Beth Ariel Congregation

Walk and Talk Report – December 7th 2022

Magen David on Hebrew Scriptures

December 2nd 

4 gift sets and a small number of pamphlets were given out on this very cool day at a local mall.

The two team members were amazed to see a near-empty parking lot suddenly fill up just after noontime.  One team member was cold and so went inside a bank to warm up and while there, a man in his late twenties who was standing near her was offered the set. He took it and went outside. A few moments later he was seen showing the set to his mother (we think).  Pray that he sees that this gift is more precious than gold.

A Jewish gentleman also received a set and quickly went to his car.

Two ladies were passing by the team member when she called out a cheery greeting to them. One lady gladly received the set as they continued to walk the dog.

The team also spoke to a young Iranian Muslim man who said he did not want to have anything to do with religion because of all the persecution in Iran. He was a film maker who believed man did not have a soul but said he had a friend who had invited him to go to church, but he did not want to go.  During this conversation the team spoke about the love of God, that He is the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob who wanted to have a personal relationship with him. Still not convinced one of the team members thought to use creation telling him about the design in a tiny ladybug and about how flowers resembled birds and how this all pointed to a sole Creator who designed everything. He said that was a good point and accepting the pamphlet said that he just might attend that church after all. He received the bookmark and the Steps to Peace salvation message as well.

Two ladies having difficulty walking in their advanced age received prayer and pamphlets.

A Jewish lady “J” accepted a set and said she was recovering from chemo. She recounted how she had nearly died but had received a blood transfusion and while recovering started attending Hope and Cope. There she met a lady who spoke to her about Jesus, and she began to read the bible and speak to her about Yeshua. She said she did not understand it all but wanted to continue learning from the woman.  The team prayed for her and showed her the contact information for Beth Ariel.

Lastly, there was a home visit to a man who had received the set a few weeks prior. With permission from the pastor, the team of two ladies went on this day. He confessed that he had not looked at the gift set but wanted to know more about the connection with “Jesus”. Being a retired captain in the military in Israel, he claimed to have some knowledge of the Gentile faith but asked pointed questions about the Messianic viewpoint. He listened intently asking many questions but was not ready to make a decision, wanting to take time to think things through and requested a follow-up visit. The team prayed with him, and he prayed also, and then taking the booklet and the salvation prayer booklet, he thanked the ladies profusely. Please pray for this lonely man that he takes up the blessed Word of God and read about salvation through Yeshua.

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