Beth Ariel Congregation

Walk and Talk Report – November 2nd 2022

Magen David on Hebrew Scriptures

There was one evangelism outreach this week. A team of two ladies went to a shopping centre in a Jewish neighborhood in Montreal. They distributed 18 tracts on Antisemitism and had the privilege of giving out 4 sets of Tanakh and Brit Chadasha. They had no opposition whatsoever during their time of outreach and many of the conversations lasted over 20 minutes each. Many of those who received the tracts said that antisemitism will never end, but the team shared that the prophecies in the Scriptures, if believed, become the anchor of hope.

One Jewish woman, a teacher, was very glad to receive the set. She mentioned that she had wanted to get hold of a Tanakh. She did agree that she was a sinner and the team explained that only through the Messiah can sin be removed. The team shared about the online classes that can be found on the website at

Another woman at first said that she did not have time to stop and talk, but she did take an antisemitism tract. Not long after, she came back again, this time in her car, and asked if she could have another tract for a friend of hers. When offered the set again, she gladly took it and thanked them.

A woman said that her husband has all the books at home and did not need any, but when offered the Brit Chadashah and perhaps realizing that she did not have this one, she took it. It was then suggested she take the whole set, including the Tanakh, to which she agreed. She was told that she could read in the Brit Chadashah of the many prophecies of the Messiah’s first coming fulfilled. She said she was excited about that.

In one conversation they had with someone who was quite pessimistic about all the antisemitism going on, the team shared about Habakkuk and shared that though the fig tree has not yet blossomed, their faith must rest in the God of the Bible. He alone is to be trusted and be a source of joy and peace in the heart. They also shared about the spiritual roots of antisemitism and how this has been an age-old problem from early bible history.

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