Beth Ariel Congregation

What we will NOT be doing in heaven

One thing I have been taught at my congregation is: “Evangelize here and now because this is what we will not be doing in heaven… after all, there are no sinners there”.

Here is our second testimony, this one coming from a long-time member of the Knock and Talk team as she shares the incentives in and the goals for joining this ministry.

I would like to take this time to share with you what a blessing it is to be a part of the door to door ministry. Knock and Talk. When I started, I didn’t understand the magnitude of it and I still do not comprehend it fully. We are serving a living God, bringing His holy and powerful Word to the Jewish homes! What a privilege and a blessing!

I have been in this outreach for the past nine years. God put it in my heart to join not long after I was baptized. However, when I first arrived at the congregation, it was explained to me, by the pastor, that I was Jewish. You see, my father, who is Jewish by birth was himself taught that the Jewish line ran through the mother. Since my mother is a Gentile, and according to what I was taught, I did not consider myself Jewish. However, according to the bible, Jewish descent can come from either the father or the mother. Once knowing that, it encouraged me to pray that my kinsmen according to the flesh might go back to the ancient paths, to the Scriptures, and recognize many things that they too were not taught; namely that Yeshua is the Jewish Messiah. Therefore part of my excitement in being part of the Knock and Talk team is to have the opportunity to explain the truth of what the Scriptures reveal since Jewish people are often taught to depend on tradition and religion rather than seek the Word of God for a clearer understanding.

I have had many health challenges over the years, but I am so thankful to the Lord that I am still able to continue with this ministry. I truly feel that one of the reasons God has healed me and strengthened me through these trials is  just so that I can continue to speak His Word and serve Him in this way.

We are very blessed to be equipped with the precious teaching that comes from the congregation, along with the prayers that are being lifted up before the throne of grace, as well as  the bibles which have been freely given, generously financed by many who have the same goal and heart as we do to see Jewish people receive the Scriptures. Ultimately, it is God who calls us, prepares us and enables us. Without Him, nothing would be possible.

It is a great blessing to go out door to door with my sisters and brothers in the Lord. We are united in one Body to serve Him and acclaim His great glory.

Ephesians 2:10

For we are God’s handiwork, created in Messiah Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.



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