Magen David on Hebrew Scriptures

Thursday, August 8th

1 gift set, 2 Tanakhs and several pamphlets, leaflets and comfort cards were given.


A team of two (one man and one woman) set out on a rainy evening although it was not enough to deter them. They had the opportunity to knock on 17 homes. Eight of those homes did not answer the door.


The first set was given to a young lady. As she appeared underage, the team asked her how old she was, and she stated she was 20. Joyfully accepting the set from them, the team began to speak about the Messiah and how He can make man righteous.  However, previous to that, the team asked her if good works could save mankind and if so, would they be able to approach God with those works. She agreed that this was so and they replied that there was no mikveh (immersion bathhouse) where one could go to have their sins cleansed by God. They went on that man had a sinful nature and that only the Messiah could make man righteous before Him. They showed her the Isaiah 53 leaflet and encouraged her to read it. They also showed her the prophecies listed on the bookmark and encouraged her to find them in the Scriptures.  She was very thankful and remarked that it was the perfect time they were coming into her life and to this a team member told her that it was God who was calling her. Stating multiple times that she was grateful, she received a hug from one of the team members. Saying, “God bless you”, she told them that she would read the Scriptures.  They told her that if she was really seeking the truth, God would reveal it to her and offered her the Brit Chadashah and explained that she would see where the prophecies were fulfilled and that the Messiah would return to rule and reign in Jerusalem. She accepted all from them with thankfulness.


At another door, a religious woman answered the team via her camera/doorbell and told them that she already had many religious books and everything that she needed. They told her that they had an antisemitism pamphlet and a comfort card to give to her and so she came to the door at that point. They were able to speak to her about the Messiah, Yeshua and that it was important for everyone to know about the prophecies concerning Him. They told her about the  third temple that would be built, and how many would believe in that false Messiah related to that temple. She told them that she thought that peace would come through man, but they assured her that peace could only come when the Messiah will set up His kingdom during the Messianic times.  It was a wonderful encounter with this woman.


A Tanakh was given to a woman who asked if it was the same as the one supplied by the synagogues. She was told that the Hebrew was the same as the synagogue’s but that the English translation had a different ordering for the books. She then accepted it with thanks.


A man who was wearing a kippah came to the door and when he saw the Tanakh, he asked them where they were from and who they were.  One of the team members mentioned that she was Jewish and that her father came from Morocco.  Hearing this, the man showed them his mezuzah and the member told him that she also had one.  She explained that they were volunteers from the Society that Distributes Hebrew Scriptures and explained who they were.  He accepted the Tanakh, the anti-Semitism pamphlet, the Isaiah 53 leaflet and the comfort card and thanked them.


At another door a man who did not want anything at first, was shown the anti-Semitism pamphlet and comfort card and was encouraged to take them which he finally did.


The team was thankful that they were able to be out even though the weather was not that pleasant, and they are thankful for the prayers behind the outing itself. Most of all they wanted to praise God and give Him the glory.