Calgary November 24 and 25
On Wednesday we handed out four Hanukkah pamphlets, including two to Gentiles who were very interested in our work. We asked them to pass them on to Jewish friends they knew after reading it.
We encountered a Jewish lady who didn’t take the full set but did accept a copy of the Brit Chadeshah,
We met a young Jewish woman who happily accepted the Hanukkah pamphlet so we offered her a Brit Chadeshah. At first she hesitated, then stared at it with curiosity and accepted it after we mentioned it was a great opportunity for her to read Jewish authors’ writing during the 2nd Temple period.
We encountered one Jewish mom with her two young children who was very touched by the Hanukkah gift. She gladly accepted a set, too, along with other literature.
We encountered an elderly French Christian lady who herself does Jewish evangelism, sharing about the Jewish Messiah. We invited her to join us if she desires to.
Thursday, we were successful in connecting with quite a few Jewish people. We gave out two sets and three Brit Chadeshahs.
We met a woman who was happy to receive the Hanukkah leaflet and also accepted a set. She took time to listen to us briefly explain the bookmark prophecies pointing to the Jewish Messiah’s first coming.
We then offered a Hanukkah pamphlet to a woman who gladly accepted it. We offered the Brit Chadeshah in a gift bag which she also accepted. She listened to us share about the soon to come troubled times according to the Jewish prophets, followed by the arrival of the Jewish Messiah to deliver His people and establish His Kingdom. She responded that she hoped this would happen. We responded that we were certain He would, as God keeps His Word!
Waiting in line at a restaurant for hot coffee, we offered a gospel tract and a New Testament to a mom with her young child, but she said, “I’m sorry but I’m Jewish.” Immediately we offered her a Hebrew set. Even though she said Jewish people don’t believe in the Brit Chadeshah, we told her she could still read it as a historical Jewish document. She thanked us and decided to keep it and read it.
We encountered a lady who was Jewish but wasn’t brought up in Jewish traditions but instead, as a Christian. She saw the Hebrew Scriptures in our bags and enthusiastically asked if she could have a set to give to her sister and her practicing Jewish brother-in-Law.
We gave out almost all our material and had many brief conversations with Jews and Gentiles, one of which was with a trained theologian who wasn’t certain where he was going to go after death. He listened to us sharing on Jesus’ interaction with another well-trained theologian, Nicodemus, who didn’t know that he had to be born again to enter the Kingdom of God. We said Abraham believed God and that was counted to him as righteousness. We left him with that thought.
This week we gave out many Hanukkah tracts, mostly to Jewish people, 40 gospel tracts and many New Testaments to Gentiles. For us in Calgary with its small Jewish population, to give out three full sets and an additional five Brit Chadeshahs in two days was quite exceptional. Praise the Lord!
Montreal Thursday November 28
Two teams of two gave out two sets of Scripture, two Tanakhs, one Brit Chadeshah, 83 Chanukah pamphlets and 54 small gift bags. Here is the report from the first team:
We didn’t have any long conversations, but several people were deeply touched by the gift bags we gave out with the Chanukah pamphlets. We spoke of Messiah whenever we could. Altogether we gave out 40 gifts and 67 pamphlets in 90 minutes before running out.
The second team reported:
We gave out 16 Hanukkah pamphlets, 14 small gifts, two full sets, two Tanakhs, and one Brit Chadeshah at two different stores.
One woman was really happy to receive a Tanakh for herself and one for her aunt.
A different woman happily received a Brit Chadeshah, since, she said, it was lighter than the Tanakh.
Sunday November 28
One single team of two went out on the eve of the first night of Hanukkah and gave out seven sets of Scriptures, 92 pamphlets, and 48 gift bags! Parents and children were in a festive and joyful mood as they were preparing to begin the holiday that evening.
One man only took the Hanukkah pamphlet, being skeptical of the offer of the Scriptures. But when he left the store, he came back to talk to us and ended up taking a full set. It was surprising that he was already aware that Jewish people don’t read Isaiah 53. We pointed out that all chapters need to be read. He agreed when we said that only a remnant of Jewish people have believed throughout time, sadly killing all the prophets God sent. He accepted a bookmark on messianic prophecies, too.
One man actually came over to see us and receive what we were giving out. He didn’t have a Tanakh so he took one, and also the Brit Chadeshah.
Another lady was thrilled to take a full set from us.
What a thrill to have seen the Lord open so many hearts this past week, in both Alberta and Quebec. Surely your prayers were answered in a big way. Please continue to intercede, as we request that these individuals would read and receive the truth found in the materials which light the way to the Messiah of Israel. Thank you so much and
Chag Sameach! (Happy Holiday!)