May 20th
74 pamphlets, 3 French and 3 English gift sets, 1 English Bible, 1 English Brit Chadashah were given
On this quiet, overcast day three women team members arrived at a shopping mall.
Immediately after exiting the car, two team members encountered two elderly Jewish men with walkers who had just arrived in the parking lot next to our car. The four of us quickly engaged in conversation. One of the men was tickled to tell us some Jewish jokes he knew. After retelling several, he told us we had made his day by laughing at his humour. We happily told him we had a gift for him. He said he had a Tanakh, but not as nice as the one we had to offer. He took the full set, saying it was good that we were distributing Scriptures.
A younger woman told us that she had a Tanakh, but definitely wanted just a Brit Chadashah after thumbing through it and saying she didn’t have one of those.
Later, a different young woman chided us for giving out Bibles that “weren’t real.” She had previously received a set and then showed them to her rabbi, who condemned them. May the Lord open the eyes of those who have eyes to read.
A middle-aged Italian Catholic woman said she had many Jewish contacts, but was afraid to talk to them about Messiah. We assured her she could better learn how to do that by listening to our radio show. We also explained how forgiveness was through grace alone and not through the sacraments. She asked the team member for her name and thanked her for taking the time to talk to her. We assured her we would pray for her. She seemed heartened by our short conversation, having been more burdened when we first greeted.
A young Jewish woman didn’t want a gift of the Scriptures, but was happy to take a Messianic prophecy bookmark to identify the Messiah for herself.
Not long before leaving, we met a Moroccan Jewish woman who claimed she knew and had heard Pastor Jacques before. Though still unclear to us how she knew him, she was thrilled to take a full set and a business card with the times she could hear more of his teaching in French on the radio. Although she may be mistaken as to the Pastor’s identity, we pray the Lord use the pamphlet and Scriptures to open her eyes to the wonder of Messiah.
Another team member greeted a French woman placing the groceries into the back of her SUV and approached her to offer the new pamphlet on Ruth. The lady smiled, took it, and happily said that she would read it when she got home. As she began to close the hatch, she was offered the gift set to which she replied that she could not afford one. We showed her the gift and told her how important both books were and how the Messiah could be revealed to her. She took the set with a big smile but still said she could not pay for it and would go to the synagogue to make an offering later. When she learned that it was truly free, she almost began to cry and thanked the team member several times and then got into her car.
Another set was offered immediately after to man who also was placing his groceries into his car. He said that he would be busy reading the offered gift and with a quick thank you, jumped into his car and left.
Another team member gave a pamphlet to a man with a kippa who immediately began to read it but did not say anything negative and placed the pamphlet in his pocket. It is possible that he did not comment because there were several orthodox people standing just a short distance away and he did not want to create a disturbance. We thank Yeshua for His blessed covering over us. We approached a Christian woman who was not active in her faith. We encouraged her to have a closer walk with Yeshua. She took an English Bible for a friend.
May 24th
5 gift sets, 1 French Bible and 40 pamphlets were given out.
A team of two women went out on this sunny but coolish day and immediately met a young man. Offering the gift set to him, he was very surprised that he did not have to pay for it and was so happy to receive it along with the Isaiah 53 leaflet. Following that, they met up with a woman and her mother who were in a hurry to leave but she received the gift set and smiled as she saw the Brit Chadashah. She took all the information offered to her and her mother received them also.
A man from Iraq was offered the gift set which he received happily upon finding out that it was free and said “you are a nice lady” in response.
Another Jewish man named “Y” was offered the gift set and asked why it was free. We replied that it was because we love the Jewish community and hope that by offering the free gift sets that the Jewish nation will return to the word of God. They offered him a leaflet on Isaiah 53 in Hebrew as he understood the language, showing him the part that said “my righteousness one will make others righteous.” He was also given a bookmark listing the prophesies and verses about the Messiah.
Later, they saw one of the men they had met and offered a pamphlet to before. He was happy to see them and received the new pamphlet but did not accept a gift set.
A woman and her mother had been shopping and received the pamphlet. A conversation ensued with the team which was able to share from the pamphlet. She accepted to share her personal information and we offered to have the team visit her to further explore the Scriptures. She accepted with delight and said she would provide a lunch for them.
Then a young man came towards them, having seen a pamphlet from the team on the ground without picking it up. He commented that it was funny that the ladies were there because he thought God must have wanted to get his attention. The team exclaimed that yes, God was calling him! They shared the contact information of the congregation. He stated that he was looking for a congregation and received the pamphlet and business card with the information. The team mentioned that he would find the teaching of the Word of God there, unlike many churches which do not teach the Word. He was told that he could call and speak to the pastor if he had any questions.
The team is thankful for everyone’s prayers and for God’s lovingkindness, faithfulness, and protection.