Beth Ariel Congregation

Walk and Talk Report-October 19th 2022

Magen David on Hebrew Scriptures

Wednesday, October 12th 2022

7 gift sets and 1 Tanakh were given.

It was a peaceful warm evening on this particular Wednesday when a team of two ladies went door to door in the West Island of Montreal.  As the evening darkness came quickly it appeared that the people were in a hurry to answer the door and only a few conversations were had. One woman who received the gift set asked if she needed to give some form of charity and was reassured that it was indeed a true gift and it was free.

Another person receiving the gift asked, “What’s the catch?”

Please pray that these people would open their free gift and come to know the True Gift of God, Yeshua the Messiah.

The team rejoiced as they went door to door and thanked God for His faithfulness, His loving kindness and for allowing those seven doors to be opened, reaching into seven hearts.


Friday, October 14th 2022

Two women team members were at a shopping mall when a Jewish woman came near their car.  She received the set gratefully and thanked the team member for the generous gift.

A woman approached the team accompanied by her son.  She was from British Guiana and confessed with great pride that her son was pure Canadian, having been born in this country.  She was a believer in Yeshua and said something drew her to the team. She offered a small testimony of how amazing it was that she had a white Jewish grandmother and grew up experiencing all the Jewish High Holidays and feasts with her. She had experienced this culture and tradition most of her youth. She spoke of her faith being strong after her son who was diagnosed with autism had been healed through prayer. She affirmed that it was God Who healed him. One team member prayed for them and the woman was so thankful afterwards, saying that she had prayed many of those same words that very morning.  She encouraged the team to continue what they were doing and not to stop as she walked away clutching her precious gift to her chest.

Another Russian Jewish man was approached who received the gift with surprise and much thankfulness. Several received the pamphlet “Under the Canopy of      G-d’s Protection”, our tract for the Feast of Sukkot (Tabernacles).

The team then changed location to a busy Jewish district which included a popular Jewish bakery.  After parking the car, they approached a truck driver just as he was driving away from the bakery.  His window was opened and he called a cheery greeting to the team and was rewarded with a gift set.  He accepted the gift set in astonishment and thanked the ladies as he drove off.

Shortly afterwards a man came out of the bakery and was offered the Holy Scriptures.  He listened as they introduced the Tanakh and Brit Chadashah to him along with the Sukkot pamphlet, the booklet and an Isaiah 53 pamphlet.  He thanked them again and again.

Finally, as the team prepared to leave, a Jewish orthodox man in his early fifties and assisted by a walker stopped and then walked directly over to the team.  He wanted to know what they were offering and speaking kindly he began a lengthy conversation teaching about the history of the bakery, and that his grandfather had owned it for many years. His family survived the Holocaust and he acknowledged how their faith in Hashem (this word means “the name” and is often used by Jewish people, avoiding to say the word “God”) brought them a wonderful life. He revealed that he was grieving the loss of his mother and the team asked if they could pray for him. He accepted but continued talking as they handed him a bookmark and he exclaimed, “Ah this is Jews for Jesus!”  They informed him that it was not from this organization per se. They pointed instead to the verses listed which were from the Tanakh and how they spoke of the Messiah, the Righteous One. The team member spoke of the blood of the lamb and Passover and how it led to Yeshua, the Messiah.  Still willing to speak with them, he said he had studied the bible in university and knew much about “this Jesus and Paul and the others”. Thanking them for their time he continued on his way holding the bookmark in his hand.  Please pray for this kind man.


Thank you to all who prayed for the teams and the hearts and souls of the Jewish people who they met.  Praise to our Lord and Savior!

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