The name of the organization is Beth Ariel Messianic Congregation, located in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. We take a Jewish perspective and literal approach to the Scriptures. The congregation is part of the universal body of Messiah, having been founded upon the apostles and prophets, the Messiah Yeshua (Jesus) Himself being the chief cornerstone (Ephesians 2:20).



The purpose for which this congregation and religious corporation exists is to glorify God by training up Jewish and Gentile believers into disciples devoted to serving Messiah Yeshua and one another.

This is not limited to one day a week on Saturdays but this accountability to one another is encouraged throughout the week, in the spirit of fellowship, love and care for one another. This defines a true spiritual family. We believe the Bible (Old and New Covenant) is the final authority and our unity of faith rests in it.

We are inclusive in that both Jew and Gentile worship, study and pray side by side, having equal authority. We believe that Jews and Gentiles preserve their ethnic identities and therefore Jewish people have a dual identity in that they are still part of national Israel as well as part of the Body of Messiah.

According to Romans 1:16, we concur with what Paul wrote, that the Gospel is to the Jew first and also to the Gentile. Witnessing to Jewish people is never to the exclusion of Gentiles and therefore, we serve as witnesses to all people.

We value the diversity of gifts/services members can offer to the Body at large and to the local congregation. We strive to encourage the development of each one’s ministry. Hence, the responsibility of the congregation’s leadership is to prepare the believer in seeking and using his or her God given gift(s).  For that reason, counsel in discovering one’s gifts is made available for each congregational member.

We value different forms of outreach, with an emphasis on Jewish evangelism. This is accomplished through radio and internet broadcasts, door to door outreach in Jewish neighbourhoods as well as at other events where evangelism is the focus.

We value the Messianic form of worship alongside a variety of other styles of worship. We appreciate singing in different languages as this reflects our multicultural congregation. In worship, we seek to use the Word of God as our base for truth therefore all worship must seek to lift up the name of the Lord.

Our goal therefore, is to train up disciples, spread the Good News of Messiah Jesus, promote unity between Jews and Gentiles in the Messiah, foster worship, instruction, fellowship, and accountability for believers in Messiah Yeshua.



  1. The Lordship and exaltation of Jesus the Messiah
  2. The centrality of the Scriptures ( Old and New Covenant)
  3. The unity of Jew and Gentile in the Messiah
  4. The biblical expression of Jewish identity
  5. The importance of prayer
  6. The importance of outreach
  7. The strengthening of families
  8. The value of children’s ministry
  9. The value of mid-week Bible studies
  10. The honour of service and sacrifice



The following shall be the distinctive emphases of the congregation:

  1. Expression of Jewish cultural forms at regular worship services
  2. Observance of the Feasts of Israel in a Messiah-centered manner
  3. Identification with the concerns of the Jewish people and opposition to anti-Semitism
  4. Rekindling of the understanding of the inherent Jewish roots of the Scriptures.



The Biblical pattern of leadership

  1. The Messiah Yeshua is the head of the Body.
  2. The Elders are the leaders of the local congregation, the Pastor being the leading Elder.
  3. The Deacons and Deaconesses serve as leaders under the authority of the Elders.
  4. Each member is a minister of the Lord and has a vital role in the ministry of the congregation.


The Offices of the Congregation

Congregation Leader

  1. In order to become the congregational leader, the candidate shall be nominated by all the Elders and confirmed by a two-thirds majority of the members at a duly called congregational meeting.
  2. The congregational leader shall have the primary responsibility of overseeing the ministries of the congregation.
  3. The congregational leader may be removed upon the decision of all the Elders (absolute majority) and then only if confirmed by a two-thirds majority of the members of the congregation at a duly called congregational meeting. On the issue of removal, the congregational leader shall be given ample opportunity to defend himself but shall be ineligible to vote.



1. An Elder must be a man who is a member of the congregation, who is willing to serve, and whose character, conduct and convictions conform to the qualifications set forth in 1Timothy 3:1-7 and

Titus 1:5-9.  He must be able to defend sound doctrine and must be in agreement with Beth Ariel Messianic Congregation’s Statement of Faith.

2. Elders shall be appointed by the Board of Elders.

3. There shall be at least one Elder but no maximum number of Elders. The number of Elders shall be determined by the needs of the congregation and the availability of eligible men. If there is only one Elder and no other eligible men, or if other eligible men are unwilling to serve, then the Elder shall appoint at least two other men to serve as part of a leadership team with the existing Elder.  In the absence of Elders this leadership team shall provide leadership until such time that Elders can be appointed.

4. Elders shall be responsible for the spiritual overseeing and care of the congregation as well as managing the affairs of the congregation. Members shall submit to the spiritual leadership of the Elders.

5. The Elders shall meet as needed.  In order to hold an Elder’s meeting, a quorum, defined as a simple majority of the Elders, must be present. All Elders’ decisions shall be made by simple majority unless otherwise noted.

6. An Elder may be removed by the Board of Elders for just cause after applying the standard set by 1Timothy 5:19. The Elder under consideration for removal shall be given ample opportunity to defend himself but shall be ineligible to vote on the matter.

7. Elders cannot be members of another congregation/church.

8. It is the right of the Pastor and Elder(s) to elect a new Elder to the Board. The candidate must have attended Beth Ariel for at least 6 months before he can be considered. Once the candidate affirms his desire to be Elder, the candidate must wait for at least another 6 months before his nomination is confirmed and he is officially elected.

9. The Pastor is the leading Elder. He has the right of veto which means he has the power to cancel or postpone decisions and amendments.


Deacons / Deaconesses

  1. A Deacon/Deaconess must be a member of the congregation who meets the biblical qualifications of 1Timothy 3:8-13.
  2. Deacons/Deaconesses shall be appointed by the Elders.
  3. Deacons/Deaconesses shall care for the temporal needs of the congregation and perform such duties under the authority of the Elders.
  4. Deacons/Deaconesses may be removed for just cause by the Board of Elders.
  5. A Deacon or Deaconess cannot be a member of another congregation.


Board of Administrators also known as the Steering Committee

  1. There shall be at least three members of the Board of Administrators.
  2. If the Elders and Deacons/Deaconesses number less than three, then others may serve as directors by special appointment of the Elders.
  3. The Administrators, at their discretion, may invite others to participate in board meetings.
  4. The Board of Administrators shall have the following officers: President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer and Advisor(s) to the Board. Officers shall be selected by the Board of Administrators, by absolute majority vote.



Please see the “STATEMENT OF FAITH” Beth Ariel Congregation’s Statement of Faith

Please see the membership information sheet

1. Admission

  1. Applicants shall fill out a membership application and submit it to the Elders.
  2. The Elders shall examine applicants with regard to their spiritual status.
  3. Membership shall be by approval of the Elders.
  4. Upon approval by the Elders, new members shall be received into the fellowship of the congregation.



  1. A member may terminate membership with a letter of resignation or a clear and unequivocal statement of resignation to at least two of the Elders.
  2. The Elders may remove a member for scriptural cause upon the application of the requirements and procedures set forth in Matthew 18:15-17 and/or Titus 3:10.
  3. The decision of the Elders must be by simple majority and they shall inform the congregation of their decision.  The intent of discipline shall always be to promote true repentance and should be exercised with love and tenderness.
  4. A member may forfeit membership by failing to attend worship services for 10 consecutive weeks without prior arrangements with the Elders.



  1. There shall be a congregational business meeting held at least one time yearly.  Members shall be notified of the scheduled meeting at least two weeks prior to the scheduled meetings.
  2. In order to hold any congregational business meetings, a quorum, defined as a simple majority of the members, must be present.



  1. The congregation shall maintain a bank account or accounts in its own name and keep appropriate financial records.
  2. An annual report of finances shall be available to the members of the congregation.
  3. The Board of Elders must approve all non-budgeted expenditures of more than $500 by simple majority vote.



This constitution may be amended by a two-thirds approval of the Board of Elders and by a two-thirds majority vote by the members of the congregation.



Upon the dissolution of the organization, the Board of Elders shall, after paying or making provision for the payment of all of the liabilities of the organization, dispose of all the assets of the organization exclusively to charitable organizations which concur with Beth Ariel’s Statement of Faith.



This constitution shall be adopted by two-thirds majority approval of the Board of Administrators.



At the writing up of this newly formed constitution, amended and approved in the Fall of 2014, these are the listed operating officers:


Board of Elders:

Jacques Isaac Gabizon – Pastor and leading Elder

Remi Payette – Elder