Calgary, Alberta
Wednesday and Thursday, November 3 and 4, 2021
Two teams each went out to witness on two different days. Here are their reports:
Our Lord opened the hearts of some Russian Jewish people including an elderly man who had never read the Tanakh before and was waiting for the Messiah. When his wife joined us, she also listened with interest.
Two elderly Jewish women took the time to hear about why God established a relationship with the Jewish people and His purpose for the nation of Israel.
We encountered a Gentile man who reads the Bible daily. Our hope is that our encounter would encourage him to witness to others around him.
One man explained that he was learning about the Hebrew language, and gladly accepted a copy our multi-language CD of the Hebrew Scriptures. He was amazed by our timely encounter and began to cry when asked if we could pray for him.
The next person was a woman who had lived in Israel for a total of six months and was interested in finding the Hebrew origins of the Jewish people. She was given a copy of the Bible.
A young Gentile man turned from being an atheist to an agnostic before our very eyes and promised that he would read the Bible and pray to God from his heart.
We knocked on the door of a synagogue where a woman accepted the Hanukkah gift scroll, a CD of the Scriptures, and a bookmark. She was astonished that Gentile Christians were doing such a work and thanked us for coming by.
We had a short chat with a young man who was very happy to receive a copy of the New Testament and a tract. He immediately started reading the moment we left.
We met a Gentile woman in distress who started crying the moment we shared with her. She had backslid away from the faith and was now caught up with drug problems. She was glad to accept our offer to pray for her. We encouraged her to get help and recommit her life to the Messiah.
We then encountered three Jewish ladies who were glad to accept our Hanukkah gifts and thanked us for our work.
A young Jewish lady gladly accepted our Hanukkah gift and bookmark but refused the Scriptures. She said that she was going to read the Hanukkah scroll to her children.
We shared with about 20 Jewish people who received literature and a disc of the Scriptures. We also shared with many Gentiles. Praise the Lord!
Montreal, Quebec
Thursday November 4
Two teams went out and gave 130 anti-Semitism pamphlets, three full sets of Scriptures, and four New Testaments.
The first team met a woman who was convinced Jewish people needed to tone down news of their achievements so there would be less jealousy among other people. She accepted the Brit Chadashah and other literature from us.
The other team gave a man some literature, a Brit Chadashah for himself and one for his son who lives in Florida. He said he would read Isaiah 53 in Hebrew to see how the righteous One who died can make us righteous.
A set and bookmark were given to a woman, explaining that only a minority of Jewish people throughout history have believed the promises and prophecies God gave us.
Sunday November 7
Three teams gave a total of nine full sets of Scripture, a Tanakh, 90 pamphlets, and 30 Hanukkah gift bags with tracts inside. Here is the report from one team:
One woman took a set for herself and one for each of her four children, for a total of five sets!
A young Israeli man who had served ten years in the IDF (Israeli military) said it was quite timely for us to meet. He said he had been drifting away from belief in God. By the end of our conversation, he admitted it was possible that Messiah had already come, taking a Tanakh and prophecy bookmark.
We had a longer conversation with E. who said maybe she had “missed the boat” because the Messiah really could have been Yeshua. We assured her there was still time to believe and follow Him. We spoke of the plan of redemption and Isaiah 53. She accepted our literature, a full set, and gave us her contact information for a visit. Please pray for this to be set up soon and for her salvation.
From the second team, we have this report:
Several Jewish people we encountered received the anti-Semitism pamphlet and asked where or when the Messiah would come and when anti-Semitism would end. One woman who received our Hanukkah gift touched her heart and thanked us for the giving of our time.
A very fit older gentleman in shorts and sporting a beret with many pins on it explained he was a volunteer for different Jewish societies and was in the IDF. He received a pamphlet and asked when the end of anti-Semitism would be because he did not think it would stop. We said he would find the answer inside the pamphlet and so he began to read while standing there. He was so touched that we decided to give our last gift bag to him. Close to tears, he said he wanted to bless the team member’s grandchildren with long life and prosperity, and we answered that we prayed his family would know the hope of the Messiah and see the end of anti-Semitism.
One gentleman who was wearing a kippa, was very happy to know that we were Gentiles supporting Israel and openly speaking to people about rising anti-Semitism. He gladly received our pamphlet, Isaiah 53 leaflet, and the Hanukkah gift bag, saying he would love to have his son read it all to him.
At one point, a security guard came to one of us and asked what we were doing there and what we were giving out to the public. Because it was a polling station on election day, he wanted to be sure we were not giving out political literature. We showed him the anti-Semitism leaflets and explained that we were there to give them hope regarding the end of anti-Semitism. He looked at the pamphlet and said that there was no problem for us to be there. We were very happy to know we are allowed to share the Good News at that place.
The third team wrote:
We met a Jewish man who said he taught about anti-Semitism in the public school system and was glad we were speaking about it, too. He received literature and encouraged us to continue.
A Jewish woman who worked at a gym said she didn’t believe in the Messiah but would read our pamphlet.
An elderly Jewish woman told us she didn’t believe in miracles but accepted to read our literature.
At different times, we met two bilingual Gentile women who took materials from us to share with their numerous Jewish friends and neighbors. Please pray for open hearts to receive the Scripture set and other literature. One of them said she listened to our radio show every day and had goose bumps at the thought that the Lord brought her to people from that congregation. She showed interest in a French Bible study taught by one of the team members and gave us her email address.
Thank you for reading our report as you follow how God is answering your continuing prayers for the evangelism team. We are so grateful for your partnership with us and most importantly, the Lord of the harvest.