Shalom everyone! Being back on track Monday night, we quickly discovered that we were on the right side of the tracks as we kept track of the blessings that night brought. In fact, we must have been on the fast track, because in a short time we gave out 11 Bible sets! This is like 11 precious pearls given out into the hands of people who will then be responsible to seek its true and deep value. If one is dying of physical hunger, this pearl will do nothing to revive him or her, but should they be tracking spiritual truths, these pearls will not allow them to be stranded from God.
Tina was back from travel abroad and so she joined up with Danielle to form the first team. Sarah and I (Hugues) formed the second team. When we arrived on the street, Tina immediately saw two people unloading items into the apartment building. What perfect timing!! Tina went to hold the door open for them and then managed to get herself inside! Wonderful indeed!
At the first door, Danielle and Tina met a young man. They told him they were there to bless the Jewish people. This man was from Israel and was interested in the Hebrew version of the Scriptures. They explained to him that the Old Covenant had prophesies which were fulfilled in the New Covenant. He gladly accepted the set and we are grateful for that!
After that, a young family man in his thirties at first accepted the New Covenant, but soon after took the Tanach as well, realizing that both books were a free gift. May he and his young family be blessed by the Word of God. And as what happens each evening we go out, many people were not at home to receive us.
There was however, a wonderful encounter that Danielle and Tina had that night. A lady in her fifties answered the door, listened carefully to the presentation of the Scriptures and finally just stared at them speechless. She was amazed and then she just asked them: ” Can I give you both a hug? ” They said yes, and she did! Then the woman told them that she loved what they were doing, blessed them and asked why they were doing this. Danielle explained that through the Jewish people they had received the Word of God. They spoke to her about the Old Covenant prophet Jeremiah, that God had promised a New Covenant for His People.
Then the woman said that she believed that all people would end up in a good place as they were all praying to “god”. They responded by saying that this might sound good in theory, but that “all” roads would lead to destruction except the way to the Living God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. They confirmed that the Word of God declares that He will not share His Glory with any one and that all other gods are idols. Danielle referred to Moses who went up to the mountain to receive the two tablets. The people down in the desert got impatient and demanded a god they could see….the golden calf. The woman explained that this was indeed a big mistake as only God Himself should receive all the honor. Idols never should. Tina also said that all humans were created with a void in their hearts.

Now for the second team: Sarah started out by doing some talking and presenting of the Scriptures. She did very well under God’s inspiration. A woman who was touched and received the Scriptures insisted on giving us a donation. Sarah replied, “Your smile is a great gift!”
At another door, we had a long discussion with an Israeli couple. I (Hugues) was very happy to converse in Hebrew with them since one can easily lose a grip on a language without practice. It was great. We spoke in detail about messianic prophecies as well as the deity of the Messiah. Surprisingly, the man already had a New Testament, given to him by someone else who had gone door to door! That shows us that our work is not in vain and that the Word of God does not came back without producing an effect. It was very encouraging. The man was born in Morocco but lived most of his life in Israel. That brought us to talk to him about our pastor who is a Moroccan Jew and the man said he might even consider visiting us at the congregation. We gave him a bookmark with the prophecies and the congregation contact information. After that we met an Ethiopian Jew who took a set.
After that, another man took a set which we gave him in hand, looked at us without any thought of discussion and waiting for us to say something… said “So?” And I answered, “So! This is it! It’s a gift! There is no catch!” We found it very funny and he took the set.
Praise God for preparing the hearts of people to receive His blessings, and we pray that the seed will take root in people to the Glory of God. Please keep on because as you can see your faithful prayer support is heard and answered in the highest place and thank you for participating with us!
Shalom from Hugues.