Beth Ariel Congregation

Walk and Talk Report – October 5th 2022

Magen David on Hebrew Scriptures

Friday, September 30th 

Team One: 17 Book of Life pamphlets, 3 gift sets (1 French, 1 English, 1 Yiddish) were given.

A team of two women were out on this beautiful day and were able to give out the Word with joy and thanksgiving. They reported that several small conversations occurred when people received the Isaiah 53 leaflet. However, there was one longer conversation with a person who received the Yiddish set. The person was very comfortable to share their personal information and was very grateful to receive such a beautiful gift.

Friday, September 30th 

9 gift sets were given, along with several Book of Life and Isaiah pamphlets.

This second team of two women went to another shopping mall on what ended up being a warm, sunny day.  One team member approached a man coming out of the grocery store and offered the gift set in English which he joyously took but then asked for a French set instead.  They spoke to him about Yeshua as the Messiah. Listening, the man said that he had realized before that Yeshua was a Jew and from the line of David. Confessing that he struggled with the teachings of the Catholic Church he then stated to the team “If Hashem is Yeshua, he has to come back”. Taken aback at the man’s honesty they appreciated the time of sharing.

A Jewish woman in her late sixties received a set in English and asked for one in French also. She was near the team’s car and asked if they had a phonetic set but was happy for the ones she received. However, later on, she passed by the team again and they called out to her that Hashem loved her very much to which she responded to the one team members, “You are so holy” which deeply touched the team member.

A Russian Jewish gentleman “V” received a set in English and one in Russian. The team had a long conversation with him about Yeshua and he confessed that he had become an Orthodox Christian since moving to Canada but struggled with this faith. He mentioned that he had lived in Israel for several years and was a guard at the Palestinian Israeli border and that he was also in the IDF.  He was so touched by the conversation that he asked if the team could visit him to speak to him more about Yeshua. A visit will be set up. Several other people received sets through their windows of their cars after being greeted with the holiday wishes of Shana Tovah!

In all the teams were excited that so many people received the sets and are thankful to those who are praying for them and the outcome of the outreach.

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