Wednesday, April 20th
41 pamphlets, 6 full sets and 1 Brit Chadasha were given out
The team of two ladies were out on this sunny day when they met an elderly French man and spoke to him about the Messiah. They told how the Messiah had already come as spoken of in Daniel 9:26 and that He would be coming back but as said in the Scriptures, He had to be cut off but would return to reign and rule in Israel.
A New Testament was given to a man in English who said he was not religious. The team shared about having a personal relationship with God and that God wanted to give him a new life and related it to the atonement for sin through the Tav (cross) of Yeshua. He exclaimed, “Oh you mean the cross?” and they confirmed that in Daniel 9:26 it was prophesied that the Messiah would be cut off but return. He was given our contact information.
A set was given to an Armenian man who had a hearing impairment. They told him about Yeshua being the Messiah and that there was only one God, one Messiah and one truth; that God is a triune God. He then asked if the lady was Jewish and what was the difference between a Christian and a Jew. Their response was that they both believed in the Messiah quoting Yeshua who said,
“I am the way and the truth and the life.
No one comes to the Father except through me.” John 14:6.
They told him that the Messiah had fulfilled all the prophesies spoken of in the Tanakh and that redemption can only be fulfilled through the Messiah as there had to be a blood atonement spoken of in Psalm 22:16. He was asked if he wanted to receive Yeshua as his Lord and Savior and he consented with a yes and so he was led in prayer to receive Yeshua. They praised God with him and he was then shown how to contact Beth Ariel and to listen online.
Two sets were given to a man and his son. He mentioned that it was difficult to follow all the rules and that it was complicated. The team spoke of Psalm 51 and how it says that the sins would be washed away, how in Leviticus 17:11 it speaks of this atonement and in Isaiah 1:18 how the sin is red as scarlet but we will be made white as wool. She described a temporary blindness over the Jewish people but that they will receive redemption as spoken of in Daniel 12. The man thanked the team and was happy with his gifts.
Friday, April 22nd
63 Pamphlets, 8 full sets, 2 Brit Chadashas and 1 Eng. Bible was given out.
Our team of two ladies went out on a beautiful day and were blessed with many conversations. One set was given in English to a gentleman with whom they spoke about the plan of redemption. They shared how sin separates us from God. He was told about the Messiah having come, being cut off but returning to reign in Israel (Dan. 9:26). He was encouraged to read in Leviticus 17:11 and Isaiah 53 about the Messiah and to listen to the teachings from Pastor Jacques which was listed on the pamphlet.
They spoke to a Jewish man who appeared to be fearful of people but they gave him the Isaiah 53 pamphlet and told him that it was important for him to have a relationship with God. Another man, a Muslim, spoke about how he believed in Yeshua but was asked if he believed in the divinity of Yeshua to which he said no. He was given the Isaiah 53 leaflet and told that only God can forgive sins and to read Isaiah 9:6 where it is written that the government will be upon His shoulders and He will be called Mighty Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. He was then encouraged to visit the website.
Two Brit Chadashahs were given to a woman one in French and the other in English. The English woman wanted to share it with people she knew. Then a man received a French bible and he told the team how he had been hurt by the religious Catholic system. He had found it difficult to have a relationship with God because of this hurt and the team member told him the story of the rich man who met Jesus and wanted to know how to have eternal life. Jesus replied that the gift was free and this seemed to touch this gentleman and he was very happy to receive the French bible.
Finally, an elderly couple was very happy to receive a set in Hebrew and thanked the ladies for the beautiful gift.