Beth Ariel Congregation

When the invisible is made visible we have no excuse against the truth


From Montreal:

We had two outreaches in the month of June.

Outreach 1.

The first one was great. One team gave out three Bibles. At one of those doors, a young man (over 18 years old) opened up and said that his parents were away in Israel, but he was so glad to receive the New Testament because he had never had a chance to read it before. Another conversation developed between an atheist and one of our new team members. Our team member spoke into the heart of the atheist about what the grace of God did for him in his own life and by the end of their conversation, she gladly accepted the Bible set. That same evening, the other team gave out five Bible sets and had great conversations about the coming of Messiah and His role as the Suffering Servant. One conversation was particularly interesting. We found out from the woman who greeted us at the door that  she was formally a practicing Catholic who had converted to Judaism in order to marry her Jewish husband. We had her read through Isaiah 53 and spoke about the Jewish Messiah. She told us, “Isn’t it strange that I left the Catholic world where I did hear about Jesus, to enter the Jewish world and now hear about the Jewish Messiah”. Whatever route we take, we cannot escape the truth nor be excused from it, because we are without excuse.  His visible eternal power and Godhead; yes, His attributes are clearly seen.

Outreach 2.   

On the second June evening outreach, we were three teams but we had missed many homes this evening because this was the start of summer vacation in Montreal. It has been our experience that many are away during this season so we decided to postpone the outreach. We did give out one full set and one all-English bible that evening.  

Our plan is to return to the streets on Monday August 6th. Please join us in prayer as the Lord goes before us.

The following three outreaches come from the Calgary team and covers the month of July:


Outreach 1.   

We had another excellent outreach this week! Nine Jewish homes were visited and three responded to our knocking. The first respondent was a man who bluntly said no to our offer and shut his door. The other two however, accepted the full set along with the Isaiah 53 /Talmudhandout! The weather was very nice that night so our car windows were rolled down. We were able to offer all-English Bibles to 3 young (Gentile) men who were walking by us. One was a church goer but his two friends didn’t attend church nor had they ever heard the Gospel.  They were all excited about receiving the Bible. Another couple who we met walking by us accepted the all-English Bible after overhearing our conversation with an atheist who ended up refusing our offer. Overhearing gossip is wrong, but in this case we are glad they were tapping in on the truth.


Outreach 2.      

We visited seven Jewish homes  and six of those families were away. The one who did respond was an elderly woman close to her 90’s. She gladly accepted the full set of Scriptures! She also accepted the Isaiah 53/ Talmud  leaflet. We were able to have only a brief exchange with her, since she was making a great physical effort just to stand at the door to listen to us. She expressed thankfulness for our visit! Praise the Lord for having her make such an effort to come and greet strangers and then receive the gift of Scriptures.


Outreach 3.     

This week we had three respondents who all listened and accepted the Scriptures. We were able to have very good interactions and they readily received the Isaiah 53 / Talmudic leaflet! All three were very grateful for the visit and listened to the prophecies concerning the  first coming of the Messiah as the Suffering Servant! One man even claimed that he was surprised how much more well versed in Jewish studies we were than him.  He went on to say that we were doing God’s work! We were absolutely amazed that a Jewish person, “provoked to jealousy” would say such a thing.  We quickly reassured him that we were simple lay people with a heart for sharing their very own Holy Scriptures with our Jewish Calgarian neighbors! All three reassured us that they would read through all that we left them.


Many thanks for your continued prayers for the Jewish Outreach ministries around the world in these last days! Please pray for a Messianic Jewish lady (Judy)  who expressed interest in joining us on future outreaches. She will be checking out the Ariel Ministries website for further confirmation!


From Buffalo NY


Outreach 1.   

We praise God for opening doors and hearts to receive the Scriptures. Several weeks ago we went to two Jewish homes. One gentleman was very grateful to receive the set. He wanted to know if there was a website and more about the society. We explained that this Society of the Distribution of Hebrew Scriptures was started after the Second World War to make sure that every Jewish home had a copy of the Scriptures. This Jewish gentleman  was very moved and grateful.


Outreach 2.   

This week was amazing! Every door that opened to us received the set, four in all, three of whom were ladies and it was simply “Shalom”… with a short description of who we were and they all gladly took the sets. The last door that opened was a couple, M. and M. As soon as we told them who we were we were joyfully invited in. We spent probably an hour with them and they wanted us to stay even  longer. They had so much to tell us! The wife shared that she suffers from terrible anxiety so I asked her if I could pray for her. She said yes. I prayed for her in the name above all names, Yeshua HaMashiach. As we prayed, tears came to her eyes. The husband was reading the New Testament as we left and he remarked, “This is so good”!!! We later went back with some lavender for her anxiety and brought her some fresh strawberry jam. They insisted on giving us a big bar of dark chocolate… a sweet exchange for sure! They were overjoyed that we came and they want us to return.  We were so happy and we are going to keep in regular contact with them. They have so much more to tell us and on our end we are overflowing with such Good News for them!! Please pray that their hearts will be kept wide opened. As the wife walked us to back to the elevator, she was saying how the building used to have 90% Jewish occupancy and how now there are so few, to which I replied, “Where are they all going”? “ Back to Israel”? She threw her arms heavenward and we all laughed. She is 89 and her husband is 90. 


Blessings to all from Buffalo

“Shout joyfully to the LORD, all the earth. Serve the LORD with gladness; Come before Him with joyful singing.” Psalm 100:1,2

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