Our report from this past week, April 1-7, 2021
Montreal, Quebec
The moment we arrived by car outside the Jewish hospital we spoke to the woman who was leaving the parking space. After asking her, she answered that she was celebrating Passover so we gave her a gift bag with a Bible set, the Isaiah 53 tract, and the messianic prophecy bookmark. She was so happy to receive it and responded with a big thank you.
We met a lady named Jennifer who was a nurse on her break to get some fresh air. She was Catholic but not practicing. She was inquisitive about the Jewish faith and asked us questions to help her understand her patients’ needs. We thought it would help her if we gave her the Passover pamphlet to study and refer to when questions arose. She said she would read it because she had some questions. She thanked us and left as we approached another Jewish lady coming from getting her vaccination. Her name was Mona and she was so thankful and surprised to receive such a gift. In the gift bag we had placed the Passover pamphlet and the bookmark, so we knew that she would have the best medicine possible – Yeshua as revealed in the Brit Hadashah (New Testament).
One tract was given to a Gentile, then a Passover pamphlet to a Jewish woman passing by. We approached a man who spoke to one of us for 10 minutes about the meaning of the Passover and about the connection with the resurrection. He was a nominal Christian but appeared to be confused and not ready to see his need to place his faith in Jesus and so he walked away. One of the team approached a woman coming from the hospital who was afraid to take the Passover pamphlet because of COVID but we assured her that if she took it and left it aside for a day or two she could pick it up and read it. She seemed relieved at that assurance and happily took it with her as we wished her Chag Sameach (Happy holiday). Next we gave a French tract to a taxi driver who said he had his Koran with him but said he would read the tract. This was followed by giving two tracts, one to a Muslim woman and one to an unbeliever. Both women were thankful.
Afterwards we gave a set to a woman who kept saying “That’s so nice, that’s so nice”. We also gave her the Passover pamphlet and Isaiah 53 as she rushed away thanking us for being so kind.
We then gave a Christian tract and a Christian website to visit to a woman named Brenda, sharing the plan of salvation with her. She said “I need this” and wished us a Happy Easter and went her way.
We left the hospital area and went to stand out front of a grocery store several blocks away before leaving for the day. As we were approaching the storefront, a young Persian Jewish man in his 20s .He had several friends who were Christian but did not understand what they were speaking about. We gave him the gospel of John as well as the Isaiah 53 tract with the Beth Ariel information on the back. He was very polite and receptive, wanting to know where we went to church. With the phone information he can call the pastor.
That was the end of the outreach as it was getting really cold at that point.
Totals: 3 Bible sets in English, 5 Passover tracts and 5 other tracts, 4 Messianic prophecy bookmarks, 2 Isaiah 53 tracts, 1 Gospel of John
Calgary, Alberta
In addition to the two days we reported last week, we were able to get a great bonus of four more days of outreach this past week. Though some did decline, we were joyful as we saw we had distributed 46 pamphlets on the Passover, handed out six full sets of Hebrew Scriptures, and handed out approximately 10-15 all English New Testaments given to interested Gentiles we met. It gave us opportunity to share the Gospel with them.
We spoke to several people, especially Gentiles who wanted to know what the Passover was all about.
The following was a good opening line for us when reaching out to those passing by. While showing the tract, we say, “This pamphlet is about the two lambs. The first one, the Passover lamb which provided freedom from slavery in Egypt. The second Lamb provided freedom from our slavery to sin.”
On one outing, we met a Jewish man in his early forties. He was walking with his 12-year-old daughter. They listened to us very carefully as we shared about how the Tanakh points to the Messiah. Not having read the New Testament before, the dad was astonished when we shared that the New Testament would have no foothold if the Tanakh had not authenticated it. We explained how the New Covenant (Brit Chadasha) is validated by fulfilling the prophecies of the Tanakh. We emphasised the Jewishness of the whole story.
He expressed how deeply touched he was for our gift and was eager to read the material we left him. We were in turn, greatly touched by his air kiss which he directed towards us as he and his daughter were leaving! We feel that the Lord has opened doors enabling us to reach condo dwellers that normally are inaccessible to us! Let us pray that some will take the time to contact us for a follow up.
Thank you for your prayers!