Montreal, Tuesday, April 12th
75 pamphlets, 5 full Hebrew/ English sets given, 3 English only and 1 French only bible. One Brit Chadashah was given.
A team of two ladies set out on a sunny day to meet people in a shopping mall. We met a Jewish man who took interest in the Isaiah 53 leaflet and thanked us for the lovely Passover pamphlet. He was getting into his car and said that he and his mother were on their way to the hospital to see his father who had COVID. The father was actually on the speaker phone with his son and was listening to our conversation and asked his son to bring the pamphlet with him. Praise God for such encounters!
A man was approached who said that he was a born-again believer in Yeshua and that he was from Lebanon. He took the pamphlet and asked if he could pray for us and we then prayed for him. He was so excited to hear about our congregation and hoped to visit us someday soon.
A Polish man was approached near his car. He wanted to take a bible but said it was difficult for him to read anything but Polish. He was alone, being a widower and was afraid to go anywhere except home and the grocery store. He took the pamphlet and I asked him if he knew Yeshua and he said he wanted to know him but did not. As my heart leaped for joy, I asked him if he would like to know Yeshua and have a relationship with him. He then answered that he was too old! I told him it was never too late and he consented to receive Yeshua as Saviour. Repeating the prayer of salvation after me, his face began to take on a gentler appearance and as I said that he was now a child of God he broke into a big smile. He said he would come and visit us on a Saturday but would be watching online so please pray for M. that he finds our website and enjoys the teachings of Pastor Jacques Isaac Gabizon.
One Jewish man was then approached and received the set and the literature. This was then followed by another two men who passed by. Only one was interested and took the set while the other refused. It reminded us of the fact that at the Rapture two would be standing in the field and one only would be taken up.
A Gentile believer from Czechoslovakia spoke with us about the gospel and the free salvation that was offered. Just to be sure, the team member asked her if she were to die that same night did she know if she would be in heaven; she replied that Yeshua was in her heart! The team member prayed with her and they rejoiced together.
There was an encounter with two gentlemen in a car, one Jewish the other of a Christian Orthodox faith. The gospel was shared with them but they did not take the bible but received the literature instead.
An Iranian man nearby was asked if he was involved in any way with the Jewish community and said he was. With gratitude, he took the gift set to give to one of his Jewish friends.
A Jewish woman, “N” received a set in English but returned it saying she could not take it to her family. She was sad but did receive our about the Messiah. To our surprise she said she knew about Yeshua. She shared that at some particular time in her life, she needed comfort and reading about Him gave her that calm. She was encouraged to go online and onto our website for further teaching.
Lastly a man covered in tattoos was approached and he said that he was Christian and did not need the literature, but we were led to ask him when he became a believer in Jesus. He pulled up his sleeve and showed us a large tattoo with the name JESUS written on his shoulder. He had received Jesus hours before a serious surgery for bowel obstruction. He said he went online and typed in Search for Jesus and was led there to pray the salvation prayer. The doctors did not give him a good chance for recovery but he did, and he healed very quickly. His faith grew that day and has been following Jesus since. He also said that he wanted to visit the congregation. What a day that will be! Please pray for him in his continued walk with the Lord.
A familiar car was in the parking lot and because of a previous conversation we had with this person, they were again offered the Brit Chadashah in French. The woman accepted this and was thankful asking for the team member to pray for her health. At the end a Jewish lady was approached and taking the Isaiah 53 leaflet was told that the Messiah had come and will be coming back.
Wednesday, April 13th
30 pamphlets, 5 gift sets, 1 Hebrew Bible, 1 Hebrew Brit Chadashah were given
The Lord provided an umbrella of sunshine sandwiched in between 2 rainy periods for this day of outreach.
A set was offered to a man and as he took it from us we realized that it was in Russian but that was in fact the language he wanted to have it in. The Lord showed this man that He walked before the team member and was watching over them, and how everything worked together with him receiving the bible in his maternal tongue. He was very grateful!
A blind woman accompanied by someone said that she had already received the Passover pamphlet. Wisely, the team member asked if she had read it and as the woman said no to her, she was offered the Isaiah 53 leaflet also. As they read together, she was told that she could read about the first sin in Leviticus and how the blood offering sprinkled on the altar was for atonement but that it was not sufficient and that the Messiah had come. It would be His blood that was given once and for all. The woman took a bible for herself and a gift set for her cousin and gave her phone number as she wanted to have a visit from the team. Please pray for “C”.
A Russian set was given to a Ukrainian man “A” who had lived many years in Israel close to Gaza and was familiar with the uncertainty there. He believed that Antisemitism would arise and was asked to read the Isaiah 53 leaflet. Reading it he said, “This is Jesus”. The team member said that they believed it was the Messiah as spoken of in the Scriptures (Isaiah 9:6 and Micah 5:2) and that Yeshua is the Messiah. He was asked if he believed this Servant was the Messiah and he said yes, he believed it. They asked if he wanted to know Yeshua and have a relationship with Him and he said yes, and so together they prayed the prayer to receive Yeshua. He was then told that he was a child of God and could speak to Yeshua at any time and ask for forgiveness and that he could not lose his salvation. He hugged the ladies and was directed to the website where he could listen to the teachings in Russian. God is amazing!
Friday, April 15th
39 English and 10 French pamphlets, and 5 gift sets were given out
One set was given to a Russian man along with the Isaiah 53 leaflet. They spoke to him about redemption and reconciliation being given by grace through faith. He was grateful for the conversation.
Another man received a set and being grateful said, “Only for me?” He was told no, that they had many sets to offer that day. He was so happy to receive the gift.
Then a set was given to a man who already had the pamphlet on Antisemitism. He wanted to share about the problems he was going through so while they listened, they assured him that God was listening and that He wanted to have a relationship with this gentleman.
Monday, April 18th
50 pamphlets, 5 sets and 3 bibles were given out
A man named “W” said that he believed in spiritual things as he was handed the Passover pamphlet and said that the evil was increasing in the world. He opened up that he was grieving over the loss of his mother and dog and said that he realized the world was not what God wanted it to be. He said that if God existed the enemies of God existed also. This man was contemplative and as he was offered to accept Yeshua he consented and so listened and agreed with the prayer of salvation. He was offered a bible and at that moment his friend arrived and wanted a bible also.
A Passover pamphlet was offered to a Jewish man and as they read the story to him he stopped them to ask if they were part of Jews for Jesus. He was assured that they were not but belonged to the Beth Ariel Congregation. Interestingly, he then spoke of Mary and Joseph and of Yeshua as being Jewish, to which the team agreed and told him that Yeshua loved him. He was shown the website contact information.
A lady took a set for her Jewish sister and a Jewish man soon after that received a French set and then took another set in English for his daughter.
A man was approached as he was taking his groceries to his car. He stopped willingly and putting down his groceries began to tell his story as he was offered the pamphlet. He was a man in his sixties and was brought up in a Jewish home all his life, going to Hebrew school and doing his Bar Mitzvah. It was at the age of 35 when he learned that he was adopted by a Jewish family. He was actually born to Irish parents (Catholics) but did not have any information about his family. It was clear he was very broken. He went on to become an investigative police officer for crime scenes and seeing so much evil, he decided that there was no heaven or God. I (one of the team members) tried to tell him that my experience was the opposite and that, being in the nursing field, in my job I was able to lead many to a relationship with Yeshua and that I had held many in my arms while they rejoiced knowing they were going to heaven. He negatively replied that it only made them feel good. I then told him that God loved him and wanted to have a relationship with him but he broke down at that point and wanted to leave. Pray for him because this hurt of being sold (adopted) runs deep in his heart and only Yeshua can take this away.
Finally, a French bible was given to a man who expressed that Jesus was God. We shared with him that Yeshua is alive today and wants a relationship with him. He listened intently and was thankful for the conversation.