Beth Ariel Congregation

Walk and Talk Report – November 9th 2022

Magen David on Hebrew Scriptures

November 3, 2022

9 gift sets and 2 Brit Chadashahs were given out.

On this clear, sunny day two ladies from the outreach team were at a local shopping mall. They stated that they had several beautiful conversations with people as they received their gift sets.

One such conversation was with a Jewish gentleman who had been approached by the other outreach team some time ago and who knew Pastor Jacques well. This team member asked him if he had read the material or delved into the Tanakh/Brit Chadashah and if he had any reflections.  He admitted that he had read some of the pamphlet and promised to continue with his reading. This was quite an orchestrated moment in how both of our outreach teams have met the same gentleman and engaged in conversation with him. Let us keep this man in prayer.

A French gentleman was approached who confessed that he was dealing with anger towards God as he had cancer and so the team member asked if she could pray for him. Afterwards he said he felt better and gently tapped her shoulder and thanked her for her kindness.  Surely this was a divine appointment.

Another Jewish lady received the set, and the team had a conversation with her about the symbol of the blood of the lamb and the sign of the Tav during the Exodus with Moses. The team member spoke of the Messiah and how He was the spotless lamb who made us tsadik (righteous) by taking our sins and cleansing us.  The lady listened intently and then said that the team member should go to the synagogue and tell them this. Lastly, she accepted our praying for her, and it was done in the name of Yeshua.  What a glorious encounter.

There was a police car patrolling the parking area and eventually the two officers entered the mall. When they were returning to their car the team spotted them and one of the team members who had specially printed bibles for police officers approached them to offer them a gift.  Both officers were surprised and smiled and one commented that he had not heard of the organization Fellowship of Christian Police Officers and began to go through the pages of the bible.  Smiling, the officer thanked them and wished them a very good day.

Immediately after this, a man getting into his car was approached.  When offered the gift set he commented, in quite negative terms, that he was not interested.  He stated that he, as well as his father were both atheists. He began a tirade explaining the hurt done to the Jewish people and said he was firm in his belief to which the team member stated that she thought he had more faith than her to believe his story. He was unmoved and so he got quickly into his car and left.

Nearby was a beautiful bright neon blue sports car convertible which was being admired by all who were passing by.  A gentleman in the next car over jokingly commented to one of the team members that he had offered the owner a large amount of money for the car and said it would be a great gift. The team member said that she had a gift for him that was far better. He laughed but the team member produced the gift set and told him that there was no greater gift than the word from Hashem (this is a Hebrew word meaning “the Name” often used by Jewish people when they don’t want to say “God” since they feel it might be said in vain). Not knowing what to say the man seemed moved by that comment and received the gift set and got in his car stating that while the car owner turned him down he now has a gift for himself.

Sometime later, the owner came to her car with a friend, carrying a load of groceries. Recounting the story to her about the man who offered to buy her car, the team member told the lady that she had a better offer for her.  This offer was a free gift for the Jewish people, and she said, “Oh I’m Jewish”.  She was given the set and told that we all desire to have good things to add happiness to our lives, but the most important thing was to have a relationship with the Messiah.  Responding to the team member she said she realized she had put her trust in money but was happy with that for the time being. She thanked the team member and said she would read the books when she had time.  Please pray for this woman that she would find her happiness in the perfect Gift, her Messiah.

Another lady, standing near the trunk of her car, was offered the gift set to which she asked what congregation they were with. They informed her that they were volunteers with the publishing house that was offering the gift sets to encourage the Jewish people.  Hearing this she accepted the set and jumped in her car and drove off.

The team praised God for all the encounters and thanks all those who were praying for them.

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