Beth Ariel Congregation

Walk and Talk Report – February-14th 2024

Magen David on Hebrew Scriptures

Thursday, February 8th


Team #1

4 sets (2 English and 2 French) were given, plus 25 anti-Semitism pamphlets (21 English and 4 French), as well as 12 Scripture comfort cards.

A team of two were at a local shopping area when they approached a young Jewish woman who received an English set. Although she was withdrawn and quiet, she was touched by the offering of the gift.

A French set was given to a Jewish woman from Morocco. She walked with a cane and had a caretaker with her. She was shown the bookmark and received everything with much gladness. They spoke of the first and second comings of the Messiah and all the while she kept wanting to give an offering for the materials.

Another English set was given to a Jewish woman with whom they had a very interesting and lengthy conversation. They spoke to her about the second coming of the Messiah, about man’s sin, everlasting hatred towards Israel and how one can be reconciled with God. She was given Isaiah 53 and seeing she was interested, they opened up the Brit Chadashah. She was surprised to see it was called the New Testament and asked, “Is this Christian?” to which the team said that it was but that it was a very Jewish book and both the Tanakh and the New Testament (Brit Chadashah) speak about Jesus. Turning away from that subject they spoke about anti-Semitism, false religions and that many would come to believe in a false Savior. They assured her that there was only one true Messiah written about and that he could be identified in the Tanakh through all the prophesies. They told her that only the Tanakh and Brit Chadashah were the true words from God and that the Mishna and Talmud were the words of man.

They pointed out that many live outside the Word of God and are blind concerning their faith. They shared that they were there to give back the Word and to encourage the Jewish people to read the Scriptures. They also spoke of the 7-year covenant that would be made with Israel and the ensuing days of Jacob’s trouble. She was given a contact card with info for further online studies. When one team member commented that it was wonderful that this woman had so many questions, she responded that it was not just her but that everyone who is Jewish is concerned with what is going on in the Israeli community and thanked the team for the gift and the conversation.

They also spoke with a man from Iran, a man from Russia and a Scottish woman. This woman said she was a believer and had many Jewish friends. She was given the contact card, and said she was excited to share it with her friends.

The team was grateful that it was a lovely day and were thankful for God’s goodness, love and faithfulness towards Israel.

Team #2

4 sets were given (2 English and 2 French) and 1 Tanakh, plus several anti-Semitism pamphlets and Scripture comfort cards.

This team of two started their day doing a door-to-door outreach in a local Jewish community. At first, they met an elderly lady who was sitting outside on her verandah catching some sunshine to warm her body. She accepted the comfort card and pamphlet but did not accept the set as she said she had many Scriptures inside.

A young Jewish man at another door listened to the team as they spoke of some messianic prophesies from Psalm 22, verses 6 to 8 and from the whole of Isaiah 53. He did not take the scriptures but was willing to take the literature.

A lady with a dog was returning to her house when she saw the team and ushered her dog to the side of the house.  Speaking to her from a distance she accepted the gift set and asked the team to leave it on her front steps. However, later on, when the team was returning to their car, the husband came to return the set saying that his wife did not want to keep it and asked why they had the New Testament as well.  A team member replied that it is included because it is the Word of God and he seemed to accept that, but concluded that  his wife wanted it given back. Perhaps a seed was planted in the husband’s heart, so please pray for him.

They also met an Orthodox man as he was arriving home. He was intrigued when hearing of the free gift. He stopped to look at the offering while the team spoke to him of the Messiah and the blood atonement that only He could give. Then as the team mentioned the name of Jesus, he straight away lost interest and said he had to get indoors but he did thank them and took the pamphlet with him.

Several other people accepted the literature on the street. One beautiful woman in particular took the comfort card and was very touched.

On the way to the shopping mall to do further outreach, the team saw a woman on the sidewalk struggling to walk. The team stopped the car and one member got out and approached the woman. Seeing that she was alright, she was then offered the Tanakh and comfort card which she accepted, with thanks.

The team then decided to go to a local shopping center near a Jewish neighborhood. They began a short conversation with a Muslim man who was familiar with the Jewish viewpoint and aware of what was happening in Israel. He was amazed to find out that there were Jewish people who believed in Jesus. He had a bible and said he was reading it, so he was invited to visit the congregation, however he declined as he was afraid to do so due to his faith. He was thankful for the literature that he took.

A Gentile lady from France took a French gift set for her Jewish friends.

Another set was offered to a French Moroccan woman who was out shopping with her granddaughter. The team member spoke to her about Hashem and His goodness and during the conversation she kept asking if she could give a donation but finally she accepted the set and thanked them for her “precious gift”.

An English set was given to a Jewish Orthodox man who was walking on the sidewalk next to the stores. He had been walking very slowly and appeared to have some form of handicap. He was offered the gift set (the team member felt strongly to offer the set to him) and he saw that the books were beautiful.  He understood that the smaller book was the New Testament and although he was surprised, he took the set and said he would read it. He also took the anti-Semitism pamphlet and he thanked her and told her to have a nice day.

Lastly, an English gift set was given to another Jewish man who was getting out of his car to go shopping. He was approached and was told that she had a special gift that was just for him.  He laughed and said nothing was free, but he was assured that it was very special and free. He took the Tanakh and seeing that it passed the test with him, he was shown the Brit Chadashah. He was told it was the fulfilment of the prophesies regarding the Messiah and that in this book, the Messiah is called Jesus.  He hesitated but then changed his mind saying he would take it to his wife and leave it with her at the centre where she lived. Someone would read the Scriptures to her as she suffered from Alzheimer’s these last 8 years and could not read herself but would appreciate the gift. He said he thought she would love to listen to it.

Please pray for this gentleman and for each of those that received the Scriptures that day as each one was given the privilege to receive the Word. We pray that this would then lead them to seek the Messiah as their own.










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