Magen David on Hebrew Scriptures

Thursday, August 1st

5 sets were given.

It was a very hot day and the team of two women were grateful for the shade while they were out in a residential area for door-to-door outreach.  The first visit was with a Moroccan woman, who already had her door open due to the heat.  “Shalom” they said as they approached her. They noticed at this point that the door next to her was also opened. They offered her the precious gift and when she saw it, she was very receptive to take it. They spoke to her about the Messiah and how only He could make people righteous cleansing them of their sins. She said she did not think she had sinned so they reminded her that sin produced both physical and spiritual death but that the good news was that she could have eternal life through the Messiah. Speaking of the blood atonement, the woman replied that they received atonement through the shedding of the blood of the chicken (called kaparah, often done by the very orthodox). They replied that this ritual took place on Yom Kippur but told her there was no temple to perform the sacrifice. They reminded her again that the good news was that the Messiah had come as the final sacrifice and that He forgave man’s sins forever, to all those who believe in Him. They then parted ways.

Another set was given to a man who took the Tanakh. They confirmed that they were not from the Jehovah Witness congregation when he had asked.  Understanding this to be true, the man took his kippa from a table and placed it on his head saying he did not want to open the door with his kippa on. They then presented him with the Brit Chadashah saying it was the New Testament and that he could see the messianic prophecies fulfilled right there. Thanking them he showed the team the homes on his street that had mezuzahs. The team was grateful that he took the whole set and were touched by the conversation.

An elderly man named “R” came to the door wearing a kippa. He was surprised that two women came offering the Scriptures. He gladly took the Tanakh and said that many people do not believe in the Messiah.  They told him that it was always the case that a minority believed in the word of God and he agreed. He also agreed that the Messiah had already come and told them how his father had once told him that the Messiah had come but the Jews did not believe this. At this point, the team offered him the Brit and said, “This is for you”! They said he would read about the prophecies being fulfilled as well as learn- about the messianic miracles that took place. His wife came to the door then saying she had a cold and asked who they were. They explained that they were volunteers with the Society for Distributing Hebrew Scriptures and that they belonged to Beth Ariel, a Messianic congregation. She asked if they were involved in the Jewish community, and they replied that they pray for the Jewish community and have come to bring the Word. At this the team being blessed by the conversation, took their leave.

A Jewish woman took two sets, one in French and one in English. She at first wanted the set for a friend but the team encouraged her to keep the one and to take another for her friend. She took both sets and advised them to stay away from the building next to her as they were not Jewish. She was asked if she would like a visit at another time, but she declined as she had her own congregation and that was when the team learned she was from Chabad Lubavitch.

They went then to another street but there was no answer at the doors and so decided to call it a night. They were encouraged and comforted by their conversations and thankful for the prayers offered.


Monday, August 5th

2 French Tanakh, 5 sets (2 French, 2 English, 1 Hebrew) were given.

The team were debating if they would go out this night as there was some rain but as they began the rain stopped and only a momentary drizzle fell. This was a team of two doing door to door in a residential area.

A man wearing a kippah took the set but said he did not live there, that he was from New York. He was French speaking. He said he was visiting his brother but was leaving soon.  They left then and were at their car in order to pick up more books when he came to them and confessed that he already had a Tanakh and did not need this one. After encouraging him, he decided to take the book for his brother and in the meantime, they offered him the Isaiah 53 leaflet and a bookmark. They were thankful that he took the set because he did not want it originally but when he saw the book and touched it, he wanted to take it.

A set in French was given to a woman from Morocco. She stated that she revered God and wanted to make sure that the Tanakh was real. They confirmed that it was but that it was listed in a different order from the synagogue.  She received it then and was grateful.

Next, they met a woman again from Morocco who wanted to share her story with the team. She stated that her mom was in the hospital and her brother had died so the team gave their condolences and said they were there to give her a gift, the Tanakh. She took it with joy and so they gave her the Brit Chadashah as well.  They told her it was written by Jewish men who believed that Yeshua was the Messiah. Happily taking both, she shared that she had many family members in Israel and that her brother was there but coming back to Montreal. She then took a set for her brother. Offering her the comfort card she asked them where they got that picture. They said that the congregation probably paid for the picture from online. She exclaimed, “This is my nephew who designed that picture”! They were surprised and touched to hear that and then continued their conversation about the Messiah. As they were about to leave, the woman showed them where there were Jewish homes and directed them where to go.

The team then went to a door she had directed them to, one which used to have a large Mezuzah but it had been replaced by a smaller one. The man who answered was English, did not want the set as he had many books. He shared the story of why he changed the mezuzah and they replied that they were aware of the persecution going on. He mentioned that he had seen someone taking pictures of houses that had the mezuzah and he was nervous. He did take the Isaiah 53 leaflet and the anti-Semitism pamphlet and also the Beth Ariel contact card. He opened his wallet to give $20 but they said they did not take any donations and so he shook their hands as they left.

A set was given to a woman but there was not much conversation. She showed them other houses to go to, but there was no answer at those homes.

A set was given to a humble man who was touched by the fine gift set. They told him that the Brit was the New Testament and about Yeshua. He asked if it was Jesus and they replied that it was a book written about the Messiah by Jewish men who believed Jesus, Yeshua was the Messiah. He asked, “Is it the same one that the rabbis speak of as being the Messiah?” and they replied that, “No, it was about Jesus, Yeshua who is the Messiah”. He was very touched upon hearing that and took the contact card so that he would see the links in order to listen to his radio for the teachings, now being able to use his new set to follow along.

The team noted that they had no refusals that evening and were surprised that people wanted to show them the homes of other Jewish people so that they too could have the Word given to them. They realized that their time had been guided by God to go despite the rain and that it even stopped as they began their outing.  They thank everyone who prayed and praise God for such a lovely evening.


August 6, 2024

A total of two sets and one Brit Chadashah were given. Three or four others accepted literature on antisemitism from the team on this cool evening.

Two members went to a Jewish neighborhood on a rather busy street. About 70% of the doors did not even open when we rang their bells, even though we saw cars in many of the driveways. We went to 17 different homes but at seven of them, people motioned to us through the window or right away at the door that they didn’t want anything from us or to talk to us.

The first set was given to an older Moroccan French woman with whom we spoke for quite a while. At first, she refused the set of Scriptures. Then we offered her the tract on antisemitism and comfort card with verses from the Tanach and she took them as we began a longer conversation. She gradually gained confidence and then began to ask about the Tanakh we had in our hands. She accepted both it and the Brit Chadashah, so happy to have our gifts. She encouraged us to stay safe in these more threatening times for the Jewish community. She said that her hope was in HaShem (the Name) alone. and that she hoped that the Messiah would come soon. Of course we told her He had already come once, and that it was the same Messiah who would come again. She blessed us as we left.

Another woman happily accepted an English set, but then came after us down the stairs to give it back as her husband scowled at the door. She received the antisemitism tract and comfort card, though. She still thanked us, seemingly embarrassed by what had happened.

Another older Moroccan woman also received a set and other literature. We spoke with her for quite a while and encouraged her to look to God for her hope. She blessed us for the work we were doing in distributing the Scriptures.

Elsewhere, an orthodox man with a kippa immediately told us he didn’t want anything from us. He turned his head and laughed when he saw we were holding a New Testament under the Hebrew Scriptures we were offering. He seemed pleased that he had unmasked our motives and wanted none of it.

At first, a middle-aged man told us that he already had plenty of books on his shelves. When we presented the Brit Chadashah however, being smaller, he accepted it. He pronounced prayers for those in Israel and the IDF, then ended with Am Yisrael Chai, (the people of Israel live) which we immediately echoed as we left.

Another man told us that only Jehovah Witnesses go door to door and that no Jews ever do that. When one member said she was Jewish, he dismissed it with his hand and closed his door.

Thank you to all who pray for these door-to-door outreaches, which we pray will be able to continue despite the heightened antisemitism and warnings to people not to open their doors. Please continue to uplift this ministry as we join together before the throne in prayer for the salvation of Israel.