Magen David on Hebrew Scriptures

Report for Monday, September 30th

6 gift sets in English and 1 French Tanakh were given.


On a beautiful evening a team of two were reaching out in a local community. Most of the people they met had opportunity to be introduced to the Tanakh and Brit Chadashah and were also presented with the prophecies of the first coming of the Messiah, being explained how they were fulfilled in the Brit. They were also told about the 2nd coming and how at that time the Messiah will reign in Jerusalem.

The first set was given to a man who said that he attends a synagogue in the area and that he sits with a woman who told him that she prays for him. He took the set, and the team was touched and encouraged by the encounter.

Then they approached a woman and her 4-year-old daughter.  The mother took the comfort card and then gave it to her child to hold. She then took the entire set from the team and went to put it in her car. She thanked the team and was very grateful for the gift.

A Jewish man was very surprised to receive the set and could not believe that such a gift was offered and that it was for free.  He said he did not have a Tanakh and took all the literature as well. He was invited to visit Beth Ariel but refused saying he attended his synagogue. They let him know that he was always welcome to come and could listen to the pastor’s messages on the radio or internet.

They met a French couple who told them that they were from Chabad. The team noticed that the woman was not interested in the literature, but they did take the Beth Ariel contact card.  The husband did not have a Tanakh for himself and they took this opportunity to tell him how important it was to know the Word of God and the prophecies concerning the Messiah. Hearing this, the man took the Tanakh, and both were thankful for their gift.

A set was given to an elderly couple who was surprised to receive such a gift. They took it gratefully.

Another woman who took the set said she would be careful with it as she was going inside the shopping mall.

Two young women who were nearby (18 years +) took a bookmark, the Isaiah 53 pamphlet and Beth Ariel’s contact card. The team shared that Yeshua was the Messiah and later commented between themselves that it was a pleasure to have shared this information with these two young ladies.

Next, they spoke with a man who said he had a bible at home. He told them that he used to have faith in God and so the team told him that it was important for him to come back to God and His Word as it held the only truth in the world. He was happy to receive the contact card for Beth Ariel and was surprised when he heard that both Jews and Gentiles worship Yeshua together.  He told them that he used to attend a Protestant church and so the team told him that it was important to see the difference between having a religion and having a relationship with God.  He was made aware of the fact that sin was the main issue which leads to the turning away from God, and that it was so important to have a close relationship with Him.



Report for Tuesday, October 1st

5 sets. 1 Hebrew Tanakh and 1 French Bible were given.


A team of two were out on a beautiful day in a local residential area. The first set was given to a Moroccan woman with four children. She had just left the grocery store and was on her way to her car with the groceries and a bouquet of flowers when the team met up with her. She immediately took the set, and they briefly spoke about sin, righteousness and Yeshua. They told her that only Yeshua the Messiah could make her tsadik (righteous). She thanked them and was smiling as she left them.

A Hebrew Tanakh was given to an Israeli woman. They discovered that she was fluent in Hebrew and offered her the Brit Chadashah. However, she took only the Tanakh as well as the Isaiah 53 leaflet. They wanted her to read how Yeshua could make someone tsadik. When she said that she was good, they explained that not one person on earth was truly good except Yeshua the Messiah, and that He alone could make her righteous before God.

A set was given to an American woman who had been living in Canada for 37 years. She was quite astonished when she saw both the Tanakh and Brit Chadashah and kept staring at them and was very quiet. She repeatedly mentioned that her husband would love this and so they spoke to her about Yeshua, Jacob’s trouble and of things yet to come like the tribulation. They stressed that it was important to have a relationship with God. She accepted the Beth Ariel contact card and was encouraged to follow the messages from the radio and the internet.

A set was given in English to a young woman who had her small son with her. The team recounted later on how it was so good to meet them and how she took the set.

A couple from Chad, Africa said that they did not have a bible, so the team gave them one and spoke about how important it was to have a personal relationship with God. They were given the Beth Ariel card and informed that they could find the teachings of the pastor on the internet.

A set in French was given to a woman from Morocco.  They spoke about Yeshua and that He was the Messiah and how many would believe in a false Messiah and how this can be seen even in these days. They shared that the true Messiah had fulfilled all the prophecies given for the first coming, that He had to come from the tribe of Judah.  They pointed out that after the destruction of the 2nd Temple, all the genealogical records were burned. Yeshua, however, came before the destruction of the temple and these records, therefore the proof was there that He came from the Davidic line. The woman said that she was from the tribe of Levi and they told her that this was the priestly line. The woman then said that her cleaning lady who was from Mexico, spoke to her about Jesus. She received the set and the Beth Ariel card.

Another set was given to an elderly man who was very thankful.

The team praised God for such a beautiful outing and all the glory was for Him.



Report for October 6th

3 sets, 2 Tanakhs, 1 English Bible and 1 Spanish Bible were given.


The team of two women was out at a local mall and saw that there were more encounters on this outing with Gentiles than with Jewish people.  They gave out anti-Semitism pamphlets knowing that it was good to bring their attention (the Gentiles) to this problem and point to Scripture passages dealing with anti-Semitism.

The first set was given to a woman and her son. The little boy asked the ladies how they recognized them as Jewish. They responded by saying that when they said, “Chag Sameach” (which means Happy Holiday) they saw by their response that they were Jewish. He smiled at them and thanking them, the mom and boy went on their way.

They had a conversation with a man who was agnostic, but they were able to talk with him for about twenty minutes. They clearly stated their faith in Yeshua and that He was the Jewish Messiah of Israel. The man responded by saying that the cross was not mentioned in the Tanakh. They referred him to Psalm 22:16 where David writes (ESV), “For dogs encompass me, a company of evildoers encircles me, they have pierced my hands and feet”. They told him that Yeshua will return to Israel and that all the Jewish leaders will mourn for Him whom they pierced. The man did not take any literature but said he would remember the Beth Ariel website. They asked him to read Zechariah 12:10 and Isaiah 53 and told him that only the Messiah could remove sin.

At a second mall on that same day, a set was given to a woman who works for Federation CJA (the organization which coordinated the Montreal March for Jerusalem). She told them that she herself was not able to be at the march.  She was very touched and grateful to receive the set.  They then met a woman from Israel who took a Hebrew set. They had heard her speaking Hebrew as they greeted her and were happy to bring the gift to her. They too spoke about sin and Yeshua being the Messiah and how only He could make people righteous before God.  They hugged her and wished her well.

One English bible was given to an Iranian man who was very humble. He was also open to receive the anti-Semitism pamphlet and encouraged to read and listen to the Word of God on the radio and internet.

A third set was given to an elderly, well dressed woman. She said that she was touched to see that they had come to her as there were many people passing by. She was emotional when she saw the Tanakh and said she wanted to cry. They helped her to put her parcels in the trunk and gave her the set, explaining that they believed that Yeshua was the Messiah. The woman took everything they offered, and her eyes were filled of tears. They offered her a comfort card and gave her a hug.

A Tanakh was given to a woman who had a child with her in the car. She refused the Brit but did take the Tanakh and all the literature.

Another Tanakh was given to a woman who refused the Brit.

One Spanish bible was given to a man who accepted the Beth Arial contact card and was told he could go to the website and find the messages in Spanish.

The team said that it was a blessed time to go out and thanked God for His faithfulness.



Report for Monday October 7th

A team of three people went door to door to Jewish homes in a specific suburb to simply leave a card of support for Israel. The front envelope had a label saying “Christians who Stand with Israel” while the card itself had blessings from the Scriptures for the nation of Israel. Two hundred cards were left at the 200 homes. With more just one person living in each dwelling, we hope that double or even triple this amount of people read the card and were touched and encouraged by this show of support.



Report for Tuesday, October 8th

1 set and 4 Tanakhs were given.


It was a beautiful night for the team of two as they went door to door in a residential area.  They met a religious woman who stated she had two girls and one boy. She declined the Tanakh but took the comfort card and the Isaiah 53 leaflet. Her young daughter who was with her grabbed the card out of her mother’s hand and all the children were so excited to see the team at the door that they brought their littlest sibling (a baby) to the door. Another little girl pointed to her two missing teeth.  It was a blessed visit.

As they walked, they met an entire family, the father, mother and children who were waving to them as they came closer.  Greeting them with “Shana Tovah” (Happy New Year), the man had a kind look on his face and this touched the team.

A Tanakh was given to a woman who was in a hurry. She said her daughter was studying Scripture at school. She was overwhelmed by all the literature she was given and was grateful.

A set was given to a young, humble man who was intently listening to all that the team was sharing. He took all the literature.

Then a Tanakh was given to a couple. First, the wife came to the door and took the Tanakh but then her husband who had been standing at the entrance with his dog joined them. He had been listening to the conversation about Yeshua being the Messiah and his countenance changed, and he hesitated, wondering out loud if they should take the Tanakh. The team did not offer them the Brit Chadashah and so finally they kept the Tanakh.

One set was given in English to a young man who also listened to the team tell him about Yeshua and the prophesies in Isaiah 53.  He then took the entire set.

Another Tanakh was given to a couple in their late sixties.

Finally, another Tanakh was given to the last house for that evening’s outreach.


The team mentioned that they spoke to most people that night about Yeshua and Isaiah 53 and how sin separated men from God. The team wished to thank everyone for all their prayers and thanked God for the beautiful evening.