, the one who ordered this council, the Emperor Constantine, asked that the date of the Jewish Feasts be changed so to separate Israel from the Church…
Let’s recall how the ashes of the red heifer, or the red cow, work. According to the commandment in the Book of Numbers 19, the red heifer is needed for the opening, for the inauguration and for the functioning of the Temple…
There is one strong correlation between Haman, Hitler, Pharaoh and the Antichrist. Haman, like Pharaoh in Exodus attempted to wipe out the nation and more…
As a man of great faith, Mordecai knew his Bible well. He must have known the promises and prophecies of God to Abraham, to Moses and to all the many prophets like Ezekiel, Jeremiah and Isaiah…
Welcome to the Book of Exodus. The English title of this book gets its name from the Greek exodos which means departure. This title was given in the 4rth century B.C. by the rabbis who translated the Hebrew Bible into Greek, the Septuagint. However, the title given it in the Hebrew Bible is taken from the opening words Ve Eleh Shemot וְאֵ֗לֶּה שְׁמוֹת֙ meaning, these are the names, and so in Hebrew the name is Shemot…
Ariel Ministries materials including all Books, eBooks, Messianic Bible Studies, DVDs, MP3s, and PDFs are not to be translated or distributed without prior written permission.…
All Matthew 18:20 teaches is that where two or three are gathered together, the Messiah is in the midst of them. But this is not the definition of a local church. A local church is much more, than merely where two or three are gathered together…
The name mishpatim means, the Rules, for this is how Exodus 21 begins. This section of the Bible comes right after the giving of the 10 Commandments which then begins the series of other laws flowing from these commandments…
While Habakkuk spoke of the LORD, we, who know Yeshua, and the prophecies about Him and the account of His life, can see Him in these words. Let’s look at are You not from everlasting? The word everlasting is kedem…
After seeing the rise and spread of evil around him, and after God’s first response to Habakkuk in how evil will increase, Habakkuk’s initial response is awesome! This is when he recognized God’s deep involvement and at the same time His great holiness, purity and light…
The Jewish people are like the canary in a coal mine; this bird is the first to detect gas and warns the workers to flee the mine. There is a wave of hatred rising in this world, and the canary has spoken…
Many of the Hebrew words have more than one meaning and together they give such different perspectives, each one complementing the other. It is like looking through a loupe at a perfectly cut 57-faceted diamond where each facet opens a new viewpoint with contrasting hues of colors…
“God comes from Teman, And the Holy One from Mount Paran”. Why mention Teman and Mount Paran? What do these two places have to do with the Second Coming? Here again there is something truly beautiful…
The name mishpatim means, the Rules, for this is how Exodus 21 begins. This section of the Bible comes right after the giving of the 10 Commandments which then begins the series of other laws flowing from these commandments…
Here, in the introduction of evil’s anatomy, we find a description of the wicked one who is seemingly so sure of himself but in actual fact, his soul is in a constant state of anxiety and apprehension…
The righteous will live by his faith.(Habakkuk 2:4b) This statement is composed of only three words in the Hebrew, yet they say so much. They make a bold declaration, highlighting the difference between a human orchestrated religious system with that taught in the Scriptures. What is the difference?…
One thing we can say is that the Spirit really understands our impatience and our frustrations. Notice these many words: there are 7 affirmations being made. His coming is so sure that it has been appointed. It is moving towards a goal: the Hebrew word here is moed, like the appointed times of the feasts of Israel….
“Look among the nations”, the Lord asks Habakkuk, not only because the evil is a worldwide problem, but because the solution for the problem begins right there in Israel…
The Lord speaks to all believers and tells us what we should do in the meantime as the world is preparing for the coming of Yeshua…
The purpose of prayer is not to be heard by people, but to communicate with God. These then were called hypocrites because they were pretending; their motivation was dishonest. This is why the beginning of the Lord’s Prayer is so positionally important. “Our Father, Who is in heaven” (Matthew 6:9)…
Habakkuk asked God this question some 2600 years ago and before him, some 4000 years ago, Job asked God this same thing. It seems that nothing has changed. So where is God when evil strikes?…
While each swirl may represent galaxies of billions of stars, the Bible says in Psalm 147 that the Lord knows each one of them and He gave each a name…
At this time of the Gregorian calendar’s New Year, many of us ask ourselves what resolution or changes we are considering in our lives. What a great way to enter the book of Numbers, chapter 6 and take a deeper look at the Nazarite vow…
When we consider this text (Luke Chapter 2:1-7), another question arises. Why did the Glory of the Lord appear to these particular shepherds, among the many in Israel? Why in this place and not another? This is when we are going to see something truly extraordinary…
In fact, chapter 10 of Daniel is like a manual for believers in the end times. There we find a perfect pattern of activity to follow for our own days. It will teach us how to make ourselves ready and to make a difference in this world…
Because Hanukkah and Christmas are so closely situated on the calendar some might dare to call this the season of Chrismukkah. However, is there a positive and productive correlation between these two events? We can surely say that without Hanukkah there would have been no Christmas…
In the History of the Church there are many legends and traditions which conceal many biblical truths, especially when it comes to Christmas.For instance, how many magi were there? Not three.
The account given points to some exceptional individuals who were armed with such faith and boldly showed it throughout the ordeal of the crucifixion and the resurrection…
Of the many women that were there, only three are named. That is in keeping with the requirement of the law which says that …on the evidence of two or three witnesses a matter shall be confirmed. Deut. 19:15b…
What makes these signs so significant is that they are not only recorded in the Bible, but also in secular history books…
The Jewish people are like the canary in a coal mine; this bird is the first to detect gas and warns the workers to flee the mine. There is a wave of hatred rising in this world, and the canary has spoken…
But what is the message and the significance of this sudden darkness? What did it mean to the people then? This darkness brings us from the first Passover and then to its final fulfillment…
And during this time, there is a temptation to remain silent; to hope it goes away. We may want to be “neutral” but as always, silence empowers the oppressor. If you’re like me, you may have wondered, “What would I have done to fight the rhetoric and lies against the Jewish people that resulted in the Holocaust?”
And during this time, there is a temptation to remain silent; to hope it goes away. We may want to be “neutral” but as always, silence empowers the oppressor. If you’re like me, you may have wondered, “What would I have done to fight the rhetoric and lies against the Jewish people that resulted in the Holocaust?”
Babel means gate of god, another god, but the Bible calls it confusion, Balal.We see this today….
Babel means gate of god, another god, but the Bible calls it confusion, Balal.We see this today….
These end time prophecies constitute more than one quarter of the whole Bible, and they are not all contained in just one or two or even twenty books, but they run throughout the whole of the 66 books of the Scriptures…
While this evil is indeed ancient, it has never subsided and the Bible calls it differently; the Lord spoke of it and titled it, the Eternal Hatred or Eternal Enmity.
We have been praying for her peace. This is what Christians are called to do. We continue to lift up the many families of civilians…
In the story of Peter’s repentance, the rooster plays a very significant role. Why use the rooster?…
Today they have created machines which can process this overload of information, but they are so powerful that the scientific world has started to worry about its strength and about how it could, as they say, take over our world…
“Some began to spit at Him, and to blindfold Him, and to beat Him with their fists, and to say to Him, “Prophesy!”” (…) by covering the face of the Messiah, they showed their disdain and contempt toward Him, but see that, unknowingly, they were fulfilling another prophecy found in Isaiah 53:2-3…
The word Sukkah itself, is from the word suk סׄךְ; it means to protect, to cover, to defend and the sukkah itself speaks of a pavilion of protection…
Sukkot is the last and 7th fall feast of Israel mentioned in the Torah… It is from this word where we get the word Sabbath. These connections point to Succoth as the Feast of Rest, speaking deep into our souls and projecting us forward to a time and to a place we are all longing for. This time and place is when man will live in harmony with his neighbor and with nature…
This goat is very important for it carried all the iniquities of the sons of Israel and all their transgressions. Shouldn’t we know more about it?…
But what is most intriguing, is that back in Leviticus 10 when the death of these two priests is detailed, no one could pin-point the reason why these two were suddenly killed. What was this strange fire they had offered to the Lord? One can count some 12 different rabbinical explanations on what might have happened there…
… were the Israelites supposed to blow the trumpet? For what occasion exactly?… Medieval rabbis have posed this same question. Ibn Ezra, spoke of religious mysteries, Rabbi Abarbanel, a 15th century rabbi and bible commentator asked, Why does the Torah not explain the purpose for this festival? It is indeed an enigma of a feast… Let us consider this mystery…
While the confession is not laid out, it encompasses everything we have seen before: that the divine Messiah took on flesh in order to atone for our sins. And through His resurrection and ascension, He has become our heavenly High Priest.
In this account, we see Judas Iscariot who is very engaged and seems so eager to have Yeshua arrested. His presence here was needed because the Romans required a formal accusation before arresting anyone…
Let us now follow the chronology and concentrate on the next event, the arrest of the Messiah. Here, the situation becomes so messy, that Jesus had to again intervene to make sure He would be crucified at the right time and place. The fulfillment of this prophecy was laid entirely in His hands…
While this group formed quite a while ago, back in 2009, today they are experiencing a sudden growth. Last week, six new countries have been invited to join them and will become official members on January 1, 2024. These 6 include Saudi Arabia, Iran, Ethiopia, Egypt, Argentina, and the United Arab Emirates…
…The unfortunate thing is that many translators, wanting to emphasize the severity of these upcoming events, used words that depict Yeshua as being so affected by the circumstances, as if to lose control over them, as if He was reconsidering the cross.We are going to investigate how these words were translated but let me begin by assuring you that Yeshua was in complete control of absolutely every event from the Garden to the Tav (cross) and onto His resurrection….
The Jewish ceremony connected to the breaking of bread, is the one called the afikomen. It is from the afikomen where Yeshua took this bread, and said, “Take it; this is My body.” Vs.23. What is the ceremony of the afikomen? Let us briefly look at it…
John places the washing of the feet of the disciples just after Mark’s account of the man carrying the water. More precisely, right after vs.17 in Mark 14 when the account of the supper began. And by placing the events chronologically, something major emerges from the text…
If Yeshua was crucified on a Friday, as the 4 Gospels and the Talmud testify to, this brings us to a Wednesday. This is where we are here at the beginning of Mark 14…
Mark 13:22 says, “But of that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but the Father alone.” And so, since the Son does not know, many concluded that He is not divine. But that is too bad for they really are missing out on a great revelation of the God of the Bible in this verse…
This prophecy (Mark 13:28-30) of the fig tree is the sequel to an earlier one. Just a few days before in chapter 11, just after the Triumphant Entry, Yeshua searched for fruit on a fig tree, but found none, and as a consequence, the tree withered. This withering represented the leadership of the country…
We are not there yet, however what we are witnessing today definitely reminds us of what is coming and these are no accidents of nature…
A fox was indeed sighted last Thursday and was even filmed. It went viral with social media users, saying that this is a sign of that the prophecy would come true…
In the Hebrew Scriptures and in the New Testament, the term commonly used by the prophets is the Day of the Lord. This is a term mainly describing the moments preceding the Second Coming of the Lord. Zephaniah hammers home the message that the Day of the Lord is a day of final judgment. (…) Our English word, tribulation is very descriptive. It comes from the Latin word tribulum, which means a threshing sledge.
Consider the courage the disciples could draw from the kind of influence Jesus had even at the point of death. Remember the centurion who came to believe at this very crucial moment while Yeshua had breathed His last…
Tradition has added that many other tragedies also came on this day…
There is a distinction between Israel which is a lampstand with seven lights and these seven churches. Here, the mystery is the fact that the seven individual lampstands symbolize the seven local churches. In the Book of Revelation, the lampstand represents a witness, such as in 11:3-4. Thus, each local church is to be a witness; if it fails to do so, their lampstand can be removed…
How then do these individuals mislead the many? They have a strategy which is found in vs.6. This is how Yeshua describes the process. He begins by saying how Many will come in My name, saying, ‘I am!’ and will mislead many…
How then do these individuals mislead the many? They have a strategy which is found in vs.6. This is how Yeshua describes the process. He begins by saying how Many will come in My name, saying, ‘I am!’ and will mislead many…
While God does heal people in Scripture, we also have cases like Timothy who had a perpetual stomach illness. And while God sometimes answers prayer right away, we read about Paul who asked God three times to take away his thorn in the flesh. But God did not. And it is only when we have both sides of the coin exposed that we can adjust our understanding and expectations of God to properly walk with Him in harmony…
Many today define Jewishness by their religious leaders, but the sad irony in the history of the Jews is that, while many religious leaders were used of God to lead His people, many others were nevertheless in the forefront of the cause of the fall of the nation of God. Instead of reflecting God’s love to the people, these were lovers of a few things: their own long and imposing robes…
Many today define Jewishness by their religious leaders, but the sad irony in the history of the Jews is that, while many religious leaders were used of God to lead His people, many others were nevertheless in the forefront of the cause of the fall of the nation of God. Instead of reflecting God’s love to the people, these were lovers of a few things: their own long and imposing robes…
The word mind in the Greek designates the intellect, the faculty of understanding, reasoning, thinking and deciding. This same word mind, which only occurs only 12 times in the Brit Chadashah (New Testament) is a powerful one. It is used in 1Pet 1:13 and translated by the words: Prepare your minds for action or, therefore gird up the loins of your mind. It is word that calls us to action…
According to the words of this teacher (Gamaliel), who was from the sect of the Pharisees and so well-known even in today’s rabbinical Judaism, if this new messianic movement of believers in Yeshua, born 2000 years ago, survives, it is from God.
The Bible says that tomorrow is judgment day, and we don’t just disappear. After death there is a meeting with God. How could they (Pharisees and Herodians) miss out on the resurrection seeing that it is mentioned quite often in the Hebrew Scriptures? It is found in Job, in Isaiah, and in Daniel…
When the Jewish people were taken captive into Babylon, God sent them a message through Jeremiah and told them, “Seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile, and pray to the LORD on its behalf; for in its welfare you will have welfare”. Jeremiah 19:7 To seek the welfare of the city in Babylon, the place of their exile, meant to pay their taxes as well…
So, when we speak of rest, let us disentangle it from a mere “kick back and relax” mentality. Rest, as the author of Hebrews expounds, constitutes a spiritual recharging that restores us to the glorious presence and intimate fellowship with God. It signifies aligning with our Creator’s purpose for our lives, embarking on a journey of true fulfillment…
Isaiah 5 helps us to more clearly understand Yeshua’s parable for in both Isaiah 5 and Mark 12 we see that the vineyard is the nation of Israel. (…) In Psalm 80:8 we read that the LORD had brought a vine out of Egypt. Also, it was Solomon who spoke of Israel as God’s personal vineyard in Song of songs 8:11. So, while the vineyard is Israel, the winegrowers are the religious leaders. The owner of the vineyard is God Himself. This parable then represents the condemnation of man-made religion…
Israel looks like a country that is moving from being a fully democratic nation to one with a strong religious presence, advocating more and more of Talmudic law (…) this present government may be what is needed to prepare the nation for the building of the Third Temple as well as for the ushering in of the false prophet.
Prayer must be according to the will of God. We read in 1John 5:14, This is the confidence which we have before Him, that, if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. According to His will; this is the first requirement.
Concerning this passage in Mark 11, we read of some commentators who accused Yeshua of being unreasonable for cursing the fig tree since it was not the season for figs (…) when it comes to understanding a difficult text, it is always good to go and ask what the people of that day had to say concerning fig trees…
We are all given that choice between justice or mercy. They say that justice is getting what we deserve, but mercy is not getting what we deserve. This is something Bartimaeus understood by faith…
Let us consider this trilogy of redemption in the first 3 feasts of the biblical calendar in Leviticus 23…
While this is a subject of study all its own, there are just a few points that will be considered here….
What causes an unbelieving heart? One that is hardened by the deceitfulness of sin. The term deceitfulness is used of the deceitfulness of wealth or riches, meaning we look to other things to give us life instead of the commands of God. We saw it with Pharaoh…
This past week, two members of the Knesset belonging to this group proposed to make it illegal for people to share the Gospel message in Israel with the threat of imprisonment should they be caught doing it…
A primary reason why God gave the Law was so that we recognize that we are sinners, unable to attain salvation by any merit of our own…
What does this Abraham Family House represent for us? This is another link to the long chain of many prophecies…
As we consider the title Son of Man, there is more to say about how it brings out His power and humility. In this book of Mark, let’s consider the great emphasis on the word hand. He is going to be handed over into the hands of humanity. We remember how He used His hands to deliver, save, and heal so many from disease. Do you remember the manner with which He cured people since the beginning of the book?
As we consider the title Son of Man, there is more to say about how it brings out His power and humility. In this book of Mark, let’s consider the great emphasis on the word hand. He is going to be handed over into the hands of humanity. We remember how He used His hands to deliver, save, and heal so many from disease. Do you remember the manner with which He cured people since the beginning of the book?
This is why salt is good. For everyone will be salted with fire. We can think of the concept of common grace where everyone will be given a chance to attain salvation; everyone will be salted with the fire of cleansing and given the ability to make a decision. But this is not available forever.
As we consider the title Son of Man, there is more to say about how it brings out His power and humility. In this book of Mark, let’s consider the great emphasis on the word hand. He is going to be handed over into the hands of humanity. We remember how He used His hands to deliver, save, and heal so many from disease. Do you remember the manner with which He cured people since the beginning of the book?
What does this Abraham Family House represent for us? This is another link to the long chain of many prophecies…
Anti-Semitism has been and is now growing in churches today. Support for Israel is dwindling at a very fast pace, and dislike for what is Jewish is also growing today, especially among young Christians. This movement is the precursor of the formation of the world religious system described in Revelation 17, which will be utterly anti-Semitic…
Anti-Semitism has been and is now growing in churches today. Support for Israel is dwindling at a very fast pace, and dislike for what is Jewish is also growing today, especially among young Christians. This movement is the precursor of the formation of the world religious system described in Revelation 17, which will be utterly anti-Semitic…
Through Yeshua’s Incarnation, he became a model for humanity. The author of Hebrews applied Psalm 8, a psalm that celebrates humanity, to Yeshua in his Incarnation…
Through Yeshua’s Incarnation, he became a model for humanity. The author of Hebrews applied Psalm 8, a psalm that celebrates humanity, to Yeshua in his Incarnation…
Through Yeshua’s Incarnation, he became a model for humanity. The author of Hebrews applied Psalm 8, a psalm that celebrates humanity, to Yeshua in his Incarnation…
As Yeshua comes down the mountain, His focus is at first on the disciples. In v.16, they are in the midst of a debate with the scribes who found an ideal opportunity to try to undermine the disciples in the eyes of am Yisrael, (the Jewish people) because they were unable to perform a miracle of healing…
What does this Abraham Family House represent for us? This is another link to the long chain of many prophecies…
As Yeshua comes down the mountain, His focus is at first on the disciples. In v.16, they are in the midst of a debate with the scribes who found an ideal opportunity to try to undermine the disciples in the eyes of am Yisrael, (the Jewish people) because they were unable to perform a miracle of healing…
Why was the crowd amazed since Yeshua had not done any miracle or taught anything as of yet since His descent from the mountain? While the word amazed is found 11 times in Mark, it is taken from 4 different Greek words, and this one used here describes the highest level of amazement. It describes an alarmed and fearful reaction
Let us be keenly aware of the presence of the Tri-Unity of God leading to this most important historical event; the resurrection which changed the course of this world…
Our hearts and prayers are for the people of Turkey and Syria where over 41,000 people lost their lives in this massive earthquake… at a time like this, why did God allow this devastation to happen? One thing we can be sure of is that He Himself is also suffering to see so much destruction…
There is something that the Lord says which is of utmost importance when it comes to Yeshua. These words, “Listen to Him” were given at the Transfiguration…
As for the Middle East, it is going deeper into an obvious confrontation between Iran and Israel, as was also prophesied in the account of the War of Gog and Magog…
The word East in Revelation is a combination of two words in the Greek. It is Anatole Helios which means the rising sun…
The great majority of Hebrew Scripture prophecies concerning judgments and wars end with a word of encouragement, just like prophecies concerning the Lord’s coming. We see this same pattern in Mark…
Today, along with the prophets of God, others in the secular world are joining forces to tell us that time is running short.
You must have heard of The Doomsday Clock
What does it mean to be ashamed of Jesus? (Marc 8:34) It means to be embarrassed about our faith. Many hide it. They never speak about it nor demonstrate it because they are ashamed…
28 instead of 300 – Why? There was one event which filled a large part of media coverage last week. It concerned the German…
A survey on Holocaust awareness in the Netherlands revealed quite a disturbing result…
The nature of the Messiah (or the question of “Who is Yeshua”) has been a topic under debate for the past 2000 years, even into our present day. When we read the writings of the early Yeshua-following communities, the question of “Who is Yeshua” resulted in many theories…
What comes next in this gospel is a revolutionary statement from Yeshua. Like the conclusion of a dilemma which began back at the time when the disciples scolded Jesus for having spoken rashly to the Pharisees. Do you remember that? …
They were utterly astonished, that He makes even the deaf to hear and the mute to speak. For they knew it was never done before…
If we were to make a summary of all the signs we have covered up to now, one thing that stands out as the norm, is the constant talk of the upcoming major wars. Yeshua said that before the end, there will be wars and rumors of wars. This is confirmed week after week.
These two numbers 12 & 7 are highly emphasized in this chapter 10 of Genesis. We see this through the 3 sons of Noah, Japhet, Ham and Shem through whom all the nations of the world came.
Hoping and praying that the rest of the year will not be as it began. There is much anger around and one that is especially increasing against Israel…
The word passio, came to be associated with the suffering of the Messiah. You have surely heard of the passion of Christ. This is the compassion we are called to have for the world around us, even for those who do not agree with our faith.
The beginning of a New Year often brings us to consider how fleeting time is. We get settled in our ways and become well engrained into our daily routines until a time like a birthday, an anniversary or a New Year comes around and brings us to ponder, to reflect on the past and on the future as well…
One might wonder what David would have written had he seen what we are able to see today. And considering this universe’s immensity in that the closest star is millions of years away from us, and considering that the Lord, as Creator, is even outside the universe we ask, how can we ever get to Him?
The climax of the story of Joseph is such a powerful passage allowing us to see a foreshadowing of the Messiah’s work.
In the History of the Church there are many legends and traditions which conceal many biblical truths, especially when it comes to Christmas.For instance, how many magi were there? Not three.
The Jewish oral law, the Mishnah, prohibited shepherds from keeping flocks in much of the land of Israel because of its negative effects on agriculture. Shepherds were given selected areas, far from the cities, in mostly uninhabited regions. So what were they doing there in between Jerusalem and Bethlehem?…
Here is a piece of great archeological news, as it relates to Hanukkah!
So, what is Hanukkah all about? Hanukkah brings us back about 175 years before the first coming of Yeshua and marks a critical phase in the history of Israel, which we commonly call the 400 silent years. However, the feast will show us that those years were anything but silent…
We often speak of the great event, the coming of the Messiah. And seeing that these end time signs are steadily surfacing, we again turn our attention to what will happen to the Jewish people before the Second Coming. The prophecies are clear …
According to a recent study, Israel is ranked as the 5th safest country among the 50 countries in the world most widely visited by tourists. And that means a lot for the more than 2 million tourists who visited Israel between January and October in 2022…
Here we have a woman who is a Hellenist, a Syrian, a Phoenician, and a Canaanite; and she comes to speak to Yeshua in her hostile territory. It would have been very hard to find someone more foreign to Israel than this combination, especially pointing out her Canaanite pedigree. (…) This woman, with all she is, is about to upset their traditional beliefs and reveal the great work of the Spirit of God in an individual…
What we are witnessing today, in the Middle East, and increasingly so, are the early warnings of things to come which Yeshua speaks about in Mark chapter 13, things we will look at in details when we get there…
So Jesus, perceiving that they were intending to come and take Him by force to make Him king, withdrew again to the mountain by Himself alone. The people were trying to make Yeshua the King of Israel by force…
So Jesus, perceiving that they were intending to come and take Him by force to make Him king, withdrew again to the mountain by Himself alone. The people were trying to make Yeshua the King of Israel by force…
What we are witnessing today, in the Middle East, and increasingly so, are the early warnings of things to come which Yeshua speaks about in Mark chapter 13, things we will look at in details when we get there…
So Jesus, perceiving that they were intending to come and take Him by force to make Him king, withdrew again to the mountain by Himself alone. The people were trying to make Yeshua the King of Israel by force…
Every Shabbat in the synagogue, they read prescribed sections from the Torah (the five Books of Moses), called Parsha. This week it is called Parsha Toledot and it brings us a message similar to what we saw in this past week’s message where Peter was walking on the water…
Yeshua was touched by this large crowd and felt compassion for them, because they were like sheep without a shepherd, so He began to teach them. Perhaps He was teaching them about messianic prophecies, about salvation, or the history of redemption in the Bible. Maybe it was even to save a few of them…
God promised that while the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease. Genesis 8:22
This has challenged so many rabbinical commentators because it clearly says that the God of heaven and earth can physically appear before man…
Mark 6: After Capernaum, the Master heads back to His hometown of Nazareth where He grew up. As we read the account, try to notice the sudden turn of events as His walk towards the tav (cross) begins…
While the changing winds bring us into new directions, there is at the end, nothing really new under the sun… Eccl.1:9b
The Tale of Two Jewish Women We read from Mark 5:25-26 A woman who had had a hemorrhage for twelve years, and had endured…
Shaking Us From Our Sleep A Message from Mark 5: 1-20 Unshackled by the Messiah Here was a man who lived in the most…
How interesting when we can see the direct link between the Bible and what the earth is experiencing right now.
The Lord used very similar warning signs in the Scriptures to caution Israel concerning the impending and approaching wars ahead…
We have seen that since the rejection back in Mark chapter 3, Yeshua began speaking in parables. We read through the Parables of the 4 Soils, of the Lamp, of the Seed, and of the Mustard Seed and saw how Christendom is divided into the Wheat and the Tares, and how the dark side of nominal Christianity will grow to great heights. This group being representative of the majority of people proves very discouraging for believers who seem to be fighting an uphill battle…
Their life’s mandate was to guard this Word and remembering the Russian pogroms is just one of many eras of time when the Jew, in his loyalty put the Word before his very own life. With this type of devotion and trustworthiness, it is no wonder that they have remained the enemy of our enemy Satan…
In the Parable of the Mustard Seed, you have the opposite spectrum of the Visible Church. The mustard seed itself produces weeds, much like the tares and are not associated with any good works…
All will change and everything will become new, with no traces of sin. There will be a new heaven and a new earth. But why a new heaven? Afterall, one may see the heavens today as truly beautiful, especially as we contemplate its immensity by night…
The problem is that in the majority of translations, the word Azazel is translated as scapegoat so the reader does not really know anymore who the goat is or who is the Azazel. We will find out from our text of Leviticus 16 that the Azazel is in fact, not the goat. To avoid much confusion from the translation, let us read from the Schocken Bible, a Jewish literal translation of the Torah. Here the text becomes clearer and the message is indeed very powerful…
During the Yom Kippur service, there is an enigmatic yet powerful book from the Hebrew Bible that is read in its entirety. It is the Book of Jonah. Why do they read this particular book and at such a high moment during the Yom Kippur service, just before the closing of the gate, which is at Ne’ilah, the last service of the day? The reason for its reading could be understood through a simple story which comes to us from centuries ago…
Let me take a moment and share some news from the Temple Mount Institute in Jerusalem, known in Hebrew as Machon HaMikdash (מכון המקדש). This is an organization in Israel focusing on the hope of establishing the Third Temple…
But this is when God found a devout woman named Hannah. We learn that she was barren but because of her faith and her prayers, the LORD miraculously touched her. She gave birth to a son, Samuel. Coming from the priestly line, he would later anoint David as King. The Davidic line would then continue until the last King of Judah – Yeshua the Messiah, who came to save the world.
So the seed is the Word of God, the Word of salvation that is spread everywhere. But like the gift of the manna which fell from the sky, some loved it, while others came to despise it.
Let me take a moment and share some news from the Temple Mount Institute in Jerusalem, known in Hebrew as Machon HaMikdash (מכון המקדש). This is an organization in Israel focusing on the hope of establishing the Third Temple…
Another disturbing survey done this past April, shows that while the US is still pro-Israel, this is dwindling with the younger generation. This confirms another statistic done a few years ago. But here also, the numbers are different. What they found out is that the younger North Americans view Israel unfavorably, with some 60% of young Americans being unsympathetic to Israel.
Seeing it this way, one can see the reason why the Lord is not allowing so many to come closer to the truth. Perhaps it is to give them time to repent so that they will not commit the eternal sin and be doomed for eternity.
Clearly, the Word of God is fully inspired! No other history would be so open and sincere about the weaknesses of its people. Whether it is Israel, or Mary, or Peter, the Bible depicts them as they are so we can learn from them and stay close to God…
For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek. (Rom. 1:16)
For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek. (Rom. 1:16)
For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek. (Rom. 1:16)
For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek. (Rom. 1:16)
For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek. (Rom. 1:16)
For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek. (Rom. 1:16)
For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek. (Rom. 1:16)
For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek. (Rom. 1:16)
In the New Testament and also in the Hebrew Scriptures we see divine attributes which are possessed by both God and the Messiah, both these personalities united by a single nature and purpose. This is something quite difficult to explain since it must be grasped by faith…
People often question whether this particular verse speaks of Isaiah the prophet or of Yeshua the Messiah. Chapter 50:4b is part of a larger section of Isaiah, from chapters 40-53 which speak about the Servant of the Lord, the Suffering One, the Righteous and Exalted Servant. Who else but the Servant Himself could claim this description of such perfect a man in character and obedience?…
I am more and more amazed to see how Bible prophecies are meeting up with the present and how so much around us seems to be confirming what the prophets predicted would happen before the Second Coming…
Did you notice that Yeshua did not initiate the interaction at all? The demon did, angrily and with surprise. Why is that? (…) Why couldn’t the demon stay quiet? What disturbed the demon and made it so uncomfortable?…
How do we know that this happened at the time of Shavuot? See what Yeshua told the disciples after they witnessed the salvation of this woman. Do you not say, ‘There are yet four months, and then comes the harvest’? Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look on the fields, that they are white for harvest. John 4:35. Which harvest was Yeshua referring to?…
This city, the city of God, is the place the Lord chose to build His temple, and to dwell, and a place where He will eventually establish His eternal kingdom, the New Jerusalem…
In the Targum on Ezekiel, that is, in the Aramaic Bible which they used to read in the first century, for the words “put a new spirit within you”, they wrote, “And the Holy Spirit will I put deep inside of you.” I find it so interesting that they use the words Holy Spirit, like John does here. The term Holy Spirit is only mentioned three times in the whole of the Hebrew Scriptures.
After declaring that the coming of the Messiah is likened to a new beginning, like the dawn of a new era, Mark brings us to two crucial passages from the Hebrew Scriptures which also speak of a new beginning in the history of messianic prophecies.
How can one appreciate salvation without seeing the abyss of sin from which we have so graciously been saved? Following the Trail of Blood to the Messiah What do these sacrifices represent? How are they fulfilled today since there is no Temple? That is when the whole Bible directs us to the Messiah…
Israel’s presence at this very time, is fruit of a prophecy that Yeshua gave 2000 years ago. In Mark 13:28 He spoke these words: “Now learn the parable from the fig tree: when its branch has already become tender and puts forth its leaves, you know that summer is near.” This prediction was given in the midst of Jesus’ end time prophecies…
We have often spoken of those rumors of wars around us, and they are roaring louder and louder. Without sounding as too much of an alarmist, it would seem that western countries are increasingly setting themselves up for a major conflict with the East, with Russia at its head…
For many hundreds of years and even up to today, people must have questioned why they should read Mark when there is so little unique information given. Instead, they may choose to only read the fuller accounts. That would be a great mistake! First, by omitting this book, it belittles the divine inspiration of the Scriptures. Would God inspire every word of a gospel to serve no greater purpose?…
After declaring that the coming of the Messiah is likened to a new beginning, like the dawn of a new era, Mark brings us to two crucial passages from the Hebrew Scriptures which also speak of a new beginning in the history of messianic prophecies…