Thursday December 30th
A team of three of us went to a busy grocery store parking lot in a predominantly English area of the city. We gave out a total of 107 pamphlets for Christmas and one Bible. As people were scurrying around to get their groceries for New Year’s, they did not take much time to speak with us. Yet they were very receptive to receiving our tract and wishes of “Happy New Year!”
A team member joyfully approached a man and offered him a pamphlet. After viewing it, he replied, “Give it to someone who needs it, I have the Lord. He is always with me but what you are doing is wonderful”, so she thanked him. His response was “Perhaps many will come to Him today.” Another tall man overheard our conversation and took it readily in his hand. Thirty minutes later he was returning from the store and still had the pamphlet in his hand. May he absorb those precious words into his heart and receive the Messiah.
Another man was quite surprised to realize we were offering him a free Bible after sharing the basic points of the gospel with him. He happily received it and said he wanted to read our pamphlet once he got home.
Friday December 31st
A team of two went to a large department store parking lot to distribute the Christmas tracts. Although we did not have any significant conversations, we gave out 85 pamphlets. We had mild weather and are grateful the Lord enabled us to share His Good News!
Tuesday, December 4th
There was a team of two who went out to a large grocery store’s parking lot. This is their report:
One hundred and one (Christmas) pamphlets were distributed along with three anti-Semitism tracts in French. We gave out one English only Bible and we also handed a full English/Hebrew set to a Jewish woman.
We had a conversation with a young woman from Morocco. We told her that salvation is found only in Yeshua and we spoke about sin and the importance of blood atonement. We also mentioned that our pastor comes from Morocco and we gave her the information about our web site. She was very kind and thanked us.
A Christmas pamphlet was offered to a woman, but she refused and said, “I’m Jewish, it’s not for me.” We then showed her the part in the pamphlet which speaks about anti-Semitism and the Jewish Messiah. She then agreed to take the pamphlet. We told her that we usually go to the Jewish community to give gifts, including the Tanakh and the Brit Chadeshah. She asked, “What is the Tanakh?” We explained that it contained the Torah, the Prophets, and the Writings. She agreed to receive the set and we included the Isaiah 53 tract and a messianic bookmark to help further lead her to finding the Messiah. We asked her to take the time to read Isaiah 53 and see how only the Servant could make her righteous. She was very thankful and told us she would read the Scriptures. We also offered to visit her if ever she wanted to talk further about the Scriptures.
We met a believer from Armenia who was very enthusiastic to receive and read the pamphlet. He blessed us and acknowledged that what we were doing was good. He said he was looking for a church and so we showed him the congregation’s website.
We had another conversation with a young Jewish woman who initially declined to receive the pamphlet but as we were speaking about anti-Semitism she took the pamphlet. She said she would read it and we told her to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. She was very touched.
Another man took the pamphlet as well as an English Bible. He was very thankful for it. He said he would go to the website and investigate further.
We also met a Greek Orthodox woman and spoke about salvation for quite a while. She said she understood that she was a sinner and it was explained to her that no works could make her righteous. We asked her if she wanted to pray so that she could be sure to have eternal life. She agreed and so we prayed together! She was very touched at the end of the prayer. We showed her the number where she could contact us if she had any further questions.
We had an amazing time of fellowship, and we thank the Lord for His protection and for His goodness.