Sunday February 6, 2022
There were two teams who were out this past Sunday. We visited three separate areas for outreach.
At the first spot, one team gave out 30 Antisemitism pamphlets, 2 French/Hebrew sets and several Isaiah 53 leaflets. The first bookmark and pamphlet were given to a man who had a Tanakh already and refused the Brit Chadashah. He did take the Isaiah 53 leaflet and was directed to read this passage from his Tanakh. One team member mentioned that the Messiah was going to come back to which the man responded by saying he did not believe that, but he took the material just the same.
Another man we spoke with said that he had received a set before and that he was reading it. He then took the Isaiah 53 leaflet. He was told that it speaks of the Messiah and of our hope. He was very thankful.
The team then moved to a second area. Here, two sets were given out. One young man with a kippah said he had all the books he needed but was advised by one team member to stay in the Tanakh only, in order to better grasp the Word of Truth. He took the Antisemitism pamphlet and Isaiah 53 leaflet and was told that he could learn a lot about the Messiah from this. He then thanked them and moved on.
The second set was given to someone who was very thankful to receive it. Although there were few people out, we praise God for providing great conversations and protection over the team.
The second team of two gave out about 40 pamphlets, 3 Brit Chadashas and several Isaiah 53 leaflets. They also gave out 1 French-only bible.
While giving a pamphlet and an Isaiah 53 leaflet to a woman, a Huber Algerian taxi driver pulled up asking if the team member called for a taxi. Not wanting to waste this opportunity, she gave the Isaiah 53 leaflet to him. He thanked her. She then asked him if he wanted a bible. Receiving a yes, she gave him a French-only bible and smiling, he thanked her and drove off!
One team member encountered a middle-aged Jewish lady who received the Isaiah 53 pamphlet. Being offered the set, the woman said she already had the Brit Chadashah, yet was encouraged to take it just in case she was mistaken. The woman agreed and thanked her for the gift.
A good conversation took place with a young woman from an African country, who attends church. The team member explained the way to salvation to her which she claimed she had never heard about. Thanking her for her time, this woman received the Antisemitism tract.
Next, a long conversation ensued with an Iranian man who upon hearing the name of Yeshua said “Yeshua is God”. He listened while he received the truth about the way, the truth and life of Yeshua and affirmed that he was very interested in this. Accepting to be prayed for, he afterwards left saying, “Thank you for your prayer!”
Another Brit Chadashah was offered to a woman who received it saying, “Thank you for the gift” to which the member replied, “No, He is the gift!”.
Thank you, Lord for all these conversations! And we thank each one of you who prays for this outreach which brings victory for the work of the Kingdom.