Beth Ariel Congregation

Walk and Talk Report – September 11th 2024

Magen David on Hebrew Scriptures

Thursday, September 5th

2 gift sets were given


On this pleasant evening, a team of two were visiting an area that they had not covered before. It was a residential area and they were excited to see what doors would open to them.

The first set was given to a Vietnamese man who was out walking his dog. They were just getting out of their car when he passed by and as they greeted him, he told them that he had a purebred dog which he had purchased in the U.S. and it was this that began the conversation. They offered him a bible to which he confessed that he did not have one but had tried to read one in hotels when he travelled but did not understand much due to the language. As they continued the conversation, they found out that his wife was Jewish through her mother. They assured him that his wife was Jewish and offered him the Tanakh and told him about the inerrancy of the Word. They gave him the Brit Chadashah as well as the Beth Ariel contact card. They asked him, “What do you think separates us from sin?”  They could see from his answer that he understood the holiness of God, especially when he answered that it was the issue of purity.  They agreed, affirming that only God was holy and that only Yeshua, Jesus, could remove man’s sins. They stressed the fact that only Yeshua could remove sins because it was sin that separated man from God. He was very grateful for the conversation and thanked them for the gift.

At the next door, a Jewish woman from Morocco greeted them saying she was from Chabad, an orthodox Jewish sect.  She told them that her father was a rabbi at the synagogue.  They spoke about Yeshua and that He was the Messiah and they spoke about sin. They told her that only a minority of Jewish people believed this truth.  At this she accepted to take everything offered to her stating that they were very convincing. The team later mentioned in their report that they hoped that the Holy Spirit and the Word would convict her and that she would be able to see the truth.

At the last door of the evening, they experienced a special moment.  A woman had come to the door and they offered her the Tanakh. One of the team members mentioned that she was a Messianic Jew to which the woman replied that her brother was a Messianic Jew also.  They asked for his name, to which she replied Jacques Gabizon!  They were very surprised at this as they had not met her before in person and told her it was an honour to meet her. She said she was already familiar with the gospel and they spoke for another twenty minutes. They took this opportunity to talk about sin and how man could be reconciled with God through the Messiah.  Referring to Yom Kippur, they spoke about the blood atonement as written about in Isaiah 53 where He bears the sins of many and in Leviticus 17:11 (NIV) where it states: “For the life of a creature is in the blood and I have given it to you to make atonement for yourselves on the altar, it is the blood that makes atonement for ones’ life”.

She spoke about liking to do mitzvahs and they told her that no work that man could do would allow them to approach God. They said that it was good to do a mitzvah, but that it was important to be reconciled to God first and then to offer God one’s service for His glory.  She confessed that she was uncertain what prevented her from coming to faith and the team suggested that she should ask God to reveal the truth to her about Yeshua. They also told her that she was blessed to have her brother there to answer any questions that she may have. They saw that she was smiling and had been from the beginning. She did not take any literature but thanked them for coming.


The team had a wonderful evening and were very thankful to all who prayed and they once again ask for prayer for those they met, that they would come to Yeshua.


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