Friday March 4, 2022
Today a team of two women went to a local shopping area. The first woman we approached said she converted to the Jewish faith 20 years ago and had sent her children to Hebrew school. She willingly took the gift set and exclaimed that her son was visiting her that evening and they would read the material together. She was encouraged by the reading of our Isaiah 53 leaflet as well as by the antisemitism pamphlet. She thanked the team member and left with a happy goodbye.
Next, a man received the pamphlet and asked many questions. He spoke of sin in the world and the member said that only the Messiah could make a man righteous. The member of the team encouraged him to visit our website for further teaching.
A young Jewish man stopped to hear about the righteousness and holiness of God and began to speak about Jesus. It was evident he wanted to show his friend who was wearing a kippah his knowledge of Yeshua; sadly, he confessed that he was not allowed to take the gift set but kept the pamphlet and the Isaiah 53 leaflet. Pray for this young man who said he would go online to visit our website.
A Messianic believer stopped to encourage the member to continue her mission and said that he also had the same ministry.
Shortly after a Muslim man from Algeria took the pamphlet and accepted a French Bible.
The other team member approached a young Jewish woman who asked what was in the antisemitism pamphlet and was shown the question, “Where is God when the Jew suffers”. She read the answer and was pleased enough, taking the Isaiah 53 leaflet as well. She took the gift set happily but came back 10 minutes later to return the set and pamphlets saying she did not need it. Please pray for her.
An older man walking to his car stopped to take the pamphlet and was asked what he knew about the coming Messiah. He confessed that he knew of Him but that was all. The team member explained that He will be the answer to all that is wrong today and that only He can be our tsadik (our righteous one), our hope for eternal peace. He then took the gift set eagerly saying that he would read it that evening.
A Muslim woman also took a pamphlet and asked if we had a bible. She received the French only bible with a big smile and replied with a very happy thank you.
A total of 49 pamphlets, 6 Isaiah 53 leaflets and 2 gift sets were given out.
Calgary, Alberta
Friday, March 4, 2022
The full Calgary team had a very nice lunch today, before setting out to visit our Jewish neighbors. We visited 18 homes. Only one home refused our Purim gifts. At first the son accepted our gifts, but his parents ordered him to return all that he had accepted from us.
One lady originally from Romania, accepted all we offered her. She chatted with us about what was presently happening in Ukraine. We mentioned that their President was Jewish. She said that Jewish people often get attacked. We agreed with her, sharing about Jeremiah’s prophecy on the Times of Jacob’s Troubles and that God Himself will deliver Israel from it. We mentioned that the Jewish Messiah had come a 1st time and that’s why we believed in Him. We asked her if she had recognized the Messiah, she responded NOT YET, as if she was thinking about it! She received the messianic bookmark from us.
Another person wasn’t home but accepted our Purim pamphlet via his remote security camera. He declined the offer for the Scriptures.
One man took all we had to offer and was also happy to listen to us on the topic of antisemitism and the prophetic times of Jacob’s Troubles. We mentioned that this present-day Russian leader could very well be the bootie seeker that comes after Israel in Ezekiel 38-39. We shared that Israel’s Leviathan gas reserves could very well be the plunder sought after.
One lady took the full set even though she had already received it from us last summer. We told her she could now pass it on to someone else in her family.
We were able to offer a New Testament and some tracts to two Gentiles. One was a Slovenian man, and another was a young man who had just purchased a Rabbi’s home and had left the mezuzah on his doorpost. He didn’t know anything about Purim, so we gave him the homework to read the book of Esther from his bible. He enthusiastically accepted our tract.
A Jewish man was very happy to accept all we offered for Purim. He was busy but we were able to share briefly about the Jewish Messiah.
Another man also was happy to accept a full set of Scriptures, but didn’t have time to converse with us.
We distributed 5 full sets of Scripture and 8 Purim pamphlets. Many thanks for your prayers. We are planning to return visiting our neighbors next week, God willing.