Excerpts from our Weekly Newsletter
Pharaoh is asking for a miracle, but then again, he is asking for much (…) the word here is mophet, which describes a marvelous and supernatural event, and Pharaoh is going to be well served, in fact 11 times over. We have the 10 plagues plus this coming one with the “tanin” (sea monster or dragon). So, fasten your seat belt, the spectacle is just beginning…
The name He uses is Yaweh; Yud, Hei, Vav, Hei. This is His proper name associated with His promises and covenants.Something He never forgets… This is one reason why He acts and will act these days and very soon, for His promises are as sure as His name, as He says in Psalm 138.
So, according to the words of this man, since this new messianic movement has survived until today, it must mean it is from God, for no one was able nor is able to undermine its growth and power. And Gamaliel even adds that whoever fights it, fights God.
We also feel anxious and fear even though the Lord repeatedly tells us that He will never leave us or forsake us. Like Moses, we often turn away from the great source of protection and lose out on some great blessings because we avoid opportunity…
We also feel anxious and fear even though the Lord repeatedly tells us that He will never leave us or forsake us. Like Moses, we often turn away from the great source of protection and lose out on some great blessings because we avoid opportunity…
Who was in that bush? The Lord who is also called the Angel of the Lord, a manifestation which greatly impacted Moses. Let us see what now happens once the Lord tells Moses to go, confront Pharaoh and bring the Jewish people to freedom. Here is where we encounter Moses’ four objections…
Here Yeshua starts the Passover meal with the Kiddush. It was the first cup, but also a cup of wine that He would not drink. Here He says that the next time He will drink the Kiddush will be in heaven, with the believers, with us, when we meet Him…
The Hebrew term malach, or angel is from the root word lehach, meaning to delegate. It is one through whom a work is executed. If the work of God is to save and to redeem the world, only He can do that and so the Messenger can only be Himself…
“… But all these things are merely the beginning of birth pangs”. Matthew 24:7 This is what we are witnessing today, however, these birth pangs, or the pangs of the Messiah as the Talmud also calls them, will grow in intensity and it seems to be climbing steadily toward its apex these days…
This is an important text for it is the beginning of the creation of the state of Israel, pointing to that nation from where Yeshua came, bringing the world salvation…