Montreal – Thursday, June 24
As we arrived, we placed our bags on a bench and approached a couple with their toddler and infant. They accepted the pamphlet and commentary on Isaiah 53. We asked if they read the Tanakh to which the father said they spoke Hebrew, went to Hebrew school and learned Scriptures in high school. They kept kosher, too. When offered a set, he refused and said they had no need but said he would read the pamphlet and commentary. He thanked us and left.
We met an Italian woman on the walkway who took the pamphlet saying she would read it but she knew her daughter would not since she was pro-Palestinian. We spoke of the school system and what the children were learning, and she was distraught. We urged her to read her Bible and to start in the book of John. She thanked us and continued on her way.
In all we give out about 12 pamphlets and Isaiah 53 leaflets. We met two separate people who said they had received literature from the previous week, saying they had read it.
We give all to His glory!
Calgary – Sunday, June 27
Calgary’s heat wave did not stop the team from heading out the door to Knock and Talk. The majority of people were not home or in their basement to stay cool, but the two people who did open their doors engaged in conversation with us.
We discussed anti-Semitism and the reason we were delivering the Scriptures. We also discussed Yom Kippur, asking what people were doing today since there was no Temple and no sacrifice. We discussed the return of the Messiah and handed out the Brit Chadasha, the scroll of Ruth, the anti-Semitism brochure as well as one other leaflet.
The first older lady finally confessed, “If I were to tell you the truth, I do not believe.” The second was a man who said he would give the Brit Chadasha to his son.
May our Lord work in their hearts, minds and souls and transform their lives from that of non-believers to believers.
Thank you for joining us in prayer as we keep working through these summer months.