The Blame Game
Sensing the danger, Moses begins to plead for Israel. His prayer for the nation, all based on biblical facts, is so successful that the Lord changed His mind…
Excerpts from our Weekly Newsletter
Sensing the danger, Moses begins to plead for Israel. His prayer for the nation, all based on biblical facts, is so successful that the Lord changed His mind…
Sensing the danger, Moses begins to plead for Israel. His prayer for the nation, all based on biblical facts, is so successful that the Lord changed His mind…
However, God never left and there were so many signs around them indicating His presence…
God had given laws to Israel to respect the growth, production and enjoyment of the fruits from the trees…
The whole history of Yeshua is contained in the Tabernacle, and what we find so beautiful is this closing section, a culmination of sorts, which appears to be speaking about a wedding…
The significance of the altar of incense is that it symbolizes prayer. We see a great a connection made in Psalm 141:2 …
As the Bible gives us a tour of the Tabernacle, the third item that is presented is what we can call the mysterious menorah…
As the Bible gives us a tour of the Tabernacle, the third item that is presented is what we can call the mysterious menorah…
Didn’t Jesus say that there will be a great tribulation, such as has not occurred since the beginning of the world until now…
The wood represents the humanity of the Messiah and the gold, His divinity. The same is true for the Altar of Incense…