Beth Ariel Congregation

Walk and Talk Report – December 6th 2023

Wednesday, November 29th

2 gift sets, one each in English and French, 6 gift cards, 10 anti-Semitism pamphlets (10 English and 4 French)

A team of two ladies were at a local shopping mall for their first visit. They met a woman who upon receiving the anti-Semitism pamphlet asked where the team was from. The woman quickly identified the pamphlet as coming from Beth Ariel and exclaimed, “Oh you are Messianic” to which the team replied, “How do you know Beth Ariel?” The woman informed the team that she had met someone from Beth Ariel on the plane going to Israel.  She explained that they spoke about the scriptures at that time. Stating this, the woman became upset and offended that the team was at her shopping centre and suggested they move to be in front of a church instead. The conversation ended but she did return to confront them again.

The team went on to meet a young Jewish man who said he was planning to go to Israel soon to rejoin his IDF troupe. He spoke to them about his twin brother and showed them a video of his brother and family on his phone. He was offered the gift set but said he would only take the Tanakh. The team spoke about the Messiah then and how he had come and would return to reign in Jerusalem. They advised him to keep grounded in the Tanakh as that is where God speaks to His people and that the Mishna etc. were books written by man. Unfortunately, at this point that same woman returned and spoke in Hebrew to the young man. He returned the Tanakh to them and apologized saying he could not accept it. The team praised God for these two encounters and asks for prayer that they will accept Yeshua. They were thankful also because they knew that the young man already had a Tanakh as he is in the army. When one gets conscripted into the army in Israel, there is a ceremony and part of their gift is a Tanakh.

Having now moved on to another local mall, the team gave a set to a Jewish woman who was very thankful to receive the gift. As well, they met an elderly woman, aged 80, who said that she was Christian and prayed every night for Israel. The team had a lovely conversation with her and invited her to visit Beth Ariel.

Later, they met a French gentleman from Morocco as he was putting his groceries in the car. He was offered the gift set in French and said, “Am Yisrael Chai” to which they replied in kind. At one point in the conversation, a team member offered her last name as the man said that he knew of her family in Morocco and receiving this last name he affirmed that he knew her grandmother and father, asking if her father was a teacher. She affirmed this and taking his name, she later confirmed with her own father that indeed this man was known to him and that the grandmother was a best friend and neighbour in Morocco. The team member speaking of this small miracle praised God for His blessing to her.

This team asks that people pray for safety of the twins who will be joining the IDF shortly and as well for their salvation and the other people they met that day.

Door to Door Report for Friday, December 1st

3 gift sets in English, 3 Tanakhs only, and approximately 10 other gift cards and 10 anti-Semitism pamphlets were given.

A second team was out this week on a cool but less windy day. They had several more doors that opened on this new street being more populated by the Jewish community. The people however would open their door, peeking from behind it and then open it fully after they saw two women standing before them.  All accepted the gift card and anti-Semitism pamphlets with surprise and gratefulness.

One elderly woman who was Moroccan accepted the gift set in her hands and pressed the Tanakh to her chest and thanked them sincerely for the wonderful gift. A few doors down another younger woman received the set with a quick thank you.

A Jewish woman responded to the knock at the door by opening her small window and seeing the women, came to the door.  She said that she was the wife of a rabbi and accepted the literature only stating that she would show it to her husband.  However, she surprisingly asked the team if they had been listening to the videos of the Son of Hamas who had been speaking out against this regime and hoped everyone would listen to him. She thanked the ladies for their visit.

A Jewish man received the Tanakh only, stating that he believed in G-d but not the Messiah, but did however wish them well in what they were doing.

Another young woman received the set and was very thankful. One more set and two Tanakhs were received with a quick thank you but very little conversation.

The team asks for prayer over these encounters as there was an element of fear or hesitancy in those who opened their doors and yet these same were blessed by receiving the beautiful scriptures, cards and pamphlets.



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