Thursday, October 26th

20 pamphlets (14 English and 6 French) plus 1 gift set in French and 1 Tanakh in English were given

Team One visited a local mall on this day.  A young Jewish mother was approached and asked if she would like an anti-Semitism pamphlet. She responded asking how they knew she was Jewish.  The team replied that they approached everyone they felt would accept one. She took a few minutes to have a brief conversation despite speaking with someone on her cell phone but took the set and the card that states “G-d’s Promises to Israel” which she thought was very nice.

Another woman received the Tanakh but not the Brit Chadashah. She was told that she would find prophesies about the coming Messiah there and was encouraged to read Isaiah 53. There were many gentle conversations and pamphlets given out.


Team Two first visited homes in a local area and gave out two gift sets and about 7 anti-Semitism pamphlets and cards as well. The first conversation was with a religious Jewish man who would receive neither the gift set nor pamphlets. He stated that he never took gifts because the gift giver always wanted something in return. A team member replied that sometimes people take with the right hand so the left hand would not see what was happening to which he thought that was a wise answer, but he still refused the gift. He wished them a good day.

An elderly Jewish woman opened the door stating that she had just received a call from her daughter saying that her best friend’s son had been murdered at the music festival in Israel on October 7th.  The woman was shaking and could not concentrate so the team hugged her and gave her a set along with the pamphlet, the Isaiah 53 leaflet and new card. They left promising to pray for her and the mother who had lost her son.

A Jewish father opened his door and immediately accepted the gift set but suddenly called his 18-year-old son to come to the door The son arrived and said, “Oh wow, this is very nice!”  The father smiled and proudly said his son was studying engineering and offered the set to him. Smiling the son took his new gift to his room. The father explained that his four sons all had biblical names. He was born in Morocco and lived and served in two wars in Israel, including the 6 day war. He was a happy man, a retired nurse, who knew the gospel and decreed that as per his understanding all would believe in the Messiah and be under Him. He mentioned the New Covenant and spoke of loving his neighbour. Receiving a contact card, he said he would go online and watch the teachings of Pastor Jacques.

Next this team journeyed over to a local mall for half an hour and gave out two more sets. One set went to a Jewish woman who was approached as she entered the parking lot and was asked, “Would you like to have a Tanakh”. It was a fast question as there was an urgency in her walk. Stopping she replied, “Yes, I would like to have it!” Laughing she received the Brit Chadashah also and took all the literature offered.  She was very pleased and thankful for her beautiful gift.

Finally, a beautifully dressed French woman from Tunisia was approached right next to their car. There was a small conversation about Jesus being the Prince of Peace to which she did not react negatively but immediately having thanked the team went back to her car to place her gift inside before she went to do her errands. Many times, people who are approached say things like, “Thanks I have everything” but this woman who appeared to have everything, received a gift that will last for eternity.

The teams are very thankful for the support, encouragement and prayers that they receive as they go out and about. They praise God for His gracious protection.