Beth Ariel Congregation

Walk and Talk Report – December 28th 2022

Magen David on Hebrew Scriptures

Wednesday, December 21st 

A team of two ladies were out on this pleasant day and rejoiced that the snow had not stopped them. A total of 15 pamphlets, five gift sets and three Bibles were given out.

A French Bible was given to an Algerian man who was exploring different religions yet did not know of the Jewish religion. The team spoke to him about Jesus (Yeshua in Hebrew) being the Messiah and that there was only one way to God. They spoke to him about man’s sin separating people from God and that the way to salvation and atonement from sin was through the blood of Yeshua that was shed on the cross. He was very interested, listening intently. He received the Bible with joy and stated that he would try to attend Beth Ariel on the following Saturday.

One elderly woman who read a little Hebrew listened while the team spoke to her about how the Messiah could make her righteous through His blood.

Two Bibles were given to men along with the business card so that they could follow the teaching online.

One man received only a business card so that he too, could listen online to the stations and times written on it.

Then a set was given to a woman who wanted to take it to a very religious friend, but the team encouraged her to keep it for herself and go through the material on her own.

The remainder of the sets were given out with encouragement to read the Hanukkah pamphlet and the gift sets given to them. Everyone was joyful when they received the Scriptures on this beautiful day. The team members were grateful for the prayers for their safety and for open hearts to receive the Word.


Tuesday, December 27th

A team of two ladies went door to door in the evening. The majority of the residents didn’t seem to be home, perhaps traveling during the season. Three sets were given out in total to Jewish people who were surprised we were out on a colder night, but grateful for the gifts.

One home had both Christmas lights and a mezuzah on the door. The Jewish man who answered was taken aback by the New Testament, but we assured him it was kosher!

A middle-aged woman was quite profuse in her gratitude for the gifts, even telling us her name.

A couple of homes refused even the Hanukkah pamphlet, but another woman took just the pamphlet and messianic prophecy bookmark.


Much thanks for your continued prayer as we walk through the neighborhood and go to shopping areas.

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