Stand Still
More profound than the splitting of the sea itself were all of God’s actions before, during and after it…
Excerpts from our Weekly Newsletter
More profound than the splitting of the sea itself were all of God’s actions before, during and after it…
Throughout this account, the Israelites were told three times to tell, to remind their children of this great story (12:26, 13:8, 13:14). And to their daily reminder was added a yearly seven-day celebration of Unleavened Bread….
This past week’s parasha brings us to a very special place in the Scriptures. Again, the parasha is that weekly portion of the five books…
From Genesis 12 where the promise of a new nation was given to Abraham, we now reach Exodus 12 where the birth of this nation is now taking place. The word adat finds its root in the word ad (עֵד) which means witness and this is descriptive of Israel’s calling as it points to her being chosen to be a witness of God, as a light to the nations: This was part of her task…
In the very first chapter of Genesis, we read, In the beginning God created. The word God, Elohim, is in the plural while the verb created, is in singular. Here we can see the plurality of the divinity, right at the threshold of the Scriptures.
In the very first chapter of Genesis, we read, In the beginning God created. The word God, Elohim, is in the plural while the verb created, is in singular. Here we can see the plurality of the divinity, right at the threshold of the Scriptures.
This is a small excerpt of the larger-than-life events of Ariel Ministries’ founder, Dr. A. G. Fruchtenbaum. He is a much sought after and respected international bible teacher. His testimony will encourage you!
One major reason for the 10 plagues is to point out the manner of salvation. While each plague and its judgment is a demonstration of God’s power over the other gods or foreign religions, the purpose is directed towards the salvation of man.
One major reason for the 10 plagues is to point out the manner of salvation. While each plague and its judgment is a demonstration of God’s power over the other gods or foreign religions, the purpose is directed towards the salvation of man.
Consider the words tongues of fire which marked the event. How would a Jew understand this? They were already familiar with associating the shape of tongues with the act of redemption and deliverance. For instance, this must have reminded them of a ceremony which was done every year during the Day of Repentance, Yom Kippur…