Thursday, November 2nd, 2023
16 Anti-Semitism pamphlets (11 English, 5 French), 4 sets and 1 Brit Chadashah were given.
An Ashkenazi man from Hungary was approached. He said that he already had the Tanakh but the team discovered that he had the Torah and so he accepted the set. They told him that the Tanakh had both the writings and the prophesies on the Messiah and that it was important for him to know when the Messiah would come and how to identify Him. They also spoke about the third temple, that people would believe in a false Messiah who would appear. They encouraged him to go online and listen to the teachings from Pastor Gabizon and follow using the Scriptures the gentleman received.
A Brit Chadashah was offered to a well-dressed, elegant woman who said she had the Tanakh. They talked about the Messiah and how there would be peace during the Messianic times on earth but she thought she would not be alive at that time. The team pointed out that they believed the Messiah had already come and would return and reign in Jerusalem. She was told she could read about those things, of the Messiah’s first coming and His return now that she had the scriptures in her hand.
A set was given to a woman who had lost her car in the parking lot and as the ladies helped her locate the car, they gave her the set. She said she knew Hebrew but not fluently. They encouraged her to read Isaiah 53 and she would see how only the Messiah could make her tsadik. She smiled at this as if she understood and so they further explained how man could not approach a holy God, however this was only possible through the Messiah.
The team came to an elderly woman who said she was a holocaust survivor. This woman began to cry as she told them how upset she was about what was happening in the world. They comforted her and gave her a card from Beth Ariel. They showed her the contact information so she could reach out and ask for a visit or just to chat.
One set was given to a man who wanted to give a donation but received it with the explanation that it was a gift. He was very thankful.
Two men were approached who said they had the Tanakh already as each soldier going into the army received their weapon and a Tanakh. They were very touched by the card offered to them and took the antisemitism pamphlet and the Isaiah 53 leaflet. The men encouraged the team and appreciated what they were doing.
One English set was given to a Jewish woman, but she only wanted the Brit Chadashah! However she agreed to take the Tanakh, and the Isaiah 53 leaflet which she said she would read. She then admitted that she would like to give the Tanakh to someone else to which they highly agreed. She was very thankful.
The team thanks all those who prayed as it was a wonderful experience and a beautiful day.