Thursday, May 26th
76 pamphlets, 6 English/Hebrew sets, 3 English bibles, 2 Brit Chadashahs were given.
On an overcast day a team of three ladies arrived at a shopping mall with an expectation of offering the Word to as many as would receive it.
One team member was situated at the back of the mall where there was an entrance to the parking lot. Many people were coming in and out and it was obvious that there was something special happening on that day. We saw many Orthodox Jewish people as well. One team member reported that a Jewish woman had stopped when greeted and appeared relaxed and happy. From the start, she was interested in receiving the pamphlet and as the team member walked alongside her, she began to look at the pamphlet. When she was offered the gift set, she exclaimed she had never read the Tanakh and was thankful to receive the gift.
Next, the team member approached an Algerian taxi driver who was standing outside his car, taking a few moments of fresh air. He received a Christian tract. Thanking the team member, he asked her if she believed in “this” to which she offered a small testimony of the times she believed she was physically saved by Jesus. He was interested in this testimony and asked many questions which led to him to question his own walk of faith. He said that he was Catholic and that his mother was also. Wanting him to see the difference and importance of having a personal relationship with the Lord, the team member asked him if this was something he was interested in having to which he said yes! Right there, on the sidewalk, C. noted all the verses in the booklet and then quietly read out the prayer of salvation! Signing his name and date the team member said that having received salvation by confessing his sin and acknowledging Jesus as the sin bearer, he was now a new creation, a child of God. He was very moved and thanked the team member, exclaiming that now he had to tell his mother all about what happened.
Another team member gave a set in Heb/Eng. to a young lady with a small dog. Greeting her with joy the team member said that the pamphlet she was given was about a beautiful story of redemption. The woman was pleasant all the while receiving this and she was talkative. Taking the gift set, she relayed a big thank you and gave a big hug to the team member. E. said that she wanted to study more of the Scriptures and that the gift came at a good time.
A Jewish lady readily accepted a gift set offered in Hebrew and English and after taking a bookmark wanted to have another one for her friend.
Next, an Iranian Christian woman was approached and a pleasant conversation about Jesus opened the heart of this woman who then received an English bible with much thankfulness. This woman then accepted prayer for herself as she was very touched.
Lastly, this member met a group of people speaking Hebrew and approached a man and a lady standing on the side who accepted the pamphlet but then the man asked where this was coming from. The team member mentioned Beth Ariel and his response was then, “No, I mean from whom is it; is it Orthodox in nature or from a Jesus context. The team member replied that the pamphlets were Messianic texts and were about Yeshua, the Messiah. The man then returned the pamphlet. Please pray for this couple that their condemnation will one day be turned into praise for the Messiah.
Another team member met a couple who had arrived in Canada from Kiev, Ukraine. As the team member spoke to them about the situation there, she offered them the gift set but after thumbing through the Brit Chadashah he decided to take the Russian Tanakh only.
Later, a Jewish man received the Tanakh and seemed somewhat supportive of our mission.
Next, one team member met a woman who spoke Spanish and though not engaging in conversation, she did take an English bible.
Interestingly and quite unusual, just after that happened, two Jewish people wanted only the Brit Chadashah and not the Tanakh.
It was noted that although there were numerous Orthodox people about and even one security guard that stood next to one of the team members, there were no negative encounters and it was evident that the Lord’s hand of protection was over the shopping mall and the team. Praise be to our Lord and Savior!