Sunday, February 13th
During this outreach, 91 anti-Semitism pamphlets were distributed (in both English and French) as well as 3 Brit Chadashahs, 1 English-only Bible and four full sets.
The team of two went to a Jewish shopping area. They gave a set to a man who had lost his son. He also received the Isaiah 53 leaflet and was shown where he could look up further teaching on the Beth Ariel website. The gentleman said that he knew God but was uncertain concerning the Messiah but was encouraged to read the messianic prophecy verses written on the bookmark.
A French Brit Chadashah was given to a woman from France as she was told that the ultimate purpose for the tribe of Judah was found in the Messiah to which she agreed. While handing her a tract on anti-Semitism, another woman approached and received took two Brit Chadashahs, one for herself and one for a friend. She was very thankful for these gifts and left rejoicing about her free gifts.
A young man immediately accepted an English-only Bible and was very happy with this gift while another Catholic gentleman was given an Isaiah 53 leaflet and led to read John 3:16.
The team then met a woman who took a set and when she noticed one book was the Brit Chadashah, she was immediately told by the team member to seek the Jewish Messiah who was Yeshua, in that very book. She was also given the address for the congregation and the link for the website.
Several other people were approached, and they too received either a bookmark or tract. Each one left the conversation happy and seemed interested in what the team was sharing with them, concerning the righteousness of the Messiah.
One man who had just moved to Montreal took a set as he wanted to give it to his son-in-law who was Jewish. An anti-Semitism pamphlet was given to him as well and he thanked them for the wonderful gift.
The team enjoyed some beautiful conversations, and they were also very grateful that they did not encounter any opposition during that day’s outreach.