Beth Ariel Congregation

Walk and Talk Report – August 30th 2023

Magen David on Hebrew Scriptures

Wednesday, August 23rd

4 gift sets (3 English, 1 French) were given.

A team of two were out this evening and gave a set to a home where there was a camera installed at the door. A man spoke to them through this means and asked them to leave the set on the chair.

A man was met on the street who said that he attended a synagogue close by. He took the bookmark on anti-Semitism and an Isaiah 53 leaflet. He did not want the set but they had a long conversation with him by asking, “What do you base your salvation upon?” to which he replied “Good works!” They then asked where his sacrifices were done as there has not been a temple operating since 70ad. They continued saying that justification comes by faith and gave Abraham as an example quoting from Habakkuk. Interestingly, he said he may want to come to the congregation and was given a contact card.

A set was given to a Jewish woman. While speaking of the Scriptures, she said she had goosebumps on her arms when they told her this was given out of love. She wanted to give a donation, but they refused, saying it was a gift. She took the Isaiah 53 leaflet and was encouraged to read it. They reminded her that God will reveal the truth if she truly seeks Him.

Monday, August 28th

7 gift sets (6 English, 1 French) were given.

The same team of two were out this evening and gave a set to a woman who wanted to be honest with them, saying she would probably never read the books but the team said it was alright.  One team member gave a short testimony of how she too felt the same way but there did come a time when God called her and she began to read.  She then looked at the woman and said that perhaps such a time would come when she might want the Scriptures at that point. The woman took the set and thanked them.

A gift set was left on a chair as a couple responded to them via the camera at their door as they were not at home (remote camera!). They were very appreciative and thanked the team.

A set was then given to a man who was encouraged to read the Isaiah 53 leaflet as they believed the Messiah would soon return to reign in Jerusalem. The gentleman replied, “I hope so”. He was interested in the anti-Semitism pamphlet and was shown the contact information as well.

Another set was given to a man who asked why they were doing this to which they exclaimed that they did it out of love. They explained that it was important to know the prophesies of the coming Messiah and to be able to recognize Him. They also told him about the 3rd Temple that would be constructed and that the false messiah would come at that time.

A set was given to a couple’s daughter who was living with her parents. Her fiancé came to the door then and they accepted the set saying they had never read the Tanakh. They were also encouraged to read Isaiah 53.

Another set was given to a woman who did not want to open her door but after seeing through the window that it was the Tanakh, asked them to leave the set on the chair.

Lastly, a French set was given to a woman who was preparing to have her supper. She told them that it was the anniversary day of her husband’s passing and the team said she can be comforted by receiving the scriptures.  She was very thankful.

The team wishes to thank all those who constantly hold them and the other teams in their prayers as it encourages them and they feel the effects from the movement of the Holy Spirit guiding and protecting them.



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