Excerpts from our Weekly Newsletter
“… But all these things are merely the beginning of birth pangs”. Matthew 24:7 This is what we are witnessing today, however, these birth pangs, or the pangs of the Messiah as the Talmud also calls them, will grow in intensity and it seems to be climbing steadily toward its apex these days…
This is an important text for it is the beginning of the creation of the state of Israel, pointing to that nation from where Yeshua came, bringing the world salvation…
While they (the Nicaean Council in 325 A.D.) did a good job in defining the divinity of the Messiah, the one who ordered this council, the Emperor Constantine, asked that the date of the Jewish Feasts be changed so to separate Israel from the Church…
Let’s recall how the ashes of the red heifer, or the red cow, work. According to the commandment in the Book of Numbers 19, the red heifer is needed for the opening, for the inauguration and for the functioning of the Temple…
There is one strong correlation between Haman, Hitler, Pharaoh and the Antichrist. Haman, like Pharaoh in Exodus attempted to wipe out the nation and more…
As a man of great faith, Mordecai knew his Bible well. He must have known the promises and prophecies of God to Abraham, to Moses and to all the many prophets like Ezekiel, Jeremiah and Isaiah…
Welcome to the Book of Exodus. The English title of this book gets its name from the Greek exodos which means departure. This title was given in the 4rth century B.C. by the rabbis who translated the Hebrew Bible into Greek, the Septuagint. However, the title given it in the Hebrew Bible is taken from the opening words Ve Eleh Shemot וְאֵ֗לֶּה שְׁמוֹת֙ meaning, these are the names, and so in Hebrew the name is Shemot…
All Matthew 18:20 teaches is that where two or three are gathered together, the Messiah is in the midst of them. But this is not the definition of a local church. A local church is much more, than merely where two or three are gathered together…
The name mishpatim means, the Rules, for this is how Exodus 21 begins. This section of the Bible comes right after the giving of the 10 Commandments which then begins the series of other laws flowing from these commandments…
While Habakkuk spoke of the LORD, we, who know Yeshua, and the prophecies about Him and the account of His life, can see Him in these words. Let’s look at are You not from everlasting? The word everlasting is kedem…