Beth Ariel Congregation

Walk and Talk Report – September 28th 2022

Magen David on Hebrew Scriptures

Report for Thursday, September 22nd 

10 gift sets (3 French, 1 Russian and 6 English), 1 Tanakh, 17 pamphlets were given out.

Two lady team members were out on a cool day but had opportunity to have small conversations with several people. They were able to speak with most of them about the atonement that can only be obtained through the Messiah and these people received the bookmark, the Isaiah 53 pamphlet and the pamphlet titled “Book of Life”.  At times it was possible to read some of the verses in Isaiah 53 with them which was very helpful and allowed for further conversation.

One religious man received the Isaiah 53 leaflet and responded positively.

Then a Jewish woman was offered the set, but she did not want to take the Brit Chadashah. In the end, she refused the set but received the Isaiah 53 leaflet. They were able to explain to her that the Brit Chadashah spoke of the Messiah and that the church that sprung out of the second temple period was made up of Jewish people.  Accepting the brochures, she left and at that point it started to rain and the team decided to close their day with joy having been able to give out 10 gift sets.

Report for Friday, September 23rd 

11 gift sets, 1 Brit Chadashah and 20 “Book of Life” pamphlets were given out.

One Jewish lady was astonished when she was offered the gift set saying that she could not believe that such a beautiful set would be free. She offered money for charity but was told that they did not accept money and the gift was free.  She was told that they received joy each time they gave a set and she mentioned that her Hebrew name meant Joy.

A young woman was offered a set as she walked past their car and wanted to take it right away but then decided to open the Tanakh to see if it was “good”. She asked if it was real to which they said yes and as she was about to leave with the set, she was quickly shown the Brit Chadashah to which she stated that it was the New Testament. An explanation was given about the Messiah and His atonement for our sins and the fulfillment of the prophesies in the Tanakh. They pointed to the Passover and the prophesy about the seed of the woman in Genesis 3:15. The woman was not convinced that it was an authorized book but left with the literature.  Please pray for this young woman to be stirred within her heart that the words about the Messiah are true.

A man sitting in his car was about to leave but seeing the team member approach, he rolled down his window.  Greeting each other for the holidays, he was offered the set.  He was explained who the publisher was and was shown the Brit Chadashah. As the member explained that the small book was about the Messiah, the man smiled and thanked her profusely and drove off.

Another man also in his car received the set hearing that it was being given out for Rosh Hashanah.

A woman walking by received the set saying that she was on her way to see her new grandson and would give the set to her daughter.

A separate visit to another mall took place prior to this day’s outreach where one of the team members visited two ladies in a small boutique.  These women were excited to hear about the congregation and wanted to know more.  As there were no materials with her at the time, the team member promised to return the following Friday.  The team member came back the following week and “M” was so thankful to receive the Bible set and said this was a sign that God wanted her to return to Him. She had been thinking of this during the week and was excited for Friday to arrive. She confessed that she had not gone to any church in a long time and that her father, who had attended our congregation had passed away 4 years ago.  Her mother attended Beth Ariel for sometime, and so this young lady said she wanted to attend with her mother. She said that it was a miracle that the team arrived on that Friday because that was the last day of her work there.  Praise God that “M” was touched by the Lord convicting her to receive the set and make a new commitment to return to her Messiah.

The team wants once again to thank all those that pray for them.  They covet your prayers now as the weather is turning cooler and people are more interested in rushing indoors to get warm.  God is faithful and we praise Him for giving them wisdom and discernment as they meet with others who need salvation.


Team Two’s report:

Tuesday September 20

Two women team members went back to the Jewish neighborhood where they have been visiting. Although there were some homes where there was no answer, most of those who came to the door accepted our gift as we wished them Chag Sameach (Happy Holiday). We were thrilled to give out ten full sets and one Tanakh. We’re starting a little earlier because sunset is coming so early. That way we can finish before it gets too dark.

We saw a very religious couple enter their home and offered them the leaflet of Talmudic commentaries on Isaiah 53, but they politely declined.

A man met us at the door just as he was walking out. He seemed to not be in a hurry, so we spoke to him longer. One team member began to speak about kapparot, a practice her two grandfathers had done, where Jewish people pray to transfer their sins to a chicken before they kill it. The man said he had done it with a rabbi before, so we spoke about the need for blood to atone for sins. We also spoke of the recent arrival of five red heifers in Israel, one of which is needed for the purification rites of the next Temple.

Pointing across the street to the home where a woman had previously given back the Tanakh she’d received from the team, another woman quickly declined the gift and all our literature.

Another man was stunned that we would not accept any money for the gift set. “Not give you anything? Really? What can I say?” Baruch Hashem!”, we replied. (Bless the Name of God) He was so touched by the books.

One man said he didn’t have a Tanakh and didn’t even know what it was. He took a full set.

A young father leaned over and cranked open a window to speak to us since he was putting his children to bed. He asked us the to leave the set outside for him. He was quite happy for the gift.

One elderly woman was afraid to answer her door since she was alone.

A French-speaking woman said she’d gotten up from her bed to answer the door but said she was too sick to take anything we had. We wished her well and said we’d pray for her. She thanked us.

Thursday September 22

The team from Tuesday continued in the same neighborhood, just a few days before the Feast of Trumpets. Jewish people are more attuned to spiritual themes at this time, so it’s a perfect time to offer them the Scriptures. Not a single home refused our gifts, which was a real first! We gave out 12 full sets, one Tanakh, and one Brit Chadashah. We gave until we had no more. What a blessing to be able to share the precious Word of God at this holiday time!

A man came to the door and took a set for his Jewish father-in-law, who he was visiting. He himself was not Jewish.

An elderly woman asked us to leave a set outside for her so she could get it safely. We were happy to do so.

A man had been standing outside at a door and then walked to his car in the driveway. He told us no one was home. Seeing he was Jewish, a team member offered him a set for the holidays. He was a bit surprised, but then said he would give it to his daughter, who wasn’t home. As we were walking further down the street, we saw the daughter arrive and signal her father to stop his car.

At the very next house, a man was getting into his car as we shouted from the sidewalk that we had a gift for him. He waited for us and was very happy to receive a set and literature from us before he drove off, grinning ear to ear.

Next door to him, we rang the doorbell twice and were about to leave when a young man in his 20’s appeared. He thanked us many times for the gift set, saying how good it was for us to be distributing Scriptures.

One lady who came to the door accepted the Tanakh only, declining the Brit Chadashah. When that happens, we are grateful they don’t give back everything.

Just before the end of the evening, we went where a couple was packing up to move out of their house. The man said he’d found three Tanakhs as he filled his boxes, so he didn’t need another. We suggested he take the smaller volume, assuring him he didn’t have one and would surely find room for the Brit Chadashah!

An Israeli man said he was happy to be living in the neighborhood since it was his first year. He said he didn’t know the name of the New Testament in Hebrew and happily took a full set.

Each set was given with a bookmark of Messianic prophecies and a pamphlet on how to be written in the Book of Life. Judaism teaches that all Jewish people are written in a book at this holiday, some for death and some for life. There is a link in this newsletter if you’d like to download a copy. Maybe you know someone Jewish who might want to read it.

Thank you for your continued prayer support as we offer these priceless words to those who need to know their Messiah who came to atone for the sins of the world. Next week is also a prime period to give out these sets, so please keep praying!

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