Beth Ariel Congregation

Walk and Talk Report – November 22nd 2023

Wednesday, November 15th

12 cards, 26 pamphlets (21 English, 5 French), plus 3 sets (1 French) were given out.

On this day, the team of two were at a local shopping mall and immediately gave out one gift set to a Jewish woman with no real conversation.  Then a set was given to a Sephardic Jewish man who accepted both books and was informed about the prophesies concerning the coming Messiah. He was told some of the prophesies had already been fulfilled at His first coming and that others that had been written about, by the prophets in the Tanakh, would be fulfilled when he returned to reign in Jerusalem. He was encouraged to go online to the website indicated on the contact card and to listen to the teachings there. He was very thankful.

Next, a set was given to a young woman whose parents had moved to Canada from Israel. As soon as she saw the anti-Semitism pamphlet, she was open to talk to the team and received all the literature as well as the set. They were able to have a small conversation about the Messiah bringing peace and as she read Hebrew, she was encouraged to read Isaiah 53 in its original language. She was told that only a minority of Jewish people believed in the Messiah having already come and that she could depend on the truth that was written about Him in the Scriptures. She was excited to receive the Brit Chadashah and took the set with thankfulness.

The team then met up with a woman they had spoken to previously and took some time with her. She confessed that she had not read the Tanakh as she had difficulty concentrating. They spoke to her about sin and how sin kept people from God. She was encouraged to read just one passage, and that was Isaiah 53 and to try and listen to the teachings mentioned on the contact card.

Finally, they spoke with a man who was wearing a kippa. He said that he already had the Tanakh and when offered the Brit Chadashah, he said he had that too!  When they asked him if he had read some of this book, he told them that he had read the first chapter. Happily, they replied that it was about the genealogy of the Messiah to which he had many questions about this and the virgin birth. He was given the contact card and told he could email or call the pastor to have a further conversation regarding his questions. He was encouraged to read Isaiah 9:6 and he said he was happy to have had this conversation with the team.  He told them that he read from the Torah every week in the synagogue which helped encourage him to keep seeking the truth.

The team was very thankful for all the conversations and for the prayers on their behalf.

Door to Door: Thursday, November 16th

4 Tanakhs (1 French) and 1 English set, plus perhaps an extra 4 cards were given at the doors in a Jewish neighbourhood.

A lady greeted the team who was visiting from Israel.  She had come to look after her grandchildren, and they were invited to go inside as the dog was trying to escape during the conversation.  A little girl of about five years came to greet the team and as she spoke English, she tried to translate for her grandma who spoke only Hebrew. The woman was very kind and thankful upon seeing the free gift set and received it happily.  She was then given all the other literature to offer to her daughter when she arrived home.

A Jewish gentleman from Israel was greeted as he walked down the street. The team had a short conversation with him and he received the Tanakh but refused the Brit Chadashah. He thanked them saying he was returning to Israel in one week.

Another Jewish lady received the set at her door and had a short conversation concerning the return of the Messiah. The team explained that in Isaiah 9:6 this son is called El Gibbor and Everlasting Father. They told the woman that they believed that Yeshua was this son/ Messiah and that He came already but would come again to bring peace. That is when He would reign in Jerusalem. The woman was very receptive to these statements and asked for prayer for her family who lives in Israel.  Two other women received the Tanakh at the door, but no conversations took place.

The team plans to return to this same street again this coming week and asks for prayer for those who have already received God’s word.  Again, they were thankful for such a beautiful day and for the many prayers that went before them.



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