Excerpts from our Weekly Newsletter
There is a distinction between Israel which is a lampstand with seven lights and these seven churches. Here, the mystery is the fact that the seven individual lampstands symbolize the seven local churches. In the Book of Revelation, the lampstand represents a witness, such as in 11:3-4. Thus, each local church is to be a witness; if it fails to do so, their lampstand can be removed…
How then do these individuals mislead the many? They have a strategy which is found in vs.6. This is how Yeshua describes the process. He begins by saying how Many will come in My name, saying, ‘I am!’ and will mislead many…
How then do these individuals mislead the many? They have a strategy which is found in vs.6. This is how Yeshua describes the process. He begins by saying how Many will come in My name, saying, ‘I am!’ and will mislead many…
While God does heal people in Scripture, we also have cases like Timothy who had a perpetual stomach illness. And while God sometimes answers prayer right away, we read about Paul who asked God three times to take away his thorn in the flesh. But God did not. And it is only when we have both sides of the coin exposed that we can adjust our understanding and expectations of God to properly walk with Him in harmony…
Many today define Jewishness by their religious leaders, but the sad irony in the history of the Jews is that, while many religious leaders were used of God to lead His people, many others were nevertheless in the forefront of the cause of the fall of the nation of God. Instead of reflecting God’s love to the people, these were lovers of a few things: their own long and imposing robes…
Many today define Jewishness by their religious leaders, but the sad irony in the history of the Jews is that, while many religious leaders were used of God to lead His people, many others were nevertheless in the forefront of the cause of the fall of the nation of God. Instead of reflecting God’s love to the people, these were lovers of a few things: their own long and imposing robes…
The word mind in the Greek designates the intellect, the faculty of understanding, reasoning, thinking and deciding. This same word mind, which only occurs only 12 times in the Brit Chadashah (New Testament) is a powerful one. It is used in 1Pet 1:13 and translated by the words: Prepare your minds for action or, therefore gird up the loins of your mind. It is word that calls us to action…
According to the words of this teacher (Gamaliel), who was from the sect of the Pharisees and so well-known even in today’s rabbinical Judaism, if this new messianic movement of believers in Yeshua, born 2000 years ago, survives, it is from God.
The Bible says that tomorrow is judgment day, and we don’t just disappear. After death there is a meeting with God. How could they (Pharisees and Herodians) miss out on the resurrection seeing that it is mentioned quite often in the Hebrew Scriptures? It is found in Job, in Isaiah, and in Daniel…
When the Jewish people were taken captive into Babylon, God sent them a message through Jeremiah and told them, “Seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile, and pray to the LORD on its behalf; for in its welfare you will have welfare”. Jeremiah 19:7 To seek the welfare of the city in Babylon, the place of their exile, meant to pay their taxes as well…