He admitted that he was only half Jewish (that ancestry coming from his mother’s side) but the ladies explained that he was fully Jewish and part of the Jewish nation. The man also received the Isaiah 53 leaflet and was urged to read it as it would lead him to know who the Messiah was. He was told that Yeshua was the Messiah and he did not protest but instead had tears in his eyes and thanked the ladies very much and said it was a special encounter.
Wednesday, July 6th
26 pamphlets, 6 gift sets and 1 Bible were given out.
Two ladies formed the team on this beautiful sunny day. Two sets were given to a Russian man; the set in Russian was for himself and the other one, in English was for his grandson. He wanted to give this set as an 18th birthday gift for his grandson who was celebrating that very day! He admitted that he was only half Jewish (that ancestry coming from his mother’s side)but the ladies explained that he was fully Jewish and part of the Jewish nation. The man also received the Isaiah 53 leaflet and was urged to read it as it would lead him to know who the Messiah was. He was told that Yeshua was the Messiah and he did not protest but instead had tears in his eyes and thanked the ladies very much and said it was a special encounter.
Next, a bible was given to a Muslim woman and she was very happy to receive it. Praise God!
Then they encountered a woman who took the set saying she was only half Jewish because of her mother. The team shared once again what they shared with the man just minutes earlier. She was so happy and said, “My mom will be so happy to receive this set”. She also took the bookmark and the Isaiah 53 leaflet and was shown the congregation’s contact information.
An English set was given to a woman who said she goes each winter to a Kabbalah Center in Florida. She was given the Isaiah 53 leaflet and told that only Yeshua can remove her sins to which she replied, “Oh, you are very positive about that, I like that”. They told her that only God can reveal the truth and left her to ponder the words from the leaflet. Another French set was given to a man along with our information card. He appeared genuinely happy to receive the set.
Thursday, July 7th
55 pamphlets, 4 sets, 2 Brit Chadashahs and 1 bible were given out.
A three-member team was formed for this day of outreach. A man from France was approached by a team member and was asked if he knew Jesus. He was receptive to the conversation and was led through the gospel message and why it was important to have a relationship with the Messiah. He consented to receive a bible at this point and when the team member returned from the car, they continued a long and deep conversation about sin and how he could receive forgiveness for those sins. Asking if he wanted to have this relationship with Jesus he said yes and was led through the prayer of salvation. He was very touched and thankful. Please pray for this new child in God’s kingdom.
Another woman was given a set for a Jewish friend and a conversation about sin and salvation took place. Although this Gentile woman did not say the salvation prayer, she did ask for prayer for her health issues. After praying she asked for the team member’s name and gave hers but as the team member did not reply, the woman said, “Your name is Woman of God because you are such an angel”.
Thursday July 7 (second team)
We spotted an ultra-orthodox woman who was loudly critical of what we believe when last year, we offered her a leaflet on Isaiah 53 at a nearby park. So, we turned and walked toward the other end of the shopping area. In the meanwhile, the other team had already been engaged in conversation with a young Ukrainian man for at least 15 minutes. The Ukrainian man, V. has been thinking of joining the armed European conflict to fight for Ukraine. He was raised Catholic but has Jewish roots. He questioned some of the church’s religious beliefs and practices, curious to know more about Jesus as the Jewish Messiah who died for the sins of the world. He happily left with a full set and other literature, exclaiming that he was sure God had orchestrated our meeting. As we approached the grocery store, we saw the ultra-orthodox woman leaving with her groceries. Such timing!
A Return to the Doors
Monday, July 11
What a great evening to inaugurate our return to door-to-door ministry after over two years! COVID concerns made it clear we needed a more public approach to people, instead of approaching them at their homes. The outreaches in shopping areas have been so very fruitful, for which we are grateful. We will continue with them as weather permits.
In the end, only one woman on the street seemed leery of any contact with us at her door due to COVID fears. Over half of the others we met received either a set of Scriptures or other literature from us, which was so exciting.
A young woman in her 30’s told us she had been to an ultra-Orthodox all-girls school where they live in a small home together to get around the clock training in religious life as a woman. She left wounded from the experience, saying she didn’t want to hear about the Messiah or receive a Tanakh. In the end, we gently suggested that she ask God to show her the truth because He would answer her. Please pray for her.
One woman was happy to receive the set and shared that she studied the scriptures and from this the ladies told her that it was important to know and receive the true Messiah because the 3rd Temple will soon be built near the Dome of the Rock. We shared how at that time many would believe in the false Messiah. She listened politely and thanked them for the set.
People were very polite and often quite grateful to receive what we were offering. We hope to continue these neighborhood outreaches at least weekly.