Handing her the Isaiah 53 leaflet, we showed her how the loving kindness and faithfulness of God and His words would come to pass and that His plans would be accomplished.
Montreal, Thursday, March 17th
One team went out this day and 38 pamphlets were given out along with a total of 8 gift sets; 5 in English, 2 in Russian, and 1 in French.
One man who was Russian received the set and was very thankful. After seeing the Tanakh, he was very pleased since he was able to read Hebrew. We said that we were praying for the Jewish people in Ukraine.
A set was given to a woman after we approached her and handed her the Isaiah 53 leaflet. We talked for a while as she was interested in hearing about the Messiah and how He can make us righteous. Because of her curiosity, we asked her to read the leaflet with us and then encouraged her to reread it later at home. She was thankful.
Next, a woman from Morocco spoke with us and explained how she had moved from there to Israel as a young girl. Handing her the Isaiah 53 leaflet, we showed her how the loving kindness and faithfulness of God and His words would come to pass and that His plans would be accomplished. We spoke of the prophesies about the Messiah, how only He could make us “holy” and righteous (tsadik in Hebrew). She told us that she thought we were Mormons but we said that we were not because we believed in the Messiah of Israel and the Word of God.
A woman received a gift set mentioning that her son was married to a Jewish woman and that they lived in Ottawa. She took the set because she wanted to give it to her grandchild as she would be spending time in Ottawa during Passover. We rejoiced with her and told her that there was only one God and one Messiah, and she agreed that the Scriptures were written by men inspired by the Holy Spirit.
Another set was given to a woman who had just left her synagogue. She greeted us saying that she was so lucky to meet us but we told her that nothing is by chance, but that God was sovereign and knew that we would meet. She agreed and thanked us with gratefulness!
We ended our day by thanking Yeshua as it was such a blessing to be about His work, celebrating the miraculous feast of Purim.