Beth Ariel Congregation

Walk and Talk Report – April 24th 2024

Magen David on Hebrew Scriptures

Thursday, April 18th


Team #1

14 Passover pamphlets, 8 comfort cards, 4 sets, 1 Brit Chadashah, 1 French Bible were given.

One French Bible was given to a Romanian woman. She was also given the contact card so she could connect with the website and listen to Pastor Jacques’ messages. She was very thankful, and the team invited her to visit the congregation for a Shabbat service.

An English set was given to a Portuguese woman who was married to a Jewish man. They spoke to her about God and Jesus being the only way to eternal life. They showed her the Isaiah 53 leaflet and explained that Jesus was the Messiah spoken of in that scripture. They told her about His atoning blood sacrifice. They gave her a comfort card and she was very thankful.

An English set was given to a woman who received it with joy and then took some time to discuss the situation in Israel.

A set was then given to a Polish woman whose husband was Jewish. She gratefully received the set and took the comfort card as well.

A Brit Chadashah was given to a young Jewish woman who had two children. She was shocked that they were giving out such a beautiful Tanakh, but said she already had one. At first, she was uncertain about the Brit Chadashah but she changed her mind after hearing about how Constantine wanted to take the place of Israel along with the promises to the Jewish people. They went on to say that Jesus would come back and reign in Jerusalem as the prophecies foretold. They said then that Jesus had come a first time and had fulfilled all the first coming prophecies. She took a bookmark as well as the leaflet on Isaiah 53. They also gave her a contact card.

An English set was given to another Jewish woman who was surprised at the offer of a whole Tanakh. Showing her the Brit, she asked if it was the New Testament. They said it was and explained that it was written by Jewish men concerning the Messiah. She gladly took the set plus the Passover pamphlets and Isaiah 53 leaflet.

At this point it was raining on and off, but they were thankful for the covering of prayer.


Team #2

4 sets (1 French), 2 Brit Chadashahs, 3 Tanakhs, 1 English Bible, 61 Passover pamphlets, 2 prayers of salvation were made and a prayer for healing was also made.

The second team was at a smaller shopping mall and stood for some time very near the front door of a grocery store. There they gave out many Passover pamphlets.

The Bible was given to a Jamaican woman who stopped to chat. They spoke about the gospel and wanted to know if she knew she was saved. Although she went to church, she said she did not know how to pray so they led her in the prayer of salvation. She was such a sweet, demure lady but she asked them right away for a Bible and they were happy to oblige.

A French Brit Chadashah was given to a Jewish lady who was waiting for her husband to come. The member spoke to her about the coming Messiah; how He had come the first time as written in the prophets. They explained that the Brit contained the writings of Jewish authors during the Second Temple period and that the Messiah who fulfilled these prophecies was Yeshua. She replied, “God willing” to which the member said it was Jesus and the woman again said, “God willing”. The two women embraced as the husband came and seeing what was in her hand he did not seem pleased, but she kept the book as they went to the car.

A Jewish woman came from the grocery store limping and a member offered to carry her groceries for her. She walked with a cane, so she grabbed the member’s arm. She blurted out, “I have something to tell you about myself” and paused. “I have 5 prostheses, 2 elbows, 2 knees and 1 hip”!  The member asked if she would like prayer and so she prayed in Yeshua’s name to which the woman said “Amen”.

A Tanakh was given to a young man who was helping his mother from the car. He was approached as he returned to his car. He took the offered Tanakh and was very thankful. Immediately after, a religious woman seeing the man take the Tanakh stopped the team saying they were not allowed to give out such literature and to stop. The team remained calm, and the woman left.

A woman was offered a gift set but asked for one in French instead. She also took the Passover pamphlet.

A religious, young lady with children received the Passover tract and comfort card and appeared touched and thanked them.

At that point the team went into a coffee shop to warm up and here one team member met a young Jewish woman at the counter. They began to chat, and she said she was visiting from Israel. The member offered to buy her a coffee and while they waited, the woman asked the member if she celebrated Passover. The member replied, yes, that they were believers in Yeshua as the Messiah. The woman agreed saying a strong “yes”! She was offered the Brit and she took it with much emotion and left to meet someone.

A member noticed an elderly man sitting on his own in the corner. At first, she went to ask him if she could get him something, but he declined. Not being certain if he was well, she asked if she could help him. He said he was lonely and was there to see people. She offered him a tract called “The Way, the Truth and the Life”. Observing him from a distance, she could see him pondering over the words. She went to him again and began to chat to him about his life. He said he was Catholic but believed there were many gods as he attended a Unitarian congregation. She spoke to him about Jesus and His salvation for those who believed that He was the atonement for their sins. She warned him against Catholicism as they watered down the very book which contained God’s true words.  She gave him the tract “Steps to Peace” and left him to go eat her meal. Following his reading, from her table, the team member could see him bow his head and pray at the end. Returning to him he said that he said yes to the prayer and followed the words. He said something had changed but he did not know what. After a short chat they embraced, and he was given the contact card. Before they parted, she again warned him that now that he had said the prayer of salvation, he had to read his Bible and see the truth and listen to the Lord speaking to him because He is the Word. She then quoted John 1:1. He was very happy to take the literature and the prayer tract.

The team resisted the cold and rain because they had much joy in their hearts that day and thanked God for His faithfulness.


Report from Calgary, Alberta

Monday, April 22

There were 14 absentees today about half of the doors visited which was to be expected for a midday outreach. By returning another couple of times we are successful in contacting about another half of those households.

In Calgary we must scout before outreaching, on average each contact is half a kilometer from their neighbours. Overall, we scout 6 to 7 days for each 2 to 3 days of visiting. Today our discussions were brief because it was Passover at sunset, but all respondents were thankful for our visit.

Three full sets were accepted, 7 Passover leaflets were received, one comfort card was given to a family being directly impacted by the war in Israel. In general, the younger generation is much more opened in sharing about Yeshua as Messiah. We had 2 brief but opened discussions today with such younger ones.

Many thanks for those who support us in prayer. We are hoping to get out again this week, Lord willing. Blessings in His Precious Name.




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