This past Monday evening, just after Yom Kippur (the Day of Atonement), we had one team of two people. There was a slight nip in the still evening air and we noticed that we were alone on the streets. Gone were the barking dogs and children chatting and playing which we often observed on late summer evenings. This somber atmosphere stays with us for a while as it gets darker earlier now, reminding us that time is short and our pace must be diligent and consistent.
We went to the door of a woman who took the Tanach and said it had come just at the right time because of the recent shooting in Las Vegas. Yet when we presented her with the B’rit Chadashah (New Testament) she returned both books, choosing at this time to decline God’s Word.
At one door, an Asian man in his 30’s greeted us. He had just moved into the house two days before and had not removed the mezuzah from the door post. When speaking with him, he said that he did not know of Jesus, so we gave him an English-only Bible and urged him to read about the Messiah.
Afterwards, we met a couple in their mid-forties. The husband came to the door first and scrutinized the Tanach. Though surprised by it all, he smiled and accepted the free gift. His wife then appeared from behind him and we chatted lightly about his role of washing up after supper. Hopefully that will give them even extra time to read the Bible together. They were very grateful for the set.
Next, we met up with a gentleman who did not change the expression on his face throughout the entire time we presented the Bible set. He accepted both books, maintaining that same expression and then closed the door. May the Word of God create a clean heart in him and renew his mind. May that inner joy be manifested outwardly for the glory of God.
Our next stop was an older man who was quite happy and thankful to receive the set after looking it through. It is quite a privilege to be at the doorstep and watch how one decides for or against receiving the Scriptures into their home. We do not know if this might be their one and even only opportunity to receive the Word. And who might otherwise be praying for them? We need to! We are part of God’s marvelous work of planting seed, knowing that His Word does not return void of effect.
And finally, a young mother and her pre-teen son came to the door and accepted a set.
In all, we gave out one English-only Bible and 5 full Hebrew/English sets.
Praise God!