Beth Ariel Congregation

Walk and Talk Report – November 16th 2022

Magen David on Hebrew Scriptures

Nov. 10th, 2022

6 sets were given along with 1 Russian/Hebrew set

The team then went to another home and were just about to leave when a man finally opened the door. He asked where the team was from, and they told him that they were there on behalf of the Society that distributes Hebrew Scriptures. They encouraged him to read Isaiah 53 and he appeared very touched by the gift.

The team was also touched by the receptivity and gratefulness of those receiving the Scriptures and even those who refused were polite. The team is very thankful to those praying and for God’s faithfulness.


November 11th  2022

6 sets, 2 Brit Chadashahs, 1 English bible were given out

One set was given to a man who motioned to a team member to come closer as he had been watching her offering the gift bags.  He was from Morocco and spoke French. The team member did not see that he was wearing a kippah until she was at his car and hesitantly offered him the set.  She showed and offered the Brit Chadashah to him and he said that he was not allowed to receive it. The team member spoke about how the book was written by Jewish people and they conversed about the atonement of the blood requirement and how the true Passover lamb, the Messiah, was the true atonement for man. The man wanted to know more about Yeshua and was told that as Messiah, He fulfilled the law, that He did not break the law.  He was asked to really think about who the Messiah might be and consider their conversation.

One gentleman who had tires in the back seat of his car was offered a set and he said, “Wait! I have that gift, the same gift I received in the spring, I will show you”! Rummaging through the tires he could not find the set and the team member offered him the pamphlet on Antisemitism stating that if he put it in his pocket perhaps it would remind him to take his gift set out of the car and into his house. He promised he would do that and read from the Scriptures as well.

There were a lot of religious people at the shopping mall, so the team moved on to a corner of a street not too far from the mall.  There they approached a Jewish gentleman who received the set with humble gratefulness. At that point one of the team members was approached by “E”, a man who had said the prayer of salvation with her several weeks before.  The team member could see that this man who was an immigrant and had no work was looking much better and happier.  He introduced his two friends who were also new immigrants who he was taking to his church near by. There they are received with compassion and love; and they are provided with food and clothing. The team member prayed for the men, and they went on their way.

A sweet little elderly lady dressed in Orthodox clothing stopped to say hello to the team and asked how they were doing.  Offering the gift set she received it with joy and with a big smile on her face.  Interestingly she ministered to us in this act of kindness.

A man was approached who appeared to be Jewish but was in fact an Algerian Muslim. They engaged in a long conversation about salvation and spoke about John 3:16 and that it was man’s choice whether he would believe in eternal life with Jesus, or an eternity apart from the Lord.  He, the Lord, gave us the way, the life and the truth to live by.  The man asked many questions about the cross and about hell as well and they spoke about what a relationship with Jesus means. They also spoke about how important it was not to seek man’s religion but to have faith in a living and loving God Who wants to reveal that love to us. He said he had much to think about and thanked the team profusely for their time and for the bible.

The team wanted to thank everyone because although not as many conversations were had, those that they did have were deep and very precious.

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