Thursday, January 6, 2022
It was cold day, yet it turned out to be a beautiful one. Our one team of three gave out 130 holiday pamphlets, 3 anti-Semitism brochures and a Gentile tract to a gentleman who wanted the anti-Semitism tract as well.
One team member met a reverend from Montreal who emigrated from Hungary after WW2. During the war in Europe, his family hid some Jewish people. Receiving our pamphlet, he spoke of personally recognizing the blessing God oversaw over the Jewish people. He spoke of his sensitivity to their plight and showed the team member a tract that he uses to reach the Jewish people. We later contacted this man by phone and he gave us so more details in particular concerning his father, Daniel who was also a pastor back in Hungary.
This is a part of what the reverend shared with us:
“Daniel was a Pastor in a Hungarian church in Hijocsaba, Hungary. It was during the German occupation in 1945 when he undertook to hide two Jewish people in his home and incredibly enough, he was also housing German officials in this same dwelling.
When he went to his church, fear did not grip him, but the Spirit’s power enabled him to preach in power and confidence. When giving a message on Obadiah, the prophet who said that Edom should not gloat over Israel in the day of her distress, this pastor Daniel went onto say this to his congregants: “Do not participate in any persecution of this people because Abraham’s promises still stand. He boldly told them, “We have received everything through the Jewish people and the blessing of the covenant was not made with Israel only but we, the goyim, are included and when we bless the Jewish people, we will be blessed”.
Can we count how many preachers would stand up and say this today, and here it is, May 1945 in Nazi occupied Hungary and we have this hero whose chutzpah spoke of the Lord’s loving chesed. These are the heroes that the Lord raises up to publish and make known that His presence and promises are true.
Now on with more of our report:
One Muslim woman said that she would like to read the pamphlet but was not allowed to. Another Muslim woman was hesitant to receive the pamphlet but when she was told that it spoke about Jesus whom she knew as a prophet, she agreed to taking one. She assured us that she would surely read it. We approached a woman who took the pamphlet. She said she did not have a bible with which to reference the verses, so we immediately offered her one. She took it and was very surprised and very grateful for this free gift. Another member approached a Muslim man who took the pamphlet and seemed so encouraged to learn that it was possible to have a relationship with God.
An elderly man received the pamphlet and looking at the front page noticed the Hebrew writing and said that he was happy to see that we were doing such wonderful work for the Lord. This same comment was made by another man who encouraged the team members to continue doing such good work in sharing the Word. He said, “I love you because what you said is the truth”.
Approaching a beautiful Jamaican woman leaving the grocery store, a team member asked if she would take the pamphlet to which she replied that she needed a bible and giving her one she mentioned that part of her family was Christian. Praise the Lord for these wonderful heavenly appointments; may they come to know the One who gives salvation to those who ask Him.