Beth Ariel Congregation

Walk and Talk Report – September 21st 2022

Magen David on Hebrew Scriptures

Friday, September 16th 2022

11 gift sets, 1 Isaiah 53 leaflet and 15 Book of Life pamphlets were given.

A team of two women were out this past Friday on this sunny and somewhat busy shopping day.

Before one of the team members could fill the gift bags with more sets, the other team member had already given 3 sets out.  These people were overwhelmed with the wonderful and thoughtful gift they received, and one woman was close to tears as she thanked them.

One French speaking gentleman also received the set and mentioned that he had met the team before and had received a pamphlet. Speaking of the Messiah, the man agreed that Jesus was the Messiah.  This confirms for us that as we hand out even the pamphlets, God is working in the recipient’s hearts and bearing fruit!  This man was very thankful. Pray that this man will continue reading his Tanakh and Brit Chadashah, drawing closer to His Redeemer.

Two other young Jewish ladies received the sets and were clearly touched and thankful for the gift.

One older woman was met at her car as she was placing her groceries down.  She talked of going to Hebrew school as a child and said that she would surely read these books as she had wanted to get back to the teachings. Surely doors were opened in people’s hearts and we pray that they will not be shut but give way to the Messiah to enter in! Amen!


Wednesday September 14, 2022

Two team members went out on a cool evening in a Jewish area. Four sets were given out to Jewish people. Maybe because it was already dark outside most of the time the team was out, people seemed hesitant to open their doors. At times, we heard the voices of those inside, saw someone peering through a window or a light go on near the door, but no one greeted us. We had no answer at most of the homes.

At one of the first homes, we had a pleasant conversation with a younger woman. She was surprised by the offer of a Brit Chadashah, but when told it was good Second Temple literature that was Jewish, she accepted a set. She also inquired where we attended services, so we told her a little about Beth Ariel.

A very kind and gentle young man answered his door near the end of the evening. He said he didn’t know what a Tanakh was, although he was obviously Jewish. He accepted a full set and thanked us over and over for giving them out.

An older lady spoke to us through the door, saying she was alone and didn’t want to open up. She agreed for us to leave a set for her in the mailbox.


Thursday September 15, 2022

Two team members enjoyed another cool evening to continue in the same neighborhood as the night before. This time, six full sets were given out.

Sometimes parents came to the door with their children who were getting ready for bed. At one home, a young woman arrived with her two little children. She used the opportunity to remind and teach them. She called the act of distributing Scriptures a “mitzvah” – a good deed. A team member pointed out the shofar on the pamphlet, which the elder child recognized. We spoke with the kids about traditions for the holiday, and the mother promised her husband would read stories to them from the Tanakh. She also accepted the Brit Chadashah and the messianic prophecy bookmark. They all thanked us with big smiles when we left.

Another woman, who initially asked if we were with Jews for Jesus, took a Tanakh, but then gave it back as we were walking back past her house at the end of the evening.

An Israeli grandmother and three grandchildren invited us to step into the entryway inside. But when the matriarch heard “Brit Chadashah”, her defenses quickly went up and she said she didn’t want anything from us. She explained to the kids that we were Christians, so it was best to not take our literature. We continued down the street.

As the team approached one of the last Jewish homes to visit for that evening, one of them thought she knew the people who lived there. She quickly explained that they were neighbours in another part of the city some 30 years ago. The couple living there had taken in the team member and also cared for her children during a very difficult period in her marriage.

A burly man in shorts opened the door to them and was offered the set but was declining when the team member called out his name. Slowly he began to recognize her. When he called for his wife, she came to the door and flung her arms around our team member. While the two ladies caught up, the other member of the team spoke about the Messiah to the husband. What could he do but accept the set? The two reunited women agreed to meet soon. Back outside afterwards, the team gave praise for this small miracle. Please pray that the women get together to speak about the One who brings healing and restoration.

Time after time, people opened their hands to the precious volumes we were offering.

To have given out so many sets in just a short period is truly remarkable. Your prayers are producing fruit, and we thank you for partnering with us in this vital endeavor. Please continue to pray for our outreaches, that those who have received the Scriptures would read them, and that God would bring in a harvest of repentant souls as we mark the Feast of Trumpets and the Day of Atonement.

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