We shared about the Messiah with him. He deeply respected Jesus for His moral teachings but couldn’t come to recognize Him as divine in nature. We pointed out many messianic prophecies from Malachi to Isaiah and many of the Torah writings which pointed to the deity of the Messiah and which hinted concerning the Trinity. He respected our biblical stand but wasn’t yet ready, in his words, to jump into the Christian faith.
Montreal, Wednesday, May 30th, 2022
33 pamphlets for Passover were given plus 4 gift sets and 1 Tanakh
A team of two ladies went to a local shopping area and reported that they felt a protective covering from the Messiah and that people were happy to receive the pamphlets and sets.
It was a rather quiet day with regards to conversations, but they had a very encouraging one with one woman. While with her, the team encouraged her to read the Isaiah 53 leaflet and pointed out that only the Messiah could forgive their iniquities, that only He could make anyone righteous before a holy God. The lady was very thankful to have the team spend the time with her and she was grateful when taking the set from them.
They also spoke with a Jewish man giving him the Isaiah 53 leaflet as well as the Passover pamphlet. It was stressed to him that the prophesies showed the identity of the Messiah and that the fulfillment of these prophecies could be found in the Brit Chadashah. However, he only took the pamphlet, the Isaiah 53 leaflet and the Tanakh and was not willing to receive the Brit Chadashah. Please pray that this man will search online for the fulfillment of the Old Testament Scriptures which speak of the Messiah.
Sunday, April 3rd, 2022
47 Passover pamphlets and 5 sets were handed out on this day.
A team of two women again went to two shopping centers. One gentleman gratefully received two sets saying that it was extraordinary to receive these Scriptures and was very pleased to take them.
Another man, a gentile believer, was willing to converse with the team and mentioned that he thought he knew someone who went to our congregation. He happily took the Passover as well as the anti-Semitism pamphlets and the team encouraged him to go onto the congregation website.
It was a quiet day for deep conversations but the team felt that they were well received and were joyful that the Lord provided such a beautiful day for them to serve Him.
Calgary, March 29th, 2022
We noticed that compared to the responses we received 4-6 years ago, people today are having a change of heart, most likely because of all the world events that are happening. They are much more opened to sharing with us! Many are accepting the Holy Scriptures and taking the time to discuss these matters.
We began at a rabbi’s house. The rabbi was out but his wife kindly answered the door, declining at first, any of our material. She did take a special gift book we had for the rabbi, and we then had a very nice conversation with her. We spoke together for around 25 minutes. She listened very intently. We covered about half the Scriptures which were printed on our messianic bookmark. She was very understanding and interested. The gift she accepted for her husband was about twelve rabbis who had come to the conclusion that Yeshua was the Jewish Messiah. She took our phone number for the rabbi to call back, and thanked us for passing by.
At the next door we visited, a very nice man answered us, accepting all we offered. He was holding his barking dog, so we were able to have only a short conversation with him. We pointed to the different items contained in our gift bag. He was very happy and thanked us for passing by.
We visited a home we had previously stopped by this past Purim. The woman who answered still declined our gifts saying that she didn’t need our materials but that we should keep it for those who did need it!
We then met a very nice lady, who was happy we came by. She accepted all we offered her. As we were ready to leave, she asked for our names and wanted to chat with us. We spoke about world events but when we came to the topic of the Jewish Messiah she wasn’t interested to share on that topic. She did continue with other topics and thanked us at the end for our visit.
A couple who was just sitting down to eat supper, opened the door. They were originally from Montreal but moved to Calgary 30 years ago. They took all we offered as we explained what was included in the gift bag. They thanked us for our gift but had to get back to finish eating.
As we were walking to the next door, we met with 3 Jewish people who were just leaving their friend’s house. They accepted our Pesach (Passover) gift bag and asked us if we were born again believers to which we answered yes. They then identified themselves as Messianic Jews, attending a Calvary Chapel Church in the North West of Calgary. They drove away saying, “See you in heaven”!
When we came to the door from which the three friends had left, we offered the man our gift bag, but he said he was busy so he couldn’t talk with us. We could tell he had already been witnessed to by his Messianic Jewish friends, PTL!
At the last door we visited, there was an elderly couple who accepted our gift bag and insisted that we’d come in to talk with them. He was from Poland and she was originally from France. Their grandson was visiting just then, who was from Israel, and they were having a religious conversation. The grandparents had attended a Messianic Congregation in Calgary, Beth Shekinah. We knew the Pastor / Rabbi there. The grandmother said what touched her, was the love that emanated from Beth Shekinah. We had an hour-long conversation with the grandson who had just completed a religious studies diploma at a local university. We shared about the Messiah with him. He deeply respected Jesus for His moral teachings but couldn’t come to recognize Him as divine in nature. We pointed out many messianic prophecies from Malachi to Isaiah and many of the Torah writings which pointed to the deity of the Messiah and which hinted concerning the Trinity. He respected our biblical stand but wasn’t yet ready, in his words, to jump into the Christian faith. We could see that the grandparents were ecstatic that we had come at that exact moment, since they couldn’t yet explain to their grandson the messianic beliefs. They presented us with food and drinks while we were sharing with their grandson. We warmly greeted them before leaving. It was getting pretty late, but this was the nicest visit we had had in the last 7 years of ministering here in Calgary. Praise the Lord for the privilege He gave us to meet our Jewish neighbors who are definitely opening up to their Jewish Messiah, Yeshua Ha Machiach!