Beth Ariel Congregation

Walk and Talk Report – September 14th 2022

Magen David on Hebrew Scriptures

Report for Thursday, September 8th 

7 sets (1 French, 6 English), 1 Brit Chadashah, and several Book of Life pamphlets were given.

Two women team members were out on this sunny and profitable day to seek out those who would receive the gift sets.  Before the team’s car actually stopped, one of the members spotted a Jewish woman coming near them.  The member jumped out of the car and saying hello, offered the woman the gift set. She was surprised by the offer and accepted it, saying she was going to give it to a friend who needed this beautiful gift.

Without skipping a beat, the team member spotted a man who had been listening from just a short distance. He was wearing a kippa and was in his forties. Approaching him she offered the set showing him the beautiful Hebrew/English scriptures inside. He accepted the set but moments later as they were still getting organized to start the outreach, he came to return the Brit Chadashah saying that he did not want that book. He was told that it was a Jewish book which had answers as to who the Messiah was and that it was from the second temple era. Hearing this he accepted to receive it. Pray that he will be consumed by the knowledge that he reads there, and that the Messiah is revealed to him.

Not long after a woman from Morocco, in a hurry, accepted the set with thankfulness.

The team then saw a Jewish woman who appeared to be very sad and downcast.  Asking her if they could help, she mentioned that her mother had died in June and that her aunt had just passed away and it was mental stress that she was now going through.  She did not know how she would cope and was comforted by the team’s concern.  She was offered the set which she took and held closely for a moment and accepted that the team pray to God on her behalf.  She was offered a visit but she said she could not but was shown where she could call the office or look on line for further messages, which could inevitably give her hope.

A Pakistani Hindu woman stopped the team and asked them if they were offering something as she saw them speaking with the other woman.  She said that she knew about Yeshua and that she prayed to Him along with her other gods but did not believe He was the promised Messiah. She was shown the set and exclaimed that her husband was Jewish and would love to have this gift.  Just at that moment a Jewish woman walked swiftly towards the two team members, informing them that this was Jewish territory and that the team had no right to be there. She exclaimed that she had seen a gift set in the grocery store that had been left in the cart, like garbage, and it was not acceptable for that to happen to the word of Hashem (Hashem means “the name” and is used often by Jewish people to avoid using the name of God in vain).  She was obviously very upset, but the team allowed her to speak and as she calmed down, she was surprised that they did not argue with her but thanked her instead for informing them. The team wished her well as she walked away flinging her arms in the air.  May Yeshua work in her heart to reveal that He came to bring salvation to her life as well.

Report for Friday, September 9th 

1 set and a few Book of Life pamphlets were offered by the team on this day.

The team of two woman had started out late on that day and unfortunately had to stop shortly after starting.  They did have enough time to offer an orthodox Jewish woman an Isaiah 53 leaflet and had a conversation with her about why the Messiah came.  She was very thankful for the explanation and wished the team well.

A Jewish man received the set thankfully. Taking it in his hands he said, “I am not going to read this, it is too big!”  In response, one of the team members told him that they had never read the scriptures either until Hashem had called them to read it.  The man said that Hashem had never called him, to which they exclaimed, “That’s why we are here!”  He received the set with gladness.

An orthodox woman was offered the set but she refused to receive it. The team informed her that they believed that the Messiah had already come and that He was coming back.  She was shown the commentary in the Book of Life pamphlet and in the Isaiah 53 leaflet. As they opened the pamphlet, she was shown that the prophesies were written in the Talmud. They explained it was Hashem who opened their eyes to the truth in His word. She was very impressed by what they said and was thankful that they had taken time with her.

The teams praise God for such marvelous encounters and pray that the Word will come to live in these peoples’ hearts. They again expressed their thankfulness for the prayers offered while on the outings as they could feel the Holy Spirit’s presence during their outreach.

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