Progressive Revelation

We have seen that since the rejection back in Mark chapter 3, Yeshua began speaking in parables. We read through the Parables of the 4 Soils, of the Lamp, of the Seed, and of the Mustard Seed and saw how Christendom is divided into the Wheat and the Tares, and how the dark side of nominal Christianity will grow to great heights. This group being representative of the majority of people proves very discouraging for believers who seem to be fighting an uphill battle…

Remembering the Pogroms

Their life’s mandate was to guard this Word and remembering the Russian pogroms is just one of many eras of time when the Jew, in his loyalty put the Word before his very own life. With this type of devotion and trustworthiness, it is no wonder that they have remained the enemy of our enemy Satan…

Celebrating a True Simcha!

So now comes Simchat Torah which means Joy of the Torah. It is a time which marks the completion of the synagogue reading of the 5 books of Moses within a one-year span. Each week a particular parashat or portion of the Torah is read. And on the last Saturday when the annual cycle is completed, the final chapter of Deuteronomy is read…