Wed. March 23, 2022
55 English and 15 French anti-Semitism pamphlets were given
2 sets in English and 3 French sets
A team of three ladies went to a local shopping area and the first person we met accepted a pamphlet and then gratefully accepted a bible set.
Immediately following, we saw a man getting bottles out from his trunk and we offered him the pamphlet. Looking at it, he seemed to want to chat but said he was in a hurry and would talk with us later. We then offered him a gift set which he received once he returned from the store. He was very thankful and encouraged and said he would read the prophesies about the Messiah.
Another man received the pamphlet and listened while we spoke about the Messiah Who is found in Isaiah 53. We shared with him how important it was to have this relationship with the Lord.
Two French gentlemen were approached separately, and both received gift sets in French.
A Jewish lady was offered a Tanakh but because she already had one, she accepted the Brit Chadashah instead and even waited while one team member went back to the car to get it.
A set was given to a Russian man who received an antisemitism pamphlet. Reading it, he asked, “When will it all end?” (referring to the title of the pamphlet on antisemtism). We answered that it will end when the Messiah returns. We gave him the Isaiah 53 leaflet and spoke of how the Messiah can make us righteous before a holy God.
We offered a pamphlet to another man, who we thought was Russian. At first, he refused to take it, yet when we said it was on antisemitism he received it. We thought he was Russian and offered him a Russian set but he said he was in a hurry and left to go to his car. We found him again later and we sensed that he really wanted the set. We shared that he could go to the website and listen to more teaching. He was very thankful as we said we would pray for Russia.
Another set was given to an elderly Jewish lady who despite her age was very spry and well dressed. She hesitated at first to receive the pamphlet but when she heard it was on antisemitism, she took it and happily received the gift set which she quickly put in her car and then went on to do her shopping.
Sunday, March 27th.
51 Passover pamphlets, 3 sets and 1 Brit Chadashah were given out.
Two ladies formed one team of outreach. Though the temperature was quite cool, we were very thankful for the prayers that were offered for this ministry.
A bilingual couple willingly received both the antisemitism pamphlet as well as the gift set. We spoke about the coming Messiah and about Leviticus 17:11 where only a holy God can make us righteous and save us. We warned them that many false Messiahs would come and false teachings would appear. They listened quietly and were then directed to our website for further teaching. They received a bookmark and an Isaiah 53 leaflet. We encouraged them to seek out the Scriptures to discover the Messiah. They were very grateful.
A set was also given to a woman, but she said that we had better speak to her husband instead and as we approached him he said, “This is a gift for me!”. It was all very cute as he received it from us.
A Russian man we spoke with said he would take the pamphlet for his wife who was Jewish and then coming over to her we offered the wife the gift set in Russian. She accepted and was very thankful.
Then a woman, who had lived in Israel many years, was happy to receive a pamphlet and a gift set. While giving her the set at her car she became quite upset and began to cry. One team member consoled her asking if she could give her a hug. The woman was so grateful for such a warm response and accepted to be prayed for in the name of Yeshua. She was then encouraged to call our office and we told her we could come and visit her at her home if she wanted .
Almost at that very moment, a Jewish man came and took a pamphlet and encouraged us to “keep up the great work!”
We encountered a orthodox Jewish man who we greeted with “Happy Passover”. He was very responsive to the pamphlet. He passed by our car again just to greet us and we could see that he was very touched by what he had read in his car.
Thank You, Lord for all the conversations and blessings we received and we were thankful for the prayers we knew were lifting us up as we did our “walk and talk” today.